by middya Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:19 am
I'll just comment on what my feelings are regarding the aesthetics of the two games. I actually went back and played through Demon's a while ago as well, because I wanted to compare the two games.
I definitely agree that Demon's Souls had a different vibe going, with much more despair and isolation. There was a sense of hopelessness that isn't as apparent in Dark Souls. I mean, just think back to the first time you went to Boletarian Palace, the crows croaking, the corpses, fire, and all that. There was just so much more despair and a different atmosphere.
But I don't know if I would agree that Dark Souls is any worse for not having the same feeling to it. It's just different. Dark Souls have so many different and grander sights (imo), like Ash lake and Anor Londo and so on. In Demon's Souls everything was kind of dark and grey. Different shades of dark and grey perhaps, but there wasn't as much variation in the different locations.
I think Demon's Souls hade this oppressive sense of depression to it that Dark Souls doesn't have as much of, and maybe that has to do with the fact that it's a little brighter, a little less hopeless. But that's just my thoughts on it.
Technically.. I don't know. I think I like the amount of weaponry and the weapons in Dark Souls a little more.