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    Foodies/cooks of the forum.


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    Post by JY4answer Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:25 pm

    Someone turned the culture thread into a food thread for a while. I think food deserves its own thread. So who's a foodie or cook here?

    Having been an overseas student for 4 years, cooking has turned from a chore to survive into a daily adventure. From Chinese stir fries to casserole bakes, savory pies to chocolate cakes, even burgers and fries and pizza dough, I've tried them all. I'm roasting us a pork leg for Easter, and we've had some nice pastries.

    So who else has a passion for food?

    BTW, I don't get vegetarians, no offense. You miss out so much in life. Just today I bought a T-bone steak, chopped up some fresh garlic and rosemary, salt and pepper, and popped in on a pan with olive oil. Heaven. And if you're thinking I'm a fatty, I eat an entire celery per week.

    Oh and garlic an onions. I don't get why people hate them either. I can live without a lot of things, onions and garlic is not one of them.

    Did I mention how much I hate people wasting food? Ordering too much, cooking too much, chucking food, leaving it in the fridge for too long and chucking it are all sins to me.

    Anyway, if you have passion for food, discuss!
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    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:57 pm

    I like food.

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    Post by Yukon Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:19 am

    I don't know how you do it man, You are a student and have TIME TO COOK?

    My culinary life ended the instant I hopped into university. and I love cooking new things, so its been depressing!

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    Post by JY4answer Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:23 am

    I disagree. If anyone on earth has free time, its students. Besides, if you're gonna cook and eat anyway, might as well have fun.

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    Post by Yukon Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:58 am

    My diets gone down the drain, this coming off working full time, i felt like I had way more time then compared to now. I didnt need to study how to be clerk.

    Now I come home and I am doing chemistry all night, if I get the chance I pop some toast or eat an apple with some jam, but hardly cook anything more difficult that rice, eggs, canned soup or floured chicken breast. My tastebuds have died a little.

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    Post by Rynoa Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:11 am

    mmmh, I mainly cook pasta in a wide variety of ways big grin
    Also, I sometimes like to cook me some japanese recipes mixed with some italian ones and make a bento (lunch box) to eat at work. cheers

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    Post by JY4answer Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:17 am

    Pasta. Its my staple food, despite my blood. Tomato, cream, herbs, flour-based, eggs-based, baked, dry, charred, in soup, in broth, in a sandwich, you name it, I've done it. The only thing I need to take off my list is making pasta from scratch.

    Apparently, hearing from my japanese friends, sushi rolls aren't supposed to have fish in them, let alone all those stuff we like to put in. Its all veg and pickles, and maybe eggs. Its their equivelent of American food = burgers, fries, pizza and hotdogs, or Chinese food = spring rolls and fried rice.

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    Post by Rynoa Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:02 am

    "sushi" is the type of seasoned rice they use for many recipes. Sushi rice + Fish = what we call sushi.
    And I actually don't like fish very much so I'm doing the meat or vegetables japanese recipes instead of fish ones. Most of them are very light so I don't fall asleep working in the afternoon big grin
    I like the idea of their bento because it's made with a little bit of everything. Some bread or rice, meat or fish, vegetables, eggs and something sweet - pretty healthy. In fact I often add some very not-japanese recipes in it, but respecting the general idea

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    Post by Zechk Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:06 am

    I love cooking.

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    Post by JY4answer Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:07 am

    The idea of お弁当 was to have a proper meal ready in a lunchbox to have in the classroom or office without the fuss of finding/preparing it. They try to be healthy and balanced, while also trying to be tasty. These days there are plenty of alternatives for lunch, but its always a fun idea.

    Its interesting the way cuisines are presented to other parts of the world though. Like I said, to foreigners, Americans eat burgers and pizza, chinese have spring rolls and fried rice. Its only by travelling there or meeting locals until you realise how absurd the things are while you've been believing to be authentic. Cultures are such interesting things.
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    Post by Tolvo Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:30 am

    I just made an english muffin with Eggs, Cheese, and Sausage on it. Does this count? Got yoke on my pants too, son of a *****.

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    Post by Darkson Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:22 am

    I'm tall but very thin and wimpy, so I may not look like it, but food is indeed one of my most important sources of happiness!

    But I don't really cook though.

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    Post by Darkson Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:28 am

    Tolvo wrote:I just made an english muffin with Eggs, Cheese, and Sausage on it. Does this count? Got yoke on my pants too, son of a female dog.

    Sorry, wth is yoke in this case? (asks the foreign guy)

    The internet tells me it's a wooden beam used to attach 2 oxes together, or also a name of an aircraft 😕

    What? lol!
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    Post by Tolvo Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:28 am

    Yellow part of the egg, they were over easy.

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    Post by Darkson Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:34 am

    What? Ok lol lol sorry...
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    Post by Tolvo Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:35 am

    They were cooked so the white was solider, and could be cut up. But the yellow was cooked and a liquid. So you get like juicy eggs, so when you bite in it seeps into the muffin and adds a good flavour, at least I like it that way.

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    Post by Darkson Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:50 am

    Eeeewwww silly Does not sound like something for my taste.

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    Post by JY4answer Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:54 am

    Runny egg yolks are amazing. It works with toast, pasta, bacon/ham, salad, rice, noodles, meat, everything. When I boil eggs I always under cook them. Eggs benedict and hash brown = perfect start of the day.

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    Post by Darkson Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:04 am

    OH! "Yolk"? LMAO lol Now I get it, I didn't know both of these words, neither "Yoke" nor "Yolk" :oops:
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    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:50 pm

    Mmmmm.......pretty much everything.

    I do most of the cooking for my family and am kind of a mad scientist in the kitchen. I do ok with standard recipes but most of my signatures are wacky. If anyone is looking for a killer Buffalo Sauce.......I have about ten variations for you. I also came up with an apple pie recipe made for intense flavor. Baklava sized portions are recommended. Cake decorating is also something I do and of course, there's a signature cake to go along with it that is actually quite healthy for a dessert. As for food appreciation I am a beer snob

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    Post by Yukon Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:09 pm

    OH OH, *raises hand* Skarekrow, I love trying new buffalo sauces hit me up!

    Mostly I cook with chicken when I make meals, hot wings, chicken cordon blu, teriyaki chickens, quesadillas are some of my most popular meals when I am with family. I have tried some wacky things, coconut and brown sugar chicken but it only went over well with half my family the other half is crazy for my soya sauce and almond fried asparagus. I can't please everyone haha.

    I'm not much of a red meat fanatic, my mom raised me on shoe leather style steak, so if anything i overcook everything and I love my food extra crispy. This doesn't lend itself well to red meats haha. But I do love Churrasco! chicken hearts too! I just wish I had the stuff to do it myself.

    Alot of what I end up cooking is one shot experiments. But the few things I keep around I know how to do them well, its just a matter of finding the time and place to do them.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:22 pm

    You got it.....if others want in I'll post here, if not, I'll PM ya!
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Post by User Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:50 pm

    You can taste my cooking. It's usually a gamble whether you taste it before you corrode or not
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    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:16 pm

    I always assumed from your name that you use a lot of citrus.

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    Post by ARSP Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:20 pm

    My favorite food is Chosen one Ribs. Let no one tell you different Maneater Mildred makes the best Chosen one ribs.

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