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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered


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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by aceluby Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:39 pm

    ARSP wrote:This weekend I was trying to get summoned and I got summoned 3 times out of those three times we were invaded by what I call "parish" trolls two of them wiped me out and I got tired of it the third one had it coming I pulled out every dirty tactic in the book I healed, chain bs'd my host and I 2v1 him (together we did about 300 damage against a troll) when he popped a humanity I lost it we were near the bridge to the black smith I spammed force until I knocked him off the side. Then this D-bag had the audacity to message me calling a Slang for homosexuals saying I have no skill. I told him trolling with heavy armor takes no skill. He responded "I have more skill than you "slang for Homosexual" I said prove it you, me the kiln 1 hour. He said "Bring it" I went to the kiln in half and hour and started invading and getting invaded for about 3 hours I checked where he was turns out he was playing Darksouls. I BB'd my character and I got invaded by the same guy I killed him and I messaged back "What happened to the Kiln?" he didn't message back

    Lol, this is pretty awesome... I would have spammed that message for hours... "Still waiting, where are you?", "Kiln?", "I thought the Kiln, no?" etc...

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by cobrasno1 Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:47 pm

    ARSP wrote:This weekend I was trying to get summoned and I got summoned 3 times out of those three times we were invaded by what I call "parish" trolls two of them wiped me out and I got tired of it the third one had it coming I pulled out every dirty tactic in the book I healed, chain bs'd my host and I 2v1 him (together we did about 300 damage against a troll) when he popped a humanity I lost it we were near the bridge to the black smith I spammed force until I knocked him off the side. Then this D-bag had the audacity to message me calling a Slang for homosexuals saying I have no skill. I told him trolling with heavy armor takes no skill. He responded "I have more skill than you "slang for Homosexual" I said prove it you, me the kiln 1 hour. He said "Bring it" I went to the kiln in half and hour and started invading and getting invaded for about 3 hours I checked where he was turns out he was playing Darksouls. I BB'd my character and I got invaded by the same guy I killed him and I messaged back "What happened to the Kiln?" he didn't message back

    lol....Good, kick the crap out of those punks! I hate those kind of players.

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Rin Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:37 pm

    lol in the past month iv seen some lame thing but the lamest dude i encountered was back before the rof patch i was in the forest i gt kicked out coz the ninja dude fell down a cliff. i get in suddenly the invaded thing pops up n out of no were an invisible ninja rollin gaint pops up he starts wogging n after 5 mins he uses twop a death sentince back then im still standin after like 25 mins of rollin n then he hids behind a tree im like twop?? he uses the dragon head stone n hits me with the gitch he used poisen knifes n sprayed em like a machin gun he used well wt is it n thats the last time i saw him...

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Dalampslayer Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:38 pm

    2 come to mind. First was Anor Londo 1v1, guy bows then I bow. Normal duel, the comes the chain Bs, eventually landed a hit and a riposte. Guy flips away and uses a divine blessing, in response I use a humanity wanting to save Flasks. Round 2 starts up and returns to fishing and chaining bs. We repeat the process about 4 times, in this time frame I have used 2 flasks. This invader popped about 15the divine blessings. Almost every scratched meant to chug one down, while we danced about I switched my ring to hornet and riposted with a large club on fire. Second cheapest was last night, hacker taking no dmg or losing stamina, eventually 2 DW invaded and joined into the brawl. After watching the Forest Hunter get riposted 3 times in a row without taking dmg they realized we had to work together. We eventually kicked him off a ledge, after he killed both DW.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by User Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:23 pm


    I once tried to kill this reddy in Anor Londo. It was alright at first. I had a crystal Greatsword, crystal shield, and Shotel + 10. Phantom invades after I kill Gwyndolin and start to try to kill the second gargoyle. I run back to the first walkway that connects both spiral elevators; both the automatic and Manuel.

    Phantom invades with a lightning Greatsword and a black knight shield. He wears some heavy armor, possibly tarkus armor, while I wear nothing but chain leggings and sack helm. I bow at a long enough distance so he can't hit me if he us one of those; he was. Immediately he tried to hit me, and I blocked. Realized that he is another lightning weapon user... Of course

    I take out my Shotel to show him punishment for such use. When he prepares to block my crystal Greatsword, I hit him with my Shotel when he tries to block. Make his health up to a tiny bar, and he runs to the gargoyle, the second one in which I was unable to kill it on time due to the phantom invasion. He runs behind it and heals. So what do I do? I charge.

    As he runs behind the gargoyle, the gargoyle immediately tried to do an arieal slam. I roll and dodge, and go in front of the phantom as he uses heal miracle. I interupt with a slash with my crystal Greatsword. However it was too late, and he heals.

