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    Dragon Form Bonuses?


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    Dragon Form Bonuses? Empty Dragon Form Bonuses?

    Post by ChizFreak Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:11 pm

    Dragon form increases your unarmed damage, but does increase your fist weapon damage (caestus, claw)? Also while in dragon you can't use any armor, but can you use shields? Also dragon form increases phys defense in some way? If you have no armor and no phys def increase then it's easy to be 1-shotted by almost any player. Other questions: How much damage does the dragon head stone at Cov rank +2? I read that the head increases fire power, so pyromancies do more damage with the head? And fire weapons? Thanks for reading.
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    Dragon Form Bonuses? Empty Re: Dragon Form Bonuses?

    Post by Carphil Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:18 pm

    There are threads on the old forums that explains how you can get phisical defense to scale with humanity, you can use shields don't worry about that.

    I can't tell you exacly how much the fire breath damage, but I can say it does decent damage and works better on PVE if you need sort of fire damage and don't have pyromancy/fire bombs. It is not recomended for PVP because it drains your stamina as long as you use, and I don't know if it can stag.

    In the full form you can use the torso stone to do a "dragon roar", it drains some of your stamina but it recovers quicly. Is very similar to the Force miracle as it drains the enemy stamina as well gives you a nice damage boost for 6 or 7 seconds.

    Don't know for sure, but I believe the fire damage does affect pyromancy
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    Dragon Form Bonuses? Empty Re: Dragon Form Bonuses?

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:59 am

    - Dragon form only increases your unarmed fists damage.

    - The Roar you can perform by using the torso stone while in dragon form will buff all attacks for 5 seconds. But it will drain most of your stamina and leave you enough for just 1 attack. (Very annoying since after the attack you don't have any stamina left to roll away, let alone finish them off if it would only have taken 2 hits. Also: by the time your stamina is back and you're in position to strike again, the buff has worn off already.)

    - Yes, you can use shields.

    - No, it does not increase defense in any way (it's like being naked... which you are!). But more importantly it gives NO POISE.

    - I haven't really used the head stone, so this is the only thing I'm not certain about, but I'm pretty sure the head stone doesn't deal more damage when you rank up, but it uses up less stamina so you can use it for longer.

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