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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)


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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:52 am

    Int/Fth build is on page 2, 3rd post. Thoughts and suggestions on it would be appreciated.

    Best I could come up with.

    I imagine you're going to look ugly as hell in this setup, but That's the lowest weight I could hit 14 poise (54 with Wolf).
    Having issues trying to think of a decent secondary weapon only thing I could think of was the Estoc due to how similar it looks to the BSS, and could really throw people off. WotG + TWoP for those 2/3v1s.

    I've been doing a lot of Forest PvP on my CMW build, just hit 120 SL today. I seem to run into a lot of issues with being chain BS'd and people Back Stab fishing me. I've watched the videos by EWGF, and I guess i'll have to watch them again. I remember reading that it was possible to quickly turn around during the get-up period of a Chain BS and Parry your opponent, and I've been doing a lot of practice with that. I've only managed to land one parry then get stunlocked by the Darkwraith who was waiting in front of me. =/

    Really over all I have a lot of trouble when I attempt to parry, I almost never use my shield for anything other than the Stam Recovery, and figured I'd try to get some parry practice in so I could use that for time to time. Only issue seems to be is that I can never get one off, I've watched the vids and I do my best to hit the parry button just before their attack animation but I can never get it off =/ Guess I'll have to rewatch those videos as well.

    Any pointers from anyone on either topic? On how to counter or get away from those fishers/Chain BSers?

    Last edited by Karn on Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by DamageCK Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:08 am

    For players that just circle strafe for BS the whole time, use Silver Knights Spear to keep them back. I use mine in the offhand. You can also strafe backward and in the direction their circling to counter BS. it's easily the best strategy for strafers.

    As for parries, I'd recommend blocking the first swing and parrying the second during R1 spam. Blind parries are much harder.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by DamageCK Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:10 am

    Oh, and for chain BSing, just roll directly into them when you stand up. It cancels the chain and you wont take damage during the roll animation. Hope this helps.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Imarreteet23 Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:19 am

    Blind parrying is hard to execute, but if you can pull it off, you will be a monster in PvP. Basically the only way to do it is to study what your opponent is doing. What combos does he use? When does he attack? Etc. Then, when you feel ready, go for the parry.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by DamageCK Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:24 am

    Blind parries work well after an opponemt rolls because a lot of players use roll attacks to close distance.
    Tyler Durden
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by RANT Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:28 am

    DamageCK wrote:Blind parries work well after an opponemt rolls because a lot of players use roll attacks to close distance.

    yep, the only exception i would say is going against a large/great club ground pound, dont even try. and try to use the iron round shield if youre using the leo ring since it has the deflection of a greatshield and you can parry too.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Imarreteet23 Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:34 am

    Also, parrying after a roll can be deceptivly hard. You need to parry while he is still rolling, and not after the roll is done. If you do it after the roll, it won't work.

    Good luck!

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:28 am

    RantFromRant wrote:
    DamageCK wrote:Blind parries work well after an opponemt rolls because a lot of players use roll attacks to close distance.

    yep, the only exception i would say is going against a large/great club ground pound, dont even try. and try to use the iron round shield if youre using the leo ring since it has the deflection of a greatshield and you can parry too.

    I can't really afford anymore str. I could go for a 120+ build I guess, I just prefer working in the 120 limit.
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:36 am

    Why do you have a Estoc of any Quality? In my experience when trying to run a similar non-faith build where I had Ricards Rapier and the Side Sword, I found the Balder Side Sword outperforms any rapier in damage potential in 95% of all situations, especially with the leo ring involved, since it has a deceptivly effective range.

    Aside from that, here is a way to get more poise with the most slight alteration of gear... you'll loose 200 HP and about 8 damage with DMB, but you'll have 21 poise, which is enough to not be stunned by R2 attacks from most light weapons.
    Tyler Durden
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by RANT Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:39 am

    that sucks, iron shield and leo ring is the best combo for med shields becasue of the deflection of the iron shield. i wouldnt go with grass crest shield though, people will just wog you and destroy your shield, maybe crest shield?
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:42 am

    RantFromRant wrote:that sucks, iron shield and leo ring is the best combo for med shields becasue of the deflection of the iron shield. i wouldnt go with grass crest shield though, people will just wog you and destroy your shield, maybe crest shield?
    Why does the deflection quality matter? Is PvP just broken on X-box or something? In PVP, nobody ever bounces off shields, not even 1 handing a mailbreaker against a Havels Shield... is it not supposed to work that way?

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:43 am

    RantFromRant wrote:that sucks, iron shield and leo ring is the best combo for med shields becasue of the deflection of the iron shield. i wouldnt go with grass crest shield though, people will just wog you and destroy your shield, maybe crest shield?

    Crest could work, yes. I've never pvped without anything less than 40 endurance, so I wasn't sure if the stamina regen on the grass crest would be needed or not.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:53 am

    Rynn wrote:Why do you have a Estoc of any Quality? In my experience when trying to run a similar non-faith build where I had Ricards Rapier and the Side Sword, I found the Balder Side Sword outperforms any rapier in damage potential in 95% of all situations, especially with the leo ring involved, since it has a deceptivly effective range.

