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Chaos Spectre
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Duke's Archivist
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:58 pm


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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Robotech Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:00 pm

    so you cant stand in his room and scare the crap out of invaders! happy
    Duke's Archivist
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:00 pm

    Because the designers are mean. Also Ornstein had red hair. (Second sentence is a guess,not the truth).

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by SlakeMoth Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:41 pm

    For the same reason that you don't get an empty beach all to yourself with palm trees and stuff when you go on holiday. Instead you get half the world on your patch of sand. They lie!

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Robotech Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:44 pm

    same applies for solaire if i remember well... anti cos-play measures from devs i guess.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:11 pm

    On real helmets those would often signify rank or a unique individual. Since you gained the armor but not their title you don't get the little extra. Possibly.......who the heck really knows

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by bloodpixel Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:13 pm

    To tell you, "Hey, you suck."

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Dubscythe Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:22 pm

    To be extremely DISAPPOINTING.
    Chaos Spectre
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Chaos Spectre Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:23 pm

    I like your name

    I didn't notice this till now. I'm sad :pale:

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Rassa Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:26 pm

    For the same reason females are flat chested. Id imagine budget reasons to reduce cost. The red main would have taken extra resources to animate and it would make the item stand out above all others. Women are flat chested so they dont need 2 make 2 sets of armor. Probably just budget reasons.

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Rassa Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:30 pm

    ChaosServantSpectre wrote:@Dubscythe
    I like your name

    I didn't notice this till now. I'm sad :pale:

    People dont notice the shoulders are different as well. At least they are before he powers up.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:38 pm

    Rassa wrote:Id imagine budget reasons to reduce cost. The red main would have taken extra resources to animate and it would make the item stand out above all others.

    Basically this. Dynamic hair movement is tough and expensive to animate, so it was probably removed so they wouldn't have to program that. It's also the reason we don't have any capes. You can even see with the one thing that DOES have a cape (the Silver Knight Chestpiece) that it's really just a static model and doesn't move the way a real cape would.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:23 am

    ^Why program it twice? Just make it work like it does on Ornstein... I like skare's theory. You can wear Orny's helm, but you're not him, so you don't get all the perks. Why'd you want to be him anyways? You kicked his *** in a 2v1!

    Rassa wrote:For the same reason females are flat chested. Id imagine budget reasons to reduce cost. The red main would have taken extra resources to animate and it would make the item stand out above all others. Women are flat chested so they dont need 2 make 2 sets of armor. Probably just budget reasons.
    There already are 2 sets for most [edit: a lot] of the armors.

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:30 am

    Dubscythe wrote:To be extremely DISAPPOINTING.

    You have Priscilla in your avatar, that means you like her.

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Dubscythe Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:49 am

    WyrmHero wrote:
    Dubscythe wrote:To be extremely DISAPPOINTING.

    You have Priscilla in your avatar, that means you like her.


    I can assure you it has nothing to do with her weapon of choice and my name, that would be a silly thought process and I would suggest ending it immediately.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:56 am

    Dubscythe wrote:
    WyrmHero wrote:
    Dubscythe wrote:To be extremely DISAPPOINTING.

    You have Priscilla in your avatar, that means you like her.


    I can assure you it has nothing to do with her weapon of choice and my name, that would be a silly thought process and I would suggest ending it immediately.

    Seriously...who makes their avatar after a fictional character they admire?
    That would just be weird. winking

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Dubscythe Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:07 am

    Reaperfan wrote:
    Dubscythe wrote:
    WyrmHero wrote:
    Dubscythe wrote:To be extremely DISAPPOINTING.

    You have Priscilla in your avatar, that means you like her.


    I can assure you it has nothing to do with her weapon of choice and my name, that would be a silly thought process and I would suggest ending it immediately.

    Seriously...who makes their avatar after a fictional character they admire?
    That would just be weird. winking

    Yes it would, that's why I refuse to partake in it.

    Wait what

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Rassa Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:08 am

    BLA1NE wrote:^Why program it twice? Just make it work like it does on Ornstein... I like skare's theory. You can wear Orny's helm, but you're not him, so you don't get all the perks. Why'd you want to be him anyways? You kicked his *** in a 2v1!

    Rassa wrote:For the same reason females are flat chested. Id imagine budget reasons to reduce cost. The red main would have taken extra resources to animate and it would make the item stand out above all others. Women are flat chested so they dont need 2 make 2 sets of armor. Probably just budget reasons.
    There already are 2 sets for most [edit: a lot] of the armors.

    There are 2 sets for the 8 starter sets. Most of those 2 sets have extra accessories on them and arent really different. IE fur on wanderer coat. Also, ornstein could be its own model with its own skeleton. Considering he has a lot of animations of his own, i doubt its a player model with an armor set equipped. He's probably got his own custom skeleton to himself which would include the animated hair.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:12 am

    A list of armor that is different on male/female characters would be interesting. I know Pharis's Hat is different, as well as the Cleric Armor and Holy Robe headgear.

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by SlakeMoth Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:59 am

    I can't believe we're discussing fashion. Whatever next? Interior Design? Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea. How about a range of paints with names like Depths Brown, Ash Lake Grey, Forest Green, Anor Londo Pink or Hellkite Red? Suggestions on a postcard please.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:29 am

    SlakeMoth wrote:I can't believe we're discussing fashion. Whatever next? Interior Design? Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea. How about a range of paints with names like Depths Brown, Ash Lake Grey, Forest Green, Anor Londo Pink or Hellkite Red? Suggestions on a postcard please.

    Hey, at least we can claim to have Green, Pink, and Red in our game. Certainly beats Dusty Horizon Tan, Gunmetal Grey, and Rusty Brown from everything else winking
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:31 am

    Slake....have you seen the bedroom wallpaper in Anor Londo.


    Dubscythe.......despite you imploring speculation end were you implying you might actually be Priscilla? big grin

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Dubscythe Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:23 am

    skarekrow13 wrote:Slake....have you seen the bedroom wallpaper in Anor Londo.


    Dubscythe.......despite you imploring speculation end were you implying you might actually be Priscilla? big grin

    Nah, just being silly about being a fan of her and stuff.

    I wouldn't want to be Priscilla, as cool as she is the awesomeness of having a tail would be harshly countered by everyone trying to cut it off.
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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:27 am

    Too true. Plus like I speculated in the Archives, I don't think that's actually a dress. It might be her version of wings and the like. Something as simple as a car door mistake could be very painful

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

    Post by Dubscythe Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:30 am

    skarekrow13 wrote:Too true. Plus like I speculated in the Archives, I don't think that's actually a dress. It might be her version of wings and the like. Something as simple as a car door mistake could be very painful

    I don't think it matters what it is, getting hit by a weapon is still gonna be unpleasant.

    Funnily enough I just entered Ariamis in my current playthrough. Unfortunately I'm going to have to kill her for her soul and dagger since it's a 1000/1000 run.

    After i waste 10 hours farming Souvenirs of Reprisal of course.

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    Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor? Empty Re: Why don't you get Ornstein's red mane on the helm when you buy his armor?

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