It's really fun so far.. but scaling seems a bit weak even on low level weapons.. maybe because only like +2 that they ain't great but whatever.
I love how smooth the running is! not as realistic as Dark souls running but just makes it nice to out maneuver some of those (hollows?)
Have to say grass munching really lets you just place loosely than on Dark souls
But I really miss poise not used to getting staggered by your bog standard goons yet :|
monologue over now.
but P.S. love the tower knights shield though, looks kinda like havels shield except, you know.. huge.
I love how smooth the running is! not as realistic as Dark souls running but just makes it nice to out maneuver some of those (hollows?)
Have to say grass munching really lets you just place loosely than on Dark souls
But I really miss poise not used to getting staggered by your bog standard goons yet :|
monologue over now.
but P.S. love the tower knights shield though, looks kinda like havels shield except, you know.. huge.