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    Four kings, second time


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    Four kings, second time Empty Four kings, second time

    Post by Turin Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:40 am too hard. Cant even beat one, and theres 3 bastards more. should i use somekinda buff, or do they have weaknessess?
    annoying scums.
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Four kings, second time Empty Re: Four kings, second time

    Post by Buggy Virus Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:55 am

    If you are mostly blocking their attacks I would suggest that you switch towards paying attention to their attack patterns and dodging as best you can. If they can't hit you there is no way you can lose.

    Their magic attacks can also be dodged, but since the perspective of an entirely black world is hard to grasp I suggest getting the Crest shield and upgrading it, that would probably be the most effective light shield against that attack.

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    Four kings, second time Empty Re: Four kings, second time

    Post by Argetlam350 Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:27 am

    They are a pain the second time around but can be done. I usually go into this battle with high magic defense armor, a good shield, and a strong weapon. When the fight begins you want to just zoom as close to possible to the first King to appear. I'd suggest Iron Flesh at this close range depending on your level.

    Most of their sword attacks can be avoided at this close range, the only dangers are its grab attack, its scream like attack, and attacks from other Kings (it's rare that they'll attack when you are really close to another King but it can happen occasionally).

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    Four kings, second time Empty Re: Four kings, second time

    Post by SlakeMoth Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:00 pm

    I'm really looking forward to this fight (not)

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