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    Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense

    Stat Guru
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    Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense - Page 5 Empty Re: Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:09 am

    On top of the extra scaling, I think there's also the hidden "moveset" modifier value. So a 2-handed R1 attack will have a built-in higher damage than a 1-handed R1 attack, even though they'd have the same AR (for weapons with no scaling, for example). But since these modifiers are hidden, and vary from one weapon to the next and one move to the next, it's hard to pin down a value on them. I know it sounds kind of like a cop-out to say this ("it's a hidden number, don't know its value, but it must be there, it explains everything"!) but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

    I don't know if it varies depending on upgrade level though. I wouldn't think so, but it should be tested, you're right to bring it up. Wouldn't be very hard to test, either. Just compare your 1H and 2H damage, then upgrade the weapon, and compare again. This way you'll see if the increase it the same. I'd do it, but I'm taking a break right now. winking

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    Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense - Page 5 Empty Re: Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense

    Post by Loken Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:18 am

    Thank you! I may test it myself tomorrow. I was begginning to think that I asked a very stuupid question. big grin
    Stat Guru
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    Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense - Page 5 Empty Re: Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:20 am

    At this stage, there aren't any stupid questions where damage calculation is concerned! We haven't done as much research in this department as we could have by now. Our understanding of the system is pretty good, but it's vague (unless some people know a few things they haven't shared with the community! silly).

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    Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense - Page 5 Empty Re: Attack Rating vs Real Damage: Analysis of Defense

    Post by SevenSpirits Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:50 am

    If someone will provide some data (the excel link from earlier in the thread is now broken) of a single type of weapon attack against a large range of defense values I can probably figure the formula out.

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