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    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved


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    Join date : 2012-04-27

    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved Empty Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved

    Post by witchskirt Tue May 01, 2012 5:59 am

    Hi, I am trying to beat the two bosses in anor londo , the dragon slayer and the big guy, which is a rather hard fight, I am at a rather high level, 406, and no one is around to summon for the boss fight, looking for someone else around my level to help with this fight.
    I just beat this boss, if anyone is around 406 sl I would like to play cop op .

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    Join date : 2012-03-18

    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved Empty Re: Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved

    Post by Shkar Tue May 01, 2012 9:32 am

    Hey, for future reference, I managed to solo them on NG++ on my SL ~180 character.

    The secret is too wear a good shield (I used Havel's) and kite them both around the edges of the arena. When Ornstein lunges forward, block the attack and take a swipe at him. Rinse and repeat (with caution!) until you kill Ornstein, then fight Super Smough.

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    Join date : 2012-04-27

    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved Empty Re: Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved

    Post by witchskirt Tue May 01, 2012 10:50 am

    Yaw I beat them by my self, I used majik, I had previously beaten the big guy last so I beat the dragon slayer second, its just a rather annoying battle.

    Posts : 35
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    Join date : 2012-04-23
    Age : 32

    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved Empty Re: Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved

    Post by Entergluttony Wed May 02, 2012 7:51 am

    an easy way to do it as always when ornstein pokes or does an attack but you are to far away you can throw a fireball at him by the way he is extreamly weak against fire

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    Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved Empty Re: Help wanted with Twin Boss Battle in Anor Londo(sl 406) resolved

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