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    Praise the Sun(bros)!


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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:36 pm

    Ah, hello! You don't look Hollow, far from it! Perhaps, then, you'd be interested in discussing the great covenant of the Warriors of Sunlight!

    The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. In a forum brimming with Posters, could that really be mere chance? So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely message board, and discuss all the ways we can advance this most glorious and golden of covenants.

    Of course, we are not the only ones engaged in this. But I am a warrior of the sun! Spot my covenant thread by its brilliant aura and faint odor of whiskey. If you miss it, you must be blind! Hah hah hah!

    Praise the Sun(bros)! Tumblr_lt9zrgf2jT1qe9bi5o1_400

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by callipygias Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:00 pm

    I am indeed fortunate to have found such a brave forum member as you. I will stay behind and gaze at the thread.

    And if I might offer a little advice: Don't stand directly beneath the Gaping Dragon's head because, you see, he slams it down upon thee often.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:30 pm


    Here is another idea for those bridging the gaps between worlds: you will appear in exactly the same orientation as that when you placed your summoning sign! To reduce the risk of being backstabbed immediately should you appear in a world already inhabited by a darkwraith or other enemy, always place your back to a wall before placing your summoning sign. To back up against the wall as far as you can go, stand against it and then do an additional roll backwards before placing your sign. This small detail, combined with having an area of effect miracle such as WotG ready to go immediately upon arrival can greatly extend your jolly cooperation!

    Hah hah hah!
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:00 pm

    if in a party of three in the depths it is advisable to stay outside of the boss room and rain arrows down upon the dragons head, thus drawing its attention and keeping your companions out of harms way further prolonging Jolly cooperation! (only do this if you've got a good bow or hawk ring)

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:03 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:if in a party of three in the depths it is advisable to stay outside of the boss room and rain arrows down upon the dragons head, thus drawing its attention and keeping your companions out of harms way further prolonging Jolly cooperation! (only do this if you've got a good bow or hawk ring)

    This can also be a great way to protect our lord and patron Solaire, if he is summoned. Praise the Sun!

    Another issue is the use of lightning spears. Given their effectiveness against nearly every boss with the possible exception of S&O, I always have at least Faith 20 for my sunbros. Is a non-faith sunbro still a sunbro? This is a delicate question indeed.
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:51 pm

    Yes, No...God damnit.

    Let me try again, Yes, Yes.


    I do dabble as a sunbro from time to time when I'm not hunting or GL'ing these days.

    A bit of advice with Ornstein and Smough. It is dandy to have all three of you nuking the proper boss, however it is also great to have one person leading either O or S away. If there are three Phantoms, sometimes Two I make it a point to go after Smough who takes a bit of time to get there. However I do not hit him, if I see S's life going down I'm going to assume he's the target and drag Smough away and keep him occupied, if the host switch to hit Smough I'll change to O to drag him away and insure the host or the other phantom are not being hit by stray attacks from behind. As well against Super S or O I find it useful to carry a heal, so your host does not ever have to use a flask, this goes for Co-Op in general. Either through humanity or a miracle I will stand behind a pillar gaining attention while healing, then return to the fight. As well if I can see the host is bad at dodging the grapple I will intentionally eat it so they do not take the damage. Usually I wear very upgraded armor, so it doesn't effect me too much unless on NG+.

    Hope this helps, Praise the Sun

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by callipygias Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:12 pm

    My lovely new sorceress is a Sunbroad. She is a companion to those who seek to kill kings, and she recommends ferocious melee attacks upon the back of any king sucking humanity from her hostess, for it causes the king to turn to her, allowing her hostess precious seconds to heal.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:40 pm

    callipygias wrote:My lovely new sorceress is a Sunbroad. She is a companion to those who seek to kill kings, and she recommends ferocious melee attacks upon the back of any king sucking humanity from her hostess, for it causes the king to turn to her, allowing her hostess precious seconds to heal.

    There is little more glorious than Warriors of Sunlight bringing the light into the eternal Abyss. Alas, my fear of the darkness and also those weird, big toothed serpent things down there usually keeps me elsewhere. I also fear that by aiding those defeating the 4 Kings, I may be using my powers of jolly cooperation to instead create new generations of darkwraiths. It's a pickle.

    That's said, what bosses are the most honorable for jolly coop? Solaire's possible presence for some is a good hint, but here's my ranking:

    5) Gaping dragon (just a lot of fun with 3 people, plus eats a lot of lightning spears)

    4) S&O (everyone needs help, and they are a challenge at NG+ and beyond)

    3) Queelag (extremely fun fight and easy summons)

    2) Seath (big easy target, plus help getting the MGS is always appreciated by hosts)

    1) Bell gargoyles (many legitimately new players struggle with these, and the fight itself takes place with an awesome view of the sun!)

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by WarriorOfSunlight Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:17 pm

    If I didn't know better, I'd think this thread had feelings for me!
    Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn't hear that!
    Hah hah hah!
    Praise the Sun

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:04 pm

    I've also taken to using a Solaire build, using his equipment that was of course donated to me and not obtained by violence in any way whatsoever that you could prove beyond a preponderance of the evidence in a court of law. It is truly glorious. The summoning rates are unbelievable, the jolly-ness of the cooperation goes to 11 or even 11.5, and almost all of the sls are in Vit making him the tankiest tank that ever tanked. You'll sometimes even get invaders confused for a few seconds when they try to figure out if you are the real deal or not. And I am, even if I'm not.

