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Forum Pirate
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    how bad is the astora sword


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    how bad is the astora sword Empty how bad is the astora sword

    Post by homelessguy Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:25 am

    hi I have heard this sword is terrible and weaker than a short sword when both are fully upgraded but is it that bad that someone who wields the blade is at a disadvantage in pvp ??

    main reason for asking this is I like sword's but hate how the long sword and bss look and the Astora ss looks cool

    I would say I am pretty good at dark souls pvp not to brag but I mostly lose when someone is using a cheap tactic or it very close honourable fight but beside that 3/4 of the time I win.

    so could I make a build around this sword and still be viable enough to do well in pvp
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:32 am

    1) its a greatsword, not a longsword. Assuming you mean the Greatsword of Artorias.

    2) God awful unless you have 40 in every damage stat, and even then a buffed claymore is much stronger.

    3)If you mean the sunlight straightsword, its just always crap.

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:37 am

    It's got really poor scaling with C,C,-,C, its like the drake sword in that early it's on pretty decent. But once your levels go up, it comes nowhere near a divine or occult straight sword or bss plus add in that i can't be buffed. The split damage doesn't help it either. The AR will hurt you more and more as you progress to higher levels in pvp.
    Uuumm it's a straight sword, definately not a great.'s+Straight+Sword
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by RANT Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:46 am

    It really kinda sucks, it's way better for lower levels. The higher you level up the worse it becomes compared to +15 weapons or elemental weapons. Try the broad sword, it looks awesome and stunlocks like a best.
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:49 am

    AnCapaillMor wrote:It's got really poor scaling with C,C,-,C, its like the drake sword in that early it's on pretty decent. But once your levels go up, it comes nowhere near a divine or occult straight sword or bss plus add in that i can't be buffed. The split damage doesn't help it either. The AR will hurt you more and more as you progress to higher levels in pvp.
    Uuumm it's a straight sword, definately not a great.'s+Straight+Sword
    Oh right. Forgot that was real. Should tell you how good it is, I couldn't even be bothered to remember it.

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:48 am

    At 99 str/dex/faith, Astora's still has lower total AR than a longsword. And that's not even taking the split damage into account. It's terrible.
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:33 am

    It's the worst. PvE 

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Sneezer Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:38 pm

    I think the fact that ForumPirate didn't remember it existed tells you how bad it is.

    Just a note; Oscar of Astora in the asylum gets a +7 Astora's Straight Sword which is impossible to obtain by any player. The devs gave it to him so that the fight in the asylum wouldn't be too easy. (It's still easy anyway.)

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by steveswede Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:56 pm

    Yep it's one of the worst weapons in the game. It's shocking that a +10 divine long sword out classes it in every way and you don't even need to invest anything into faith to use it.

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:07 am

    It's crappiness makes sense though, you can get it 5 mins into the game and can bump it up to +4 fairly quickly too. If it had the level of a divine +10 weapon everyone you'd bump into would be using it early on.

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by robsthedon Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:36 am

    I've been vading the forest with Astora's SS +4 with a sl16 cleric, I figured it would be better than a +5 long sword. It's pretty weak but got me enough large shards to make a +10 long sword happy

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Graelaoch Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:46 am

    I have ever only used it on a faith build, grabbed it to kill the Quellog lady, farm some green shards and such, then go kill pinwheel and make something fire to use instead. only useful for about 30 minutes tops.
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Dibsville Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:27 pm

    To answer the OP's question, it's really bad.
    It's only good for early-game when you don't have access to upgrading your weapons. It has extra holy damage, but due to the way damage works, the damage bonus is negligible and only works on undead monsters anyway.
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:02 pm

    as all the others here have stated it sucks, its only notable benefit is that it has slightly a higher divine modifier than weapons made divine via weapon upgrade, but this modifier only affects skeletons and has no bearing on pvp...

    your best alternatives (since you don't like the long and balder swords) are:
    the broadsword
    the sunlight straight sword(a bit too clunky looking for my taste)
    the dark sword (unique r2's are fun but it is heavier than most swords)
    the short sword the longswords underated cousin, not too bad if you need to hit a weight req.
    oh and the drake sword which gets 300 pure physical damage at +5, which out classes the A.S.S (astoran straight sword)due to the A.S.S's split damage, plus the drake sword gives defense bonuses and has a long range force wave attack.

    Wow i never noticed before that the astoran straight swords acronym was the same as its level of usefulness
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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Rynn Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:21 pm

    That sword is so bad that the NPC's that use it use an illegitlimate version that has higher damage.
    That sword is so bad I once used a hacked +15 version in PvP and noone could actually tell I was using a hack weapon.
    That sword is so bad that Astorians hid it near a dragon so noone would ever use it.

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    how bad is the astora sword Empty Re: how bad is the astora sword

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:39 am

    Rynn wrote:That sword is so bad that the NPC's that use it use an illegitlimate version that has higher damage.
    That sword is so bad I once used a hacked +15 version in PvP and noone could actually tell I was using a hack weapon.
    That sword is so bad that Astorians hid it near a dragon so noone would ever use it.
    I lol'ed

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