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    Build advice please


    Posts : 94
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    Build advice please Empty Build advice please

    Post by Langoulk Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:59 pm

    So this is my current build stat allocation at SL 63

    Vit: 24
    Att: 8
    End: 30
    Str: 36
    Dex: 18
    Int: 8
    (left out faith/res. because I don't plan to put points in there)

    My idea for this build was a basic str build with 40/40 vit/end.

    But I used to love enchant weapon from DES and would like to do something similar to that on this character with one of the magic enhancing spells.

    My question is simply this. Would it be a good idea to go for the enchant weapon? I would of course put bare minimum into int. which would be 15 for greater. And just leave my att. at 8 since it only requires 1 slot (right?).
    Or would it be better to just put the rest of my points into vit/end/str?

    (The reason for 18 dex was to use the black knight greatsword/great axe/halberd because I LOVE THOSE WEAPONS. DON'T DISS EM'!) lol...

    Thanks for your time!
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by RANT Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:22 pm

    i dont think gmw would add that much in terms of power, youre better off farmiing resins from the shrooms in the garden, which adds 150 i think and go with vit ad end.

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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by SmittyRomps Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:31 pm

    Yeah and i dont think you can buff the bk weapons (not positive though). Best bet would be to get your vit/end/str to 40 then cram the rest into faith or int in order to use the spells youd like. Also use a weapon that scales with str and can be buffed like serpent gs or demon machete, butcher knife. With thirty faith you could use slb or dkb and i think you could pull that off if you plan on stopping at 120

    Posts : 94
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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by Langoulk Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:37 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:i dont think gmw would add that much in terms of power, youre better off farmiing resins from the shrooms in the garden, which adds 150 i think and go with vit ad end.

    Thanks, I think I will just use resins instead so I can put all the rest of my points into str/vit/end.

    Since I already have so many points invested in str and end I dont think putting points into int/faith would do anything since I plan to stop at 120, all my points would be too spread out.
    I plan to use something that can be buffed, and I would never use BKGS for pvp since it's so slow :c

    Thanks guys!
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Location : Winterfell

    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by RANT Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:43 pm

    also, make sure you stop at 40 str unless you wanna one hand a certain weapon.

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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by Langoulk Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:46 pm

    Alright sounds good. Should I leave Vit alone at 40 too or does that go higher? 40 end is also cap right?

    Also, nice signature quote. My girlfriend is in love with Pablo Neruda.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by RANT Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:52 pm

    you start getting crappy vit returns at 50, stamina stops at 40, the only reason to go higher is for the equip burden.

    Posts : 94
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    Build advice please Empty Re: Build advice please

    Post by Langoulk Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:11 pm

    Ahhh, alright, thanks for the help!

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