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    I need your opinion on a high level build


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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by belkaizer Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:02 pm

    i have 2 high levels, first one is like 185(was always to high to co op with a friend blah blah blah). i made a second toon and i stayed at 120 for a while got bored of it.( i leveled pass 120 to keep co op with my friend to).

    is a mage. my stats are 40vit 40 end 23att 16str 45dex 50 int and rest base. i wont touch faith with this character or str for that matter. im guessing the next logical step is to get att to 50 to get those 10 spell slots?????

    the other stuff i can do with the lv185, since he has 50 faith 50 str and im getting int to 50 to improve the g sword of artorias. ( i guess i kind of answer my own question but still want to hear your opinions, i enjoy this forum to much big grin )
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by RANT Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:14 pm

    why dont you just use grant for tha 50 str/fai build? it's one of my fave weapons in the game, that and the great sword of artorias are not that good even at that high of a level unless youre fighting enemies weak to devine. they're still realy fun to use, if you dont like grant than get a msgs or something you like that scales with str and buff with slb/dmb.

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by belkaizer Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:17 pm

    actually i been using great demon hammer/axe and been buffing it with cmw. i know that with my stats dmb/slb do more damage with with only 5 att slots i prefer to use cmw to get 6 charges out of it instead of 2

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by Sebastrd Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:30 pm

    I really like Faith for the Lightning Spears. Even if you only go to 30 for the first two, you can use Velka's Talisman for good Magic Adjustment.
    Stat Guru
    Stat Guru

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by BLA1NE Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:23 pm

    Well, here are the optimal levels for each stat:

    Vit: 50
    Att: 34 (8 slots; 41 Att for 9 slots and 50 for 10)
    End: 40 (max stamina, get more End if you want higher equip burden)
    Str: 40 (best scaling for most weapons)
    Dex: 40 (best scaling for most weapons)
    Res: --
    Int: 45 or 50 (45 for Logan's, 50 for TCC)
    Fth: 30 or 50 (base for buffing spells or max for optimal Darkmoon Tali Mag Adj)

    After those, diminishing returns start getting really poor. So you can just pick and choose the ones you want, then spend remaining points in End if you want more equip weight or Att if you have enough left for more slots.

    In your case, you can get 10 more Vit and 11 Att. After that, you can spend more in Str or End.

    It's all up to you, but that's what I would recommend!

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by belkaizer Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:27 am

    thanks for the numbers. i went 50 str with my main to 1 hand the bigger weapons and with my sorcerer i went 45 dex( i read thats the max for casting speed, i dont know if thats true)

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    I need your opinion on a high level build Empty Re: I need your opinion on a high level build

    Post by belkaizer Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:03 am

    wow this game throws something new at me everytime. even though my high level has 50 str and 18dex. i found the halberd with slb/dmb very awesome.

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