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    Knight's honor help PS3


    Posts : 335
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    Join date : 2012-05-18
    Location : Heading through The Giant's Forrest which on the other side lies The Cave of No Return which holds The Armor of Invincibility...

    Knight's honor help PS3 Empty Knight's honor help PS3

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:26 pm

    I'm trying to get knight's honor and the only thing left  I need is Arties shield. I would be willing to trade humanities slabs pretty much anything I have. Another option is if someone has it and they would let me hold it for a bit to get the trophy or someone can help me beat the four kings (they  keep kicking my butt) and I can try and get it next play through. the order I have the options are my preference but honestly if I get any help I'd be stoked.

    PSN: kronestus


    Ps: if you can help put RSS signs by Ricard in new londo

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