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    CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight


    Posts : 11
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2013-09-13

    CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight Empty CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight

    Post by elfmirfkin Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:01 pm

    Friday November 1st 18:00 GMT (10:00 am pst) & 6:00pm pst (9:00pm est)

    In Front of the Undead Parish where the Fang Boar is. Which side will you choose? This is a 2vs2 event. SL100-130

    CHAOS SERVANTS: Invade the parish using cracked orbs or other means. You do not need to be in the Chaos Servants covenant but you need to be infected with egghead in either of its two forms. It is your job to eliminate the Sunbros. Invade and wait for a partner if you wish.

    SUNBROS: Defend the parish from the invading Chaos Servants. You must wear Sunlight Maggot. Summon another sunbro to help you if you wish. It is recommended that you are in the Warriors of Sunlight covenant so you will be gold but is not required. Host in the parish or leave white/gold summon sign.

    FIGHT RULES: You must have the appropriate head adornment to show which side you are on. No healing during fight and no TWoP. Everything else allowed.

    CHAT RULES: No salt, rudeness, name-calling, whining, crying or complaining. This will be a new chat, "Covenant Wars"

    Send a friend request or message to: elfmirfkin For invite to the chat. You do not need to be in the chat to participate. If my friend list is full, send request to: Mightybeefcake

    If you need cracked orbs, humanity, sunlight medals or anything else, let me know and I'll give you a full stack as long as you promise to share:)

    Hope to see you all there!
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Join date : 2012-07-22
    Location : New Londo Ruins, Illinois: Living in Tart's torture chamber

    CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight Empty Re: CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight

    Post by GrinTwist Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:34 am

    Eh, I think I'm busy on the first. Probably won't even be able to make a SL 100 build or anything close to that in time for the event.

    Posts : 718
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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 49
    Location : Dark EngeLando!

    CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight Empty Re: CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight

    Post by Halicarnassis Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:00 pm

    I've just made a Chaos Servant toon! SL110 at the moment.

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    CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight Empty Re: CovenantWars: ChaosServants vs. Warriorsof Sunlight

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