by LEW15777 Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:20 am
Summon Solaire, it makes it miles easier. When the fight starts run to the opposite side, to avoid being hit by Ornsteins usual quick opening. Kill Smough first. He is quite easy compared to Ornstein. I just rolled back avoiding attacks and hitting him when I could. Solaire should keep Ornstein busy. Usually I found Solaire got killed soon after Smough had been finished off. Now you need to get to the opposite side of the room as Ornstein, so run behind one of the already broken pillars (there should be plenty to choose from at this point). If you get the distance right he usually spams his lightning attack, which does not go through the pillar. If you are strong with ranged attacks this is now easy, just go the minimum distance back that enables you to shoot over the broken pillar. During his attack animation there is a point where he is at his tallest, this is when it is easiest to hit him without having to have moved far. I used arrows, but magic is supposed to work as well. If you are weak with ranged attacks it just takes longer. Every now and then, if you get your position wrong or mistime an attack he will change his attack patten, just run, heal, run to the opposite side as he is and continue with the same strategy. You now have access to his cool looking armour/spear. If you kill them the other order you get Smough's big moobs armour/hammer instead, plus a ring you can pick up during the fight.