by User Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:23 pm
I once tried to kill this reddy in Anor Londo. It was alright at first. I had a crystal Greatsword, crystal shield, and Shotel + 10. Phantom invades after I kill Gwyndolin and start to try to kill the second gargoyle. I run back to the first walkway that connects both spiral elevators; both the automatic and Manuel.
Phantom invades with a lightning Greatsword and a black knight shield. He wears some heavy armor, possibly tarkus armor, while I wear nothing but chain leggings and sack helm. I bow at a long enough distance so he can't hit me if he us one of those; he was. Immediately he tried to hit me, and I blocked. Realized that he is another lightning weapon user... Of course
I take out my Shotel to show him punishment for such use. When he prepares to block my crystal Greatsword, I hit him with my Shotel when he tries to block. Make his health up to a tiny bar, and he runs to the gargoyle, the second one in which I was unable to kill it on time due to the phantom invasion. He runs behind it and heals. So what do I do? I charge.
As he runs behind the gargoyle, the gargoyle immediately tried to do an arieal slam. I roll and dodge, and go in front of the phantom as he uses heal miracle. I interupt with a slash with my crystal Greatsword. However it was too late, and he heals.
The gargoyle and the reddy squish between me now. I am in the middle of the second path connecting towards the Manuel spiral staircase and the citadel gate. As I am being attacked, he tries to Wrath of God me, while the gargoyle does what it always does. Dodging every gargoyle move, I use both my Shotel and Greatsword to hurt the reddy. Just the reddy. Not once had the gargoyle ever hit me, and not once did his Greatsword hit me without a shield up. Once again, I put his health close to death. What does he do in response to my awesomeness?
He runs towards the spiral staircase, and heals again. Gargoyle is blocking the damn path once again. Sprinting, I hit him while in the process of healing miracle, however I was too late yet again. ******* uses wrath of god and decreases health by a lot in one hit. For a spec of nuceous to him, I heal with Estus in response. However I get hit by his claymore once, and he almost hit me in stunlock for a final blow. I roll, and recover again. I decrease his health to 50 percent with both gargoyle and him onto me, in which he spams wrath of god once, twice, then dead.
Jerk Off.