    The gargoyle and the reddy squish between me now. I am in the middle of the second path connecting towards the Manuel spiral staircase and the citadel gate. As I am being attacked, he tries to Wrath of God me, while the gargoyle does what it always does. Dodging every gargoyle move, I use both my Shotel and Greatsword to hurt the reddy. Just the reddy. Not once had the gargoyle ever hit me, and not once did his Greatsword hit me without a shield up. Once again, I put his health close to death. What does he do in response to my awesomeness?

    He runs towards the spiral staircase, and heals again. Gargoyle is blocking the damn path once again. Sprinting, I hit him while in the process of healing miracle, however I was too late yet again. ******* uses wrath of god and decreases health by a lot in one hit. For a spec of nuceous to him, I heal with Estus in response. However I get hit by his claymore once, and he almost hit me in stunlock for a final blow. I roll, and recover again. I decrease his health to 50 percent with both gargoyle and him onto me, in which he spams wrath of god once, twice, then dead.

    Jerk Off.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:53 pm

    My problem is rarely the fighting style. If they wanna be unintuitive, cookie-cutter, copy-pasta'd pieces of unoriginality that can't fight besides spamming, that's fine. I know I'm the better person for doing something worthwhile with my PvP (though admittedly I do snap every once in a while :|). What bothers me is the taunting gestures such as "Well, What is it?" or "Point Downward." Forgive me but I can't think of a better way to word the following than to use very mild language, but if you're going to be an ***hole then be honest about it, and don't pretend you're better than other people by using gestures that show your superiority when you do stuff like this. If I had a guy do this to me but then used Prostration or Prayer, then that would be fine in my book.

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Yarxov Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:22 am

    I only 'point down' at a griefer I kill. All other times it's a bow or a mock of a previous taunt. (Had a phantom taunt me with 'well what is its?!' last I played when it was 2v1. I waited a bit then I rushed in, OHKed the phantom. What else was I supposed to do? silly

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty At least try to be honorable...

    Post by PsychoCT Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:37 am

    Yeah I mainly pvp in the forest as it hops a little faster than the kiln somedays. The cheapest thing ive encountered is when im by myself and have been fighting a wraith for about 5-10 mins, have managed to parry him for ONLY half health, then have a forest cov enter only to bow to the wraith and WoG me while the wraith attacks from behind seriously people even when I have phantoms in I make sure to let them know battles are 1v1 unless it becomes a ffa or im having a bad day and want to wreck s***

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Rin Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:30 am

    lol i encountered another lame dude i was on my 200+DW i invade a 1v3 as a joke roll round were the npc are so he hits em n he did eventually when they were fighting the npcs i killed 1 of em then i let them heal up the host used humanity and the phanyou stayed at 1/2 jp i go for a bs i kill the phantom n the host goest to summon another i slowly followed him he used twop to keep me away he summoned like 15 other phantoms which all i killed i had DW armour on and then he summoned another dude but this time a DW as in he had full DW armour so my fellow DW pointed at the host then at me n then im like ok...i took my dark hands and started fighting with em i stole 5 humanity n took him to 1/3 hp n he tryed to kick that DW so i take out my main weapon n kill him with a bs the DW phantom messaged me with lol now that dude is sending me hate mail XD
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:25 pm

    I had an annoying encounter last night. I was helping people with the gargoyles using a claymore I upgraded with Andre on my Hulk Hogan character, when we get invaded. The host is a new player with base gear, there is another summon who has a bit of upgraded weapons but isn't all that good. So I buff my sword with a gold pine resin, and we turn the corner to see...
    A darkmoon in Giants with a Mask of the father, he runs up to use and casts WotG killing all of us in one hit, then does "Well What is it?" as we all fall to the floor. Boy, big tough guy he was killing level tens.

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Yarxov Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:55 pm

    @ rin,that guy was a TRUE DW xD

    @Tolvo I saw one griefer who spammed WOTG 6 times, it takes a special kind of jackass to take a char to NG+ to grief the burg

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by VIcious72 Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:47 pm

    ChizFreak wrote:So I recently joined Forest Hunters, yeah I know about gang ups, it's not about that.

    I'm using my Leeory Cosplay Build LVL 120.

    I invade this guy, blah blah blah

    So the gist of your story, is you, an aggressor, invaded someone, and are now irritated that they didn't welcome you with open arms? Seriously?

    Caveat Emptor. In English, it means 'buyer beware.' You break into someone's house, don't get self righteous that they didn't play by your rules.

    It's their house. When you put on that ring, or use the stone, or whatever, to invade, you get what you get. (Unless you're summoned for a duel, or it's FC or something like that, which is a different animal).

