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    How does the stat scaling works ?


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    How does the stat scaling works ?  Empty How does the stat scaling works ?

    Post by Puck1975 Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:18 am

    Let's say i have a strength of 50 and a weapon "A" in this characteristic.
    How does it work ? Does it add 50 to the damages ?
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    How does the stat scaling works ?  Empty Re: How does the stat scaling works ?

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:09 am

    No, the scaling letters are a rough guide as to how effective the scaling is, with that much scaling the extra damage will likely be far higher than just 50.

    However, the letters are only rough guidelines, and it is truly on a sliding scale, so just because something has an "A" scaling, does not mean that scaling is far better than a "B", the difference could be marginal.

    However, I do not have a guide for exact numbers, but there is a weapons guide that tells you the exact scaling rating of a weapon at each upgrade path here:

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    How does the stat scaling works ?  Empty Re: How does the stat scaling works ?

    Post by CrackSouls Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:47 am

    THANK YOU Serious_Much!!! This has made what I look for in weapons 10X easier than the Wiki!

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    How does the stat scaling works ?  Empty Re: How does the stat scaling works ?

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