    Praise the Sun(bros)! 2905764326
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:07 pm

    Typically I try to go with any sort of Knight's armor when going for summons. With some players they might not realize it, but I +9 my Elite Knight, Knight, Cleric, and Iron sets haha. And that is a fun trick, I do it sometimes. You attack very sluggishly, make sure you don't have DWGR, and throw a few spears. They think, "Oh, obviously Solaire." And once their guard is down you suddenly destroy them. big grin

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:29 pm

    That's a good point, Solaire often sorta chugs along at what I'll call medium encumbrance, which can be a little tricky to mimic if you have the DWGR. But candidly people just seem to like having him along; changing nothing but my gear to Solaire's increased my summon rate in the Archives last night noticeably, and the praise the suns you'd get on arrival were pretty epic.

    I also upgrade most of the knight sets to +9, and am a big fan of the cleric set now. It has great stats and looks great on slim and very slim builds particularly. Working to +10 all of it. Curious to see if any of the WoW NPCs have a different reaction if you are wearing full cleric's set (that one knight makes that suspicious remark about you being ragged, plus prior to bb you wouldn't have it to start their quests until NG+).

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:51 pm

    So I had an awkward sunbro experience last night in Blighttown. I was cooping on my sl35, and was summoned by the bonfire. After summoning me, the host then turns and apparently hits a red sign, as I get a "summoning dark spirit" message. The host blithely turns around and heads up the ramp for the dragon scale chest while I stand there wondering if I should try to pm him something or just wait for the hilariousness to start. I honestly can't tell if he did this on purpose for farming or something (I've never seen a RSS down there) or because he was a noob and didn't realize red ones are dangerous. Anyway, while I debate this the darkwraith shows up and seems equally baffled by me just standing there by myself. The host finally comes running back down the ramp, and because he didn't see the darkwraith summon maybe he thinks the guy just invaded normally? Who knows.

    Anyway, the host then starts hiding behind me as I try to walk back and forth to free up space for them in case he wanted to duel fairly. Finally the dw has had enough of this spectacle and goes straight at the host, triggering my protective instinct and resulting in a BS death. At that point, the host then just takes off for Queelag and we do the run normally. I still can't tell if I did the right thing or if I am now a ganking d-bag.
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:53 pm

    Befowler, he wanted to do the boss run, so in my opinion is fine.

    Long as the host gets to where he wants to go. Thats our job as sunbros to clear the path cheers
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by cloudyeki Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:04 pm

    While I've yet to make a sunlight build, I'm always gracious to my sunbro friends, and make it a point to donate the medals I have.
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:42 pm

    Befowler I'm a hunter, Dark Wraith, and Darkmoon, I can honestly say I wouldn't fault you for your action. My view is if you are doing PvE and going for the boss, I have no issue with you ganging up on me. If you are waiting around for PvP to intentionally gang up then I have a problem. But at that moment, you were just doing your job as a summon. Keeping the host alive. Ganking and providing protection are a situational thing, and as an invader it can be hard to tell the difference but usually I notice. Don't feel bad.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:30 pm

    Thanks guys. Nice to get a sense I wasn't too far to the dark side yet. I guess I'm oversensitive to sunbro malfeasance due to all them I run into that are farming in the forest. I don't consider them "real" sunbros and -- at best -- hope they just pick the covenant because they think they'll get summoned more easily rather than actually acting as sunbros.
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:34 pm

    Actually it is a farmer tactic, if you drop a golden sign in the forest that lets others know, "I'm game for farming." I've test this while summoning people as well as seeing farmers talk about it. If I summon a sunbro in the forest 19/20 times if I go for Sif they will just crystal out. Some white summons do still, but mostly the sunbros there are just for farming.

    By the way I'm levelling a new strictly Sunbro toon, where do you think I should offer my services, a sunbro for NG+ at 120, or should I stick to reg O&S or something?
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:40 pm

    Oh my god yes.......I see soooo many more phantoms decked out in gold than white. Last night I was scanning for a phantom and ran right up to a guy thinking it was the host and almost got my head taken off because it was a white phantom. I got so used to seeing SunBron'ts (copyright pending) that I spaced and assumed if it wasn't gold, red or blue it had to be a host.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by nsane32 Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:00 pm

    I have a character with high faith sunbro with the sunlight sword great spears knight chest max and the rest elite knight max I love helping people even get to use my aoe healing spell and as for the forest if im summoned by a farmer ill only help them if their are 2 invaders

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:36 pm

    Hey befowler I did a God of War build idea if you ever feel like cosplaying! It's on the PvP section.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:00 pm

    Sweet, I will check out your build. And yes, I love Knight style gear for my sunbros, not to disparage some of the great sunbro mages I've seen, but the covenant just seems perfect for the whole elite knight / reg. knight set, and paladin of course. One of my currents uses havel gauntlets / leggings and chainmail +10 - it looks surprisingly awesome and gives you good poise. My sl35 in blight town has paladins plus the royal helm - it looks glorious as a golden summon and I often get joyous jumps from other phantoms when I appear.

    I wish there were a way to get AoE healing but isn't that Princess Guard only?
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:09 pm

    Just the P Guards sadly, frankly I think that cov should be removed from the game, I've never even seen a member.

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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by befowler Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:53 am

    Yeah there were rumors of Princess Guards in the forest using mass heal to help fellow farmers, but to me it was like a unicorn sighting heh. A mass heal spell -- or even aura -- for the sunbros would be great. Talk about grossly incandescent
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    Praise the Sun(bros)! Empty Re: Praise the Sun(bros)!

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:38 pm

    AoE replenishment that heals allies near to you, awesome. :shock:

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