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Soul of Stray Demon
6 posters

    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.


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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:51 am

    SpecterOranges wrote:Usually this riddle has the tribesman from one of the paths and you're trying to get to the truth path. You ask them what path they're from. If they're from liar tribe they'll point you to the true path because they can't tell the truth about being from liar village. If they're from truth village they'll tell the truth and point you to truth village.
    Strange, I've never heard anyone put it like that before. At any rate, that's not the answer in this case.


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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:12 am

    Shakie666 wrote:Ok then (you've probably heard it before anyway):

    You are in a foreign country, and you are walking down a road until you come to a crossroads. Only one of the branches takes you where you want to go, so you decide to ask a local person which way to go.

    Unfortunately, the country is inhabited by precisely two (rather curious) tribes: members of the first tribe always tell the truth, while members of the second tribe always lie. Even worse, you don't know which tribe the local person belongs to. What one question can you ask to be certain of which branch is the correct one?

    EDIT: If you do get this, then I know another one that's similar, but WAY harder happy
    You ask them what the OTHER tribesman would say.
    The liar would point you to the direction you don't want to take, because he's lying about the truth.
    The truthful one would state exactly what the lying one would say, and also points to the direction you don't want to take.

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:11 pm

    WaffleGuy wrote:
    Shakie666 wrote:Ok then (you've probably heard it before anyway):

    You are in a foreign country, and you are walking down a road until you come to a crossroads. Only one of the branches takes you where you want to go, so you decide to ask a local person which way to go.

    Unfortunately, the country is inhabited by precisely two (rather curious) tribes: members of the first tribe always tell the truth, while members of the second tribe always lie. Even worse, you don't know which tribe the local person belongs to. What one question can you ask to be certain of which branch is the correct one?

    EDIT: If you do get this, then I know another one that's similar, but WAY harder happy
    You ask them what the OTHER tribesman would say.
    The liar would point you to the direction you don't want to take, because he's lying about the truth.
    The truthful one would state exactly what  the lying one would say, and also points to the direction you don't want to take.
    Correct. See I knew you'd heard it before.

    Although, I've never liked that particular answer, mainly because it relies on their being another tribe to refer to. I prefer 'If I were to ask you if this path is the right one, would you say yes?' Alternatively, to avoid the messiness involved with having a question within a question, you could say 'Of the two statements "You are a liar" and "this path is the correct one", is one and only one of them true?'. I'll leave you to verify the logic on that one.

    Well, I promised you a really hard one if you got that, so here it is:

    Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which.

    Just to clarify:
    It could be that some god gets asked more than one question (and hence that some god is not asked any question at all).

    What the second question is, and to which god it is put, may depend on the answer to the first question. (And of course similarly for the third question.)

    Whether Random speaks truly or not should be thought of as depending on the flip of a coin hidden in his brain: if the coin comes down heads, he says da; if tails, he says ja.

    Have fun happy

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by SpecterOranges Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:38 pm

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:06 pm

    Take the link down please, you're spoiling it for everyone else.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:58 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:Take the link down please, you're spoiling it for everyone else.
    Actually I did ask for original riddles, or at the very least ones that you can't google search the answer..


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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:38 pm

    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:
    Shakie666 wrote:Take the link down please, you're spoiling it for everyone else.
    Actually I did ask for original riddles, or at the very least ones that you can't google search the answer..

    Sorry. However, i'm terrible at solving riddles, never mind creating them myself. I thought that what I had posted was sufficiently obscure that people wouldn't think to try googling it. Clearly I was wrong. I wasn't trying to cheat or anything, I just wanted to post something that people might not necessarily know about and that might provide a few minutes of amusement.

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by SpecterOranges Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:44 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:
    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:
    Shakie666 wrote:Take the link down please, you're spoiling it for everyone else.
    Actually I did ask for original riddles, or at the very least ones that you can't google search the answer..

    Sorry. However, i'm terrible at solving riddles, never mind creating them myself. I thought that what I had posted was sufficiently obscure that people wouldn't think to try googling it. Clearly I was wrong. I wasn't trying to cheat or anything, I just wanted to post something that people might not necessarily know about and that might provide a few minutes of amusement.
    If you have to write a thesis paper about it to solve it then it's probably not going to be particularly amusing.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:49 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:
    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:
    Shakie666 wrote:Take the link down please, you're spoiling it for everyone else.
    Actually I did ask for original riddles, or at the very least ones that you can't google search the answer..

    Sorry. However, i'm terrible at solving riddles, never mind creating them myself. I thought that what I had posted was sufficiently obscure that people wouldn't think to try googling it. Clearly I was wrong. I wasn't trying to cheat or anything, I just wanted to post something that people might not necessarily know about and that might provide a few minutes of amusement.

    I put the rule in place in order to create some fun thinking and such, instead of just having people look it up and answer it. You can take a riddle you find online, but I would prefer if you changed it a little so it can't be searched that easily.

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:20 pm

    Well, I guess I could try thinking of my own riddle (just don't expect it to be a challenge).
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:40 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:Well, I guess I could try thinking of my own riddle (just don't expect it to be a challenge).
    That's fine. It's quite alright if it's easy.

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    Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Riddle Thread, formally known as Vague Thread.

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