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    Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Tyler Durden
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:06 am

    FC Creator-RantfromRant
    FC Proxy-Maneater Mildred
    FC Proxy-Yesuurd
    FC 200+ Organizer GrEeNgObLiN


    Fight Club Level 120 Thread

    Fight Club Level 225 Thread


    As stated by FC creator Rant.

    1. No healing
    2. No backstabs
    3. No twop/GMB
    4. No turtles(poking behind shield with thrust weapons)
    5. No spell spamming of AoE
    6. sl 110 to 120(120 if you wanna host)


    FC Locations

    FC 225SL (Sens Fortress at hidden ladder top where Giant Golem who opens sens gate is located)
    FC 120SL (Blighttown Pit, or bonfire area at lower level in swamp for those who do not know. put your rss on the gate above the dragon scale chest)


    FC Schedule

    Almost constant hours and dates include saturdays and wednesdays at 9:00pm EST.

    We do have clandestine sessions which can start at anytime but mostly AT NIGHT from my personal

    If you need info on FC status or events, add me on psn YESUURD, I will gladly accept and answer if FC is
    on or not, when added I will invite you to the official FC chat so you can save it and enter at anytime, this way it is faster for us to connect randomly and by entering you can find out if people are on or not yourself.



    PSN-MossadAgent FORUM-RantfromRant
    PSN-Yesuurd FORUM-Yesuurd
    PSN-Ted4freestyle and Angie_Ted FORUM-ted1023
    PSN-Forum_Pirate FORUM-Forum Pirate
    PSN-Kingphisher2 FORUM-The Once-Ler
    PSN-HolyPK9 FORUM-Serious_Much
    PSN-Reeelbigfishc22 FORUM-Glutebrah
    PSN-befowler FORUM-befowler
    PSN-billy-bayonet FORUM-billy_bayonet
    PSN-reim0027_5 FORUM-reim0027
    PSN-WyrmHero1945 FORUM-WyrmHero
    PSN-Lordmaxtolvo FORUM-Tolvo
    PSN-meridam99 FORUM-meridam99
    PSN-roanispe FORUM-roanispe
    PSN-Shravan12 FORUM-Artorias
    PSN-Imarreteet23 FORUM-Imarreteet23
    PSN-ReaperFan FORUM-Reaperfan
    PSN-SinisterApathy FORUM-SinisterApathy
    PSN-Jovias-86 FORUM-Jovias-86
    PSN-mofomey FORUM-mofomey
    PSN-spurgun FORUM-hellooo
    PSN-Lolragezz FORUM-Lolragezzz
    PSN-neon__noodle FORUM-neon__noodle

    32 PARTICIPANTS ON LIST UNTIL NOW! Fight Club SL120 PSN 558843162

    Last edited by RantFromRant on Tue May 08, 2012 2:46 pm; edited 10 times in total

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Yesuurd Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:10 am

    aaaaand we are home again Prayer
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:12 am

    It's a nice simple list of rules, I like it happy

    There's plenty of room to mould the rules too for special events and such. It's a deceivingly well thought out list, even though it's short.

    I support you on the no BS thing Rant, I know in the polls most people went for it but it makes it easier without them, and like you said, no one BSed out of courtesy and respect anyways (intentionally anyways silly)

    only thing I miss is the unfortunate lack of reference to the film, but oh well lol!

    +1 Rant. Off to a flying start as the Leader of Fight Club. (I'll have to owe you it, just told me I've been too kind with my rep today silly)

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by BroHepheastus Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:40 am

    What do you define as spell spam? Cause I like to toss around my Fireballs like hotcakes but that's kinds the way my char is built I likes the pyromancies. Definition is good because it could cut out some casters.
    Tyler Durden
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:42 am

    Serious_Much wrote:It's a nice simple list of rules, I like it happy

    There's plenty of room to mould the rules too for special events and such. It's a deceivingly well thought out list, even though it's short.

    I support you on the no BS thing Rant, I know in the polls most people went for it but it makes it easier without them, and like you said, no one BSed out of courtesy and respect anyways (intentionally anyways silly)

    only thing I miss is the unfortunate lack of reference to the film, but oh well lol!

    +1 Rant. Off to a flying start as the Leader of Fight Club. (I'll have to owe you it, just told me I've been too kind with my rep today silly)
    i read the book a long time ago and i only saw the movie once but i was really drunk and i dont really remember much of it, chuck palahniuk is one of my fave writers, you guys should read Pygmy, its freaking hilarious and Rant(where i got my name from) is so awesome.

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Glueguy Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:56 am

    I too have questions about the spell spamming rule. Is this rule to mold these fights into the duel format? Is spamming the same spell repeatedly? If I want to use a breath pyromancy and they get out of it am I allowed to throw a fireball or two?

    I don't want to get nit picky but on the other hand I think we should be quite clear of what is expected. I don't want anyone to get too much grief because they wanted to try something "new" in FC and throw some soul spears. I also think faith and magic have a really important place in the games meta and we should be understanding that some people don't like to play traditional duelists per se.

    Also the no backstab rule, this does not apply to riposts correct? And in case of accidental bs (such as an attack while someone is rolling away from you) is the fight forfeit or are we just going to keep trucking and understand that things happen?

    Sorry rant, I'm not trying to make your new position frustrating on week one.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:17 am

    spamming as in continiously using the same spell over and over again, like great combust or wog. accidental backstabs will happen, you can either continue or heal(or restart if you have a buff) it's up to the guy that got bs's. i'll try to come up with a gesture for continuing and for restaring. parries area actually encouraged, it's hard to actually pul one off specially cause of the lag, you never know how much lag there is. the thing with the the blighttown arean is that there's spells that are really hard to dodge in there but are alowed and if you just keep spamming hoping you get a lucky hit is not cool, sen's would work a lot better for casters or a more open area, i have nothing agaisnt magic myself even if i never use it, not even wog which i alwa have attuned.
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Whknight Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:19 am

    Good and fair set of rules. Not even in fight club and I endorse you.

