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    Gwyns firstborn?


    Posts : 16
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    Join date : 2012-04-14

    Gwyns firstborn? Empty Gwyns firstborn?

    Post by Iblis Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:49 pm

    i was looking for clues about the pendant and solaire and a lot of people where saying that solaire was the gwyns firstborn and that you play as a decentant of the pygmy. but what if you actually played as gwyns firstborn. maybe when the firstborn was stripped of his deity status was also stripped of his power and the entire game you are regaining your lost power. it would also explain why the pendant is an very old sunlight medal that gives you fond memories, of when you where still a god, and it would explain how the player was able to do all the things that every single other undead werent able to. and it would also explain why Reah have a pendant aswell since she related to Gwyn Though the Allfather Lloyd why where Gwyns uncle. and as the ring of the suns firstborn says know one knows the firstborns true name which is why you can name your charecter what ever you want. anyway i havent really thought this through so i might very well be wrong. hope some one soon cracks the hole thing^^ its bugging the hell out of me.

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    Age : 36
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    Gwyns firstborn? Empty Re: Gwyns firstborn?

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:02 pm Lots of theories. Be sure to post yours after reading all that.

    Edit: Welcome to the forum. Bow

    Posts : 16
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    Join date : 2012-04-14

    Gwyns firstborn? Empty Re: Gwyns firstborn?

    Post by Iblis Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:09 pm

    Thanks^^ by yes there sure are alot of theories ^^ its awesome that the game was able to generate that much speculation^^

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