Edit: Will be in ABC order
They will be in this format:
Soulswiki Name- Console Name
Playstation 3:
- Spoiler:
Abiathar82- DehSean
About8547Souls- About8547Jew
Acidic_Cook- Acidic_Cook
al62250- peace_boyz
AlexRiis- AlexRiis
AnastaciaAstora- AlphaxOmega101
apostateCourier- apostateCourier
Azran- -Ahzran(includes the dash)
BackwardsBaboon- BackwardsBaboon
Baldor Ostarv- Alivad
barcio- goszu
BartholomewWenceslas- Exisor
blueboots73- blueboots1973
BoilerFan8472- BoilerFan8472
bunnywink- bunnywink
Cantankerous_Flood- Floydd1087
carpercen- carpercen
Carphil- Carphil_BR
Cathana- PoPpEr2751
Cloudy Eki- superbia13
Codemaste119- Codemaste119
Cris the lighthearted- FinalSlash
DamageCK- DamageCK
DarkestCryssy13- cryssy13
Darkpicha- Darckie
Delvanoc- Delvanoc
dianaduh- dih_
Disco2106- Discofever21
djgq42- djgq42
Doelker- xBlutEngelx
DoughGuy- Doughguy
DxV04- Darknessxvega
Ecko- MrEcko-
Extertionist- Extertionist
felclef- felclef
Fizzelbottom- Stustushabadoo
Forum Pirate- Forum_Pirate
FrEyes- FractionalEyes
Gazman0169- Gazman0169
GrinTwist- GrinTwist
Hanimir- Hanimir
Hoshizoku- Hoshizoku
Hylian- hylian87
Imarreteet23- Imarreteet23
Incarniot- Incarniot
Isirith- Isirith
jjshowal- jjshowal
JoeBroski09- JoeBroski
joeclone- joeclone
Jovias-86- Jovias-86
JumpOnMySword- JumpOnMySword
Keyz Kage- Keiz-Kaqe34
Kisuke Urahara- Deadpool720
Kiwi_Commander- Kiwi_Commander
Kyogen- Injusticeman01.
Lancelot- iMugBabies
latin4radical- T4RZ4NB0MB and I-_DANGERZ0NE_-I
Lordogodofhell- Lordgodofhell
lui1994- lui1994
McTrikster- McTrikster
moaiguy42- wes-d_1916
mugenis4real- SrgntFrost
Myztyrio- Myztyrio
Nightmare Moon- Luna_darkmoon
NordNorth- NordNorth
OcelotRigz- MRigz
Odinbear- Odinbear
Omenzrus- Omenzrus
Onion Knight- Llanafanvillalol
Opedak- Opedak
Orango19- Orango19
Oregonav8r- Oregon_AV8R
OrnsteinFanBoy - Grimdog102
Outkast_21- outkast_21
PaPaSmVrf- arrmorcore
Pratix- Pratix2
Pwnasauresrex- pwnasauresrex
Ragingdragon_69- Ragingdragon_69
Railage- Railage
Reaperfan- Reaperfan
reim0027- reim0027_5
RNsunbro- astamour1
robsthedon- robsthedon
Rockstar2112- Rockstar2112
Rona- unkyrona
russiannightmare- russiannightmare
ScaryPirateDude- ScaryPirateDude
Scrubbly- TehScrubbly
Serious_Much- HolyPK9
Sheldor- WilleoSoeurs
Shindori- Shindori
Specter737- Specter737
Spurgun- spurgun
Swordiris- Amadeous313
TehInfamousAmos- TehInfamousAmos
ThatGamer- NightmareCastle
TheAshenPhantom- GunGravePhantom
TheBigLebowski- BigLebowski2000 or Taki-Tsu-Hiro
THEOLUIGI- Luigi_Pimentel
Uparkaam- Uparkaam
vatar5- vatar5
VeranoChico- Summer_Child
ViralEnsign_- ViralEnsign_
The Wandering Knight- holy_paladin
Wilkinson3424- Wilkinson3424
wolf_queen7- wolf_queen7
WyrmHero- WyrmHero1945
xenosphere- ReaperMined
Yarxov- Jdyer97
Zakkia- Zakkia
Zodiaxel- Zodiaxel
- Spoiler:
- 727- Hulle Granx
Akatik- ColdCyberfuNk
Anonymous Proxy- Ghosts of RUIN
Artorias The Abyss Walker- CEMO9
AzureCrow- AzureCrow
BackwardsBaboon- BackwardsBaboon
Bcc17- BCC17
Bioraptor= CelestialSpiral
Blazalin- Blazalin
Buggy Virus- A Buggy Virus
Chaos Spectre- Destrond
dancash1808- dancash1808
Doelker- qI Lone Wolf Ip
The_DoritoNinja- A Daunted Wolf
Drydwir- Drydwir
Dubscythe- Dubscythe
DxV04- Darknessxvega
edgie_za- EdGiE ZA
Elite Knight- PenguinPopPunk
eminusx- eminusx
EmoElmos- EmoElmos
Expecting Joker- ExpectingJoker9
FlamingHarlekin- FlamingHarlekin
Garl_Vinland- Gunsoftheidiots/ Regalian Slayer
GkMrBane- GkMrBane
icegodzilla- IceGodzilla777
Isaren- IsarenMyari
isthefridge- isthefridge
IV_Mark_VI- VI Mark IV
Jorund- a sad walrus
JustT- thursti81
Kaminari- Kaminari san
lextune- lextune
Lord of Ash- Lord of Ash
LordRevan- DaDrunkDucky
Minorino- Minorino
Mordreid- Mordreid
Mourning Sun- Bovolt
mr.lucasilon1000- an anteater
Nightmare Moon- Ss I Demonata
Niteblade- Niteblade
Noob-of-Artorias- Bayou Bulldog
omega Elf- omega Elf
Pandamage22- Pandamage
PaPaSmVrf- PaPaSmVrf
Pesth - Pesth
pillz1990- v PILLZ v
Quarik- Quarik - (Steam) Quarik
Railage- Railage
RedBomberX- RedBomberX
Robotech- Robotech_123
Rudmed- gguyy
Rynn- Kujiii
Sabre120- Sabre120
ScaryPirateDude- ScaryPirateDude
Scrubbly- l0lz0rdz
Sendicard- Sendicard
Servant of Priscilla- xColonelPiratex
Shindori- ShindoriH
Shkar- DeadlyHeretic
Shungi- oldshungi
The Letter X- The Letter X
TheSorrowedMan- TheSorrowedMan
Turtlenator03- Turtlenator 03
WaLKA- iHokuto Shinken
WhatDoesThePendantDo?- DiogenesSinope7
wolf_queen7- WolfQueen7
zasmyenok- zasmyenok
Ziggurat91- high rev0ltage
ZikoLogika NL- ZikoLogika
ZTx Taco- ZTx Taco
- Spoiler:
felclef- felclef
Hoshizoku- Hoshizoku89
Onion Knight- OnionKnight
Spurgun- Spurgun
VinheimProffesor- Dremain
Last edited by Chaos Spectre on Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:12 am; edited 37 times in total