    Aside from that, here is a way to get more poise with the most slight alteration of gear... you'll loose 200 HP and about 8 damage with DMB, but you'll have 21 poise, which is enough to not be stunned by R2 attacks from most light weapons.

    The estoc was really only for a back up weapon if the buff runs out, could use a Divine/Occult BSS and switch to it from inventory. I've been doing that a lot lately with rings on my CMW build, between RTSR, Leos, Wolfs. Doing it with the weapons shouldn't be so different. Is there anything that is lighter that could net me 21 poise or whatever the break point is for the non-stunned light r2s and stay with 50 faith? Honestly the only equips I wanted to keep was the mask, which would get swapped for something else after I start feeling comfrotable with the build. Probably Pharis hat.

    Edit* If it's 20, then I could get it using just the Golem Legs. Would actually look decent. I just don't know the required poise for the light weapons =/

    Edit*2 Forget the mask, I just want the hat.

    Edit*3 I don't think I'll need a back up weapon, I actually do fine with my other builds when the buff runs out, or I don't have enough time to activate it.

    Last edited by Karn on Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:03 am

    Karn wrote:
    Rynn wrote:Why do you have a Estoc of any Quality? In my experience when trying to run a similar non-faith build where I had Ricards Rapier and the Side Sword, I found the Balder Side Sword outperforms any rapier in damage potential in 95% of all situations, especially with the leo ring involved, since it has a deceptivly effective range.

    Aside from that, here is a way to get more poise with the most slight alteration of gear... you'll loose 200 HP and about 8 damage with DMB, but you'll have 21 poise, which is enough to not be stunned by R2 attacks from most light weapons.

    The estoc was really only for a back up weapon if the buff runs out, could use a Divine/Occult BSS and switch to it from inventory. I've been doing that a lot lately with rings on my CMW build, between RTSR, Leos, Wolfs. Doing it with the weapons shouldn't be so different. Is there anything that is lighter that could net me 21 poise or whatever the break point is for the non-stunned light r2s and stay with 50 faith? Honestly the only equips I wanted to keep was the mask, which would get swapped for something else after I start feeling comfrotable with the build. Probably Pharis hat.
    20 poise is the breaking point of most light weapons... so I'll see what I can do...

    Nope, can't be done, so don't worry about poise. Anything less then 15 is absolutely worthless for anything but PvE. When you actually start trying combat, you'll see nothing is going to beat your R2 attack on the Balder side sword, you can roll away very quickly afterwards too, there is almost no downtime on it... do be aware of the opponents that will just ignore your attack and keep charging up to you for another hit though!

    If you find you feel the Balder Side Sword -is- more efficient, you might try this (, but I'm uncertain if the +15 is going to outdamage that in actual combat, so you might be surprised to find you only even need 1 weapon.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:11 am

    Things to try so far.
    Parry during opponent rolls, since they almost always attack after one.
    Rolling into the person chain BSing me. (I've attempted this before, but instead of rolling facing them, I just tried backstepping for some odd reason.)

    Thanks a ton for the help guys, and after re-watching EWGFs videos I think I understand how to do most of this a lot better. Sorry for my dumb questions, and I realize I post a lot on this topic, I'm still a beginner when it comes to PvP and obviously have a lot to learn, and you guys are just amazingly helpful.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by DamageCK Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:03 am

    We've all been there, man. Come here anytime with questions. All the guys are more than willing to help.
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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:06 am

    Karn wrote:Things to try so far.
    Parry during opponent rolls, since they almost always attack after one.
    Rolling into the person chain BSing me. (I've attempted this before, but instead of rolling facing them, I just tried backstepping for some odd reason.)

    Thanks a ton for the help guys, and after re-watching EWGFs videos I think I understand how to do most of this a lot better. Sorry for my dumb questions, and I realize I post a lot on this topic, I'm still a beginner when it comes to PvP and obviously have a lot to learn, and you guys are just amazingly helpful.
    Also a good one to try, run up to your opponent really quickly, like you're going to pivot BS them, then just tap parry once you physically touch them. Most players will instinctively smash R1 to try to stop you from backstabbing them, and then get parried. Only works once though, it's one of those "Element of Surprise" things.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

    Post by Karn Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:55 pm

    It seems that Faith has the best close range spells, and Int has the best mid/long range spells. So I did my best to combine them into a single build.

    TWoP i'm not sure of being a valid spell or not, unless you remove the Dusk Ring, and add a MoM + RoFaP.. Then you could use the DMB Buff on the BSS, only issue is the extremely low stamina.

    5 Attunement slots would be optimal, but you could manage with 4.

    The whole idea of the build with the current set up is to be a caster, A glass cannon hitting really hard and really fast. When they try to close during the CSS spam (16 of them!) they'll get a face full of WoTG spam. The survivability would be extremely low, but I can imagine having a ton of fun with this build.

    Edit* Could actually trade TWoP for CHSM. TWoP would definitely do a good job of keeping them at range though.

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    50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build) Empty Re: 50 faith build + looking for pointers on Parrying/Owning BS fishers. (Pure Int/Faith Build)

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