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    Some questions


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    Some questions Empty Some questions

    Post by Skinless Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:04 pm

    1. how does a ng+ affect multiplayer?
    2. I am trying to make a dext build, currently +14 uchi and iaito (SL35) but I stand NO chanse against lightning or fire using guys?? they just kill me in a few hits and I hit for like 100... so umm what am I doing wrong? shouls I try leveling more or what?
    3. If I kill a boss in a area does it make ores drop less? (feels like that to mee...)
    4. WHAT is the corect level difference?? I tought it was +-10SL AND on top of that 10% ( if 50lv range would be 35-75)
    5. are armors somehow unnecessary?? usually when I invade someone who owns me with ele weps they are half naked or wears robes etc even if they use meelee
    6.Why does my dark hand steal humanity only sometimes in pvp if I get lucky and hit with it? (usually it hits but still does not grab?)
    7. What is so fun/nice in killing a boss in a few secs? Its really annoying when I need little help with bosses and summon someone who just runs straight to the boss killing everything in one hit and slaying the boss before I even see it :p lol (well almost like that...)

    Thanks in advance Some questions 639795459

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:15 pm

    1. It has no effect on multiplayer at all.

    2. A +14 weapon scales with your stats so leveling will increase damage, but to stand a chance against elemental weapons I'd suggest investing 30-40 int/fth and use a weapon buff.

    3. Not sure. I doubt it because your drop rate should be based off of your drop rate stat.

    4. I'm unsure, +-10% seems to be the general consensus, but I've also heard other theories like yours.

    5. Yes and no. Wearing armor you ideally sacrifice speed for protection. The main stat that helps is poise. Many of the people you see half naked are probably wearing leggings and gauntlets that will provide high poise.

    6. I wouldn't know, I've landed the dark hand special attack once in pvp. Its got a weird hitbox and its slow as hell.

    7. Nothing. It ruins the game.

    My recommendation for you is to just level. When you get to sl 80 your build will really start to shine.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by Skinless Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:34 pm

    Hey thanks! I tought that if I go to ng+ I could only multiplay with others from ng+!

    Oh and about 1h ago I actually landed the dark hand attack a few times, pretty cool when It steals humanity! Too bad it does no damage and it looks kinda *** on male opponents... 🇳🇴

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:39 pm

    Bahahahahahahahaha. That it does. I mainly use it to farm humanity off of npc's if I'm low, other than that its a half decent shield.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by WerehoundXX Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:22 pm

    Yeah the dark hand has a small hitbox. You can do it on some npcs also

    At a low lvl like that elemental weapons are more effective because they dont scale with stats. So fight fire with fire.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:24 pm

    I keep a lightning claymore +5 for grievers. My sl 35 build currently stands no chance against a dude with a lightning katana, good poise and the dwgr.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by WerehoundXX Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:32 pm

    Try using a spear in your off hand to pressure them.

    Poke and dodge and punish with main hand when they try to get around the spear

    Demon spear is ideal

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by Yarxov Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:06 am

    My sl25 can't take any hits, my tactic for invaders (primarily DMs) is to put on the Ring of Fog and Hornets, wait for them to run past and whack them with my Chaos Warpick :3
    With only 17 vitality a Lightning claymore nearly OHKs me.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:29 am

    I never level vit until sl 50 or 60, so I'm usually stuck at 10 or so until my build has its str/dex/att sorted out. Needless to say most low level invaders get the best of me.
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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by RANT Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:02 am

    ErrJon6661 wrote:I never level vit until sl 50 or 60, so I'm usually stuck at 10 or so until my build has its str/dex/att sorted out. Needless to say most low level invaders get the best of me.

    i do the same thing, i level up my faith first, its a good idea to keep an elemetal weapon in hand in case you get invaded.

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