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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?


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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by MosquitoPower Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:21 am

    I know its about as fun as falling down a flight of stares, but every once in a while I swing by to see if its possible to get a 1v1 match at the BattleArena in the DLC... and it NEVER works.
    I see the red rings from other fools like myself testing it out also... but the match never starts.

    While working on another project I just left the game running with me standing on the host box.
    One hour, no mach, on a Saturday.

    Makes me wonder if the arena still works.
    Does it?

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by Xero Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:34 am

    Well what level are you?

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by MosquitoPower Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:40 am

    Lev 10, 50 and 120.

    I have tried the 1-50, and the 101-200 zone mostly.

    Thought that being 125 was sort of the main game's PVP zone that the 101-200 would be the "hot spot".
    Guess not =P

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:55 am

    MosquitoPower wrote:125 was sort of the main game's PVP zone
    that's only correct for demons souls. thanks to scaling stats capping 10lvl earlier and the ring of favor and protection that literally just gives you 20lvl for free (10vit and 10end) a dark souls char is capable much earlier and imo only the laziest/greediest players still level to 125 for PvP.
    lvl100 is where it's at!

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by Xero Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:29 am

    You just called 75% of the playerbase greedy and lazy. But yeah 99 would probably be best for the arena.

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:07 pm

    if greedy and lazy is the worst that the low end of 75% of the playerbase gets called they are getting away pretty easy, no?
    on a serious note: there has been a mayor shift to lvl99/100 since the release of the DLC.
    (and there are really only a few concepts that "need" a higher lvl than 100 f.e. full scaling quality weapon with a major buff/good spell support; full scaling heavy weapon with 76poise, fast roll and 1700+ hp. and the need for those are all contributed to an unwillingness to compromise... or as i put it: laziness and greed.)

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:27 pm

    It depends on what build you are making. A dex cookie cutter build will be fine at SL 100, but if you're making an abyss greatsword build, you need SL 120. This is the case with a lot of other builds, too. I prefer SL 120 because it gives you more room for build diversity. Also one of my main gripes with dark souls PvP is lethality, I feel like attacks do too much damage. This problem is worse at SL 100 pvp as people usually have less HP.

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    Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?  Empty Re: Is the DLC Battle Arena bugged?

    Post by MosquitoPower Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:28 pm

    Thanks for the responses, I have a lev 90 somthing on a friends account and noticed that there seemed to be a lot of summons for co-op and invaders.

    It makes sense that pre 100 would be the zone for the Arena also. 

    Waaaaay back when the DLC arena was brand new and there were a ton of people there my 125 would always get pounded down in the 101-200 bracket by level 200 guys.

    Im with you CaligoIllioneus on the damage output situation. I have always been horrible at PVP... and its even harder to learn when it takes a long time to find a mach (be it ARENA or main game) and its over in one hit.

    That is why the Arena seemed like a good idea in a wired way:
    "Even if its just the player getting killed 40 times in 2 minuets, its still 2 minuets of combat experience.

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