    You're imposing your presence on them, not the other way around. You're there to steal souls and humanity. Where I come from, when someone wants to take something from me, I don't get all touchy feely on how defend myself. I do my best to remove the parasite, by any and all means necessary. End of story.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:51 pm

    What about for those of us that if we see a person going for Sif we just BC out, if we see they're having trouble we drop items for them? What about for those invaders of us that open shortcuts, or lead people to items to show the way? For those of us who switch to weak gear and pretty much spar with people to let them practice how to PvP against us? For those of us who bow before a fight, and will bow afterwards? For those of us who will even suicide to feed souls? So it's alright to treat all invaders so poorly because of a few bad eggs?
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Carphil Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:06 pm

    I never actually saw the cheapest player I have met.

    Made a new bandit toon, take 4 cracked red eye orb in firelink, reach sunlight altar bonfire, try to invade.

    When I invade, I instantly dies by fire, my character did not even made the spawn animation, I look up and see the bridge dragon breathing fire all over me, he was kinda bugged

    I try to invade more 2 times and same thing happens. This was on PS3
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:11 pm

    Tolvo wrote:What about for those of us that if we see a person going for Sif we just BC out, if we see they're having trouble we drop items for them? What about for those invaders of us that open shortcuts, or lead people to items to show the way? For those of us who switch to weak gear and pretty much spar with people to let them practice how to PvP against us? For those of us who bow before a fight, and will bow afterwards? For those of us who will even suicide to feed souls? So it's alright to treat all invaders so poorly because of a few bad eggs?

    You gotta admit, the helpful invaders are much rarer than the aggressive ones, and to call all aggressive ones "a few bad eggs" is probably not so accurate a statement. It's more accurate in my mind to call helpful invaders "the shiny pokemon" of the group winking
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:13 pm

    I guess I have experiences out of the norm, because outside of Co-Op in the burg I find invaders to be far kinder than hosts.

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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Artorias Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:27 pm

    When you invade never expect a fair fight, it is their world after all.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:27 pm

    Tolvo wrote:I guess I have experiences out of the norm, because outside of Co-Op in the burg I find invaders to be far kinder than hosts.

    Probably because you seem to stick to the forest alot, and the forest is where invaders will have the most comaraderie (did I spell that right?) amongst themselves since that's where farmer hosts run much more rampantly than anywhere else. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to host the Kiln, and been BS'd or CSS'd out of my bow by an invader, even when my phantom had bowed first as a clear sign they were ready to duel. And then there are the random invaders who invade places like Anor Londo or the Depths who aren't looking for fights and have the "anything goes" policy since they're doing it for the roleplay as opposed to the honor.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:30 pm

    I typically host in the Kiln, Burg at High Levels, Forest, Painted World, and oddly enough New Londo where usually invaders just duel with me. If an extra person invades, typically they just stand back and watch. And sometimes if one jumps into the fight the DW with me will help me kill them, then we'll back up, bow, we'll both heal and continue our fight.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:36 pm

    Tolvo wrote:I typically host in the Kiln, Burg at High Levels, Forest, Painted World, and oddly enough New Londo where usually invaders just duel with me. If an extra person invades, typically they just stand back and watch. And sometimes if one jumps into the fight the DW with me will help me kill them, then we'll back up, bow, we'll both heal and continue our fight.

    I guess I jumped to conclusions reading your sig lol, sorry about that. Then yes, you're probably just real lucky to avoid the bad ones somehow, but I will say that my personal experience shows that most invaders are not the nicest of players :|
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:38 pm

    The forest is where I mostly invade, but I host all over the place. As well I have a gravelord that I currently stick to New Londo on. My mention of the forest as a hellish place is always in regards to Hosts, which if you became a forest hunter for a short bit you'd see exactly why, though the farmers may have been a bit scared off by the recent event.

    To be fair I also always drop humanity for invaders before the fight and typically wear cosplay outfits, so people might just get a pleasant impression from me when they invade.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Gravelord hunter Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:20 pm

    really the one problem with pvp in this game is the numerous tactics which can be used to give you massive advantages my only advice is find people on the forum or other friends who you can pvp with in a fair and fun manner I know its not ideal but it is fun. If your on psn please go ahead and add me touchytouchy I am often on and always down for a friendly scrap I'd even be willing 2 help others farm scales if need be
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:24 pm

    Yep Gravelord, that is what FC is for haha.
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Gravelord hunter Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:28 pm

    Enough said, although i still don't understand how to "join" but my tomb lord isn't 120 yet so thats okay
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    The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cheapest Player I've Ever Encountered

    Post by Tolvo Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:30 pm

    To join you just drop your signs when FC is going in the Btown pit, there are threads to go onto though the current thread is going to replaced with a new one soon, right now most are just saying goodbye to the old thread.

    Soon this thread will be replaced, so I'll link you the new on when it is up. The only things required to join FC is to be SL120, have an RSS, and follow the rules. Other than that, you just enjoy yourself. Maybe you'll get to see my goofy self in a costume as you pummel me with a Gravelord Sword haha.

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