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:56 am

    Rant after each session of FC, when I'm playing alone against randoms, they BS the **** out of me. I guess it is because I'm not expecting it, after fighting in FC, since we don't practice BS. Also the arena is getting small for me, specially agaisnt

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Glueguy Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:05 am

    WyrmHero wrote:Rant after each session of FC, when I'm playing alone against randoms, they BS the **** out of me. I guess it is because I'm not expecting it, after fighting in FC, since we don't practice BS. Also the arena is getting small for me, specially agaisnt

    Yeah, a couple of these guys were brutal with rapiers last week. Almost felt like they forgot to put the "i" in the weapons name. I was pretty sore afterward.
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:49 am

    I swear to live & die by the FC code of honor. Prayer

    I feel the if a bs is handed out, the bs'er should back off and bow, wait for the bs'ed person to heal and bow or bow without healing if they feell the bs was ok.

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Zechk Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:21 am

    Great rules. I dunno if you need a specific gesture after a mistaken backstab though. Backpeddling, not attacking and making any sort of gesture would be enough to let someone know you didn't intend the BS. Why else would you be using gestures in a fight unless you are taunting at the end or bowing at the beginning.

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Yesuurd Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:27 am

    Usually we back off and heal, bowing can be good because if you are not a usual FC you will probably keep on attacking even if someone backs off, althought it shouldn't be that necessary but the trigger is the actual BS as soon as that happens both fighters should step back and calm down.

    Lol funny question what would be the abbreviation for accidental back stab?

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by reim0027 Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:17 am

    Fair rules Rant. Thanks for taking the lead on this.

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:19 am

    And back from beginning! Finally! Good job Rant! I love those rules, Let the battles finally begin!
    Glad this is over!
    FC will rock!!! Let the games of death begins!!!
    +1 rep for the new leader!!!

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by JY4answer Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:59 am

    @ Yesuurd: ABS?

    Quick question, is the ocassional sheild poke okay? I feel that banning and BS as well is kinda taking a lot away from rapiers. Though I understand that turtles are annoying. I hate them too silly

    Anyway GJ Rant. Long live FC!

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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by mofomey Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:22 am

    thanks rant, good rules, my host is at your service!
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:26 pm

    The no bs rule is good. I thought about playing devil's advocate for a second and say "but that disadvantages certain weapons and strategies" but then that just made me realize that, if that's all I could come up with, then we're better off with no bs! I thought we could limit bs to only certain classes of weapons, but then I don't like the play-style that allows: people fishing for backstabs, and not attacking anytime else. The problem about trying to bs is that it doesn't even leave you open to get parried; there's no downside to it, and if you do nothing else then there isn't much your opponent can do. So no bs! If you want to take advantage of critical hits, it's parrying or nothing.

    And I like Mildred's suggestion about backstab self-refereeing. Backstabs are rare, but they do happen--and most of the time they happen through a fault of the backstabbee. I know I've done some strange rolls in that small arena that turned my opponent's regular R1 into an accidental backstab. In that case, I would retreat to my side of the arena, not heal, and bow to signify the fight is on. If anyone feels they got backstabbed through no fault of their own, and that it was an unfair move, then they can heal first, bow, and start the fight again.

    Question: is this thread where we will learn the location of FC for every week? Say, if it goes from Btown to Sen's, it will be posted here?

    Looking forward to fighting you guys again! Proper Bow
    Tyler Durden
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:00 pm

    @blaine the official arena is blighttown and if it's changed for an event or just for poops and giggles i will post it here.

    @j4 the ocational poke through shield is cool, you know what a turtle is.

    people were talking about the no bs rule as a disdvantage to rapiers but i thnk its a disadvantage to all weapons and i think some people think that since there's no bs when someone lets their guard down they should just wait for them and not attack since they cant bs, you know you can still attack without having to bs them, its actually easier to dodge and attack, specially agaisnt someone with a large weapon, you can get two hits in while their guard is down.
    Town Crier
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Tolvo Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:02 pm

    Rapiers do not need to BS to ****. silly

    Blaine this is the new FC thread, so yeah this is where you can get informed on all things FC like when people are in the pit.
    Tyler Durden
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:24 pm

    i forgot to mention no gmb/mb since casting it makes gmw useless and it mkaes slb the only viable buff, i never use gmb but there's a lot of people that use it.
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:06 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:i forgot to mention no gmb/mb since casting it makes gmw useless and it mkaes slb the only viable buff, i never use gmb but there's a lot of people that use it.

    I agree.

    You should edit that into the list on the 1st post.

    I also noted that you dont have a lvl cap listed.... So before you list it... What do you think of lifting the lvl cap too 125? I like the idea and know afew ppl are already using 125s...
    The Once-Ler
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by The Once-Ler Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:07 pm

    I second the ban of gmb. It renders magic/enchanted based weapons useless and utterly destroys any magic build.
    Tyler Durden
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by RANT Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:09 pm

    cap stays at sl 120, i dont get why people wanna get to 125, 5 sl's really that important? i always finish my buils at sl 116 or less.
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    Fight Club SL120 PSN Empty Re: Fight Club SL120 PSN

    Post by Tolvo Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:10 pm

    I'm currently trying to find things to put in for my Str toon, I might actually go to 56 str just for Smough's hammer 1h lol.

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