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    Based on my love of Dark Souls...


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    Based on my love of Dark Souls... Empty Based on my love of Dark Souls...

    Post by NedroidPrime Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:49 pm

    ...I decided to go ahead and give Armored Core 5 a shot. I mean, with how great Dark Souls is, I was willing to take a risk and try it. Hell, these developers doing a giant robot game? I'm in.

    Played about an hour so far, and it is obvious it is From Software that developed it. Hardly any explanation about the game at all, lol.

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    Based on my love of Dark Souls... Empty Re: Based on my love of Dark Souls...

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:21 pm

    LOL is it good?
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    Based on my love of Dark Souls... Empty Re: Based on my love of Dark Souls...

    Post by BLA1NE Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:27 pm

    The gametrailers review wasn't overwhelmingly positive... but these guys are clearly noobs! Reading between the lines, the game looked really good to me. Deep customization (like Dark Souls builds, but probably even deeper :shock: ) and a rewarding learning curve. Looks a lot better than I expected to turn out. What I mean is, I used to be a fan of the series when I was a kid; but what did I know, I was a kid! Then AC looked pretty underwhelming this gen, so I'd kind of written it off. When I first learned ACV was in development, I just wanted From to get it over with and move on to the next souls game! But after seeing the review, I'm pleasantly surprised by what I saw. After Dark Souls, I don't have it in me to dive into another deep game, but I'm sure anyone who does will not be disappointed.

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    Based on my love of Dark Souls... Empty Re: Based on my love of Dark Souls...

    Post by NedroidPrime Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:30 pm

    So far it is pretty awesome, and it looks great. The IGN review of ACV is so far the best one I have seen. I haven't played an AC game since the first one at the launch of the PS2, so I kinda knew what I was getting. However, the WHOLE reason that I decided to give it a try was because it was developed by From (based on the Souls games). Not many developers can get me to drop $60 just based on their name (Behemoth is the next that comes to mind) on a game that I'm not sure I will like.

    Its pretty funny, I have about 6 games that I still need to play, but I find it hard to put anything that isn't Dark Souls or Demon's Souls into my PS3. They are both so masterfully done and fun to play that it's hard for me to think or talk about anything else. FF13 was crap, same thing with ME2, and there really isn't much for RPGs beyond that (besides Disgaea, which is awesome).
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    Based on my love of Dark Souls... Empty Re: Based on my love of Dark Souls...

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:47 pm

    Yes! I love Disgaea. I've only played the first one, though, and on PSP. But I liked it so much on PSP that I didn't really want to play it on PS3 after that. I'm really hoping Disgaea 4 gets a Vita port, then I'll get it along with a Vita just for it! I also have Disgaea 2 on my PSP, which I'll play as soon as I'm done with Ys7.

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