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    Practice!Practice!Practice! Club


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    Practice!Practice!Practice! Club Empty Practice!Practice!Practice! Club

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Mon May 21, 2012 3:21 pm

    This is a new group/club i want to start, it is for new players and experienced players(no one is perfect) Its not going to be like FC where we just duel its a more based around practicing certain tactics and everyone giving helpful advice to others. Here's some of the stuff i would like to include in the club meetings.

    Parry Practice: weapons like BKGA,MLGS,DSS,Washing Pole(or any weapon you are having trouble with). we will use un upgraded weapons and practice things like preforming parries or avoiding getting parried.

    Back Stab Practice: pretty clear. we will practice things like different types of back stabs and how to preform them and how to avoid them. once again un upgraded weapons of course. i'm only mediocre at back stabs so if anyone is particularly good at them it would help people with learning to avoid/preform them.

    Foot Work: this is an underrated skill in my opinion. we will practice foot work, knowing when to roll/dodge and when to not can be more complicated then it seems. dancing around too much can end up being your downfall. we will try and practice doing it in the most efficient ways.

    Spells/Miracles and more: theres not too many spells or miracles that cause problems for people, but the ones that do we will practice ways to counter them. wrath,great combustion,buff+pw,dragon body roar.css,homing soul mass ext.

    you dont need to be a noob in order to join this club, in fact it would be appreciated if some veteran players joined in order to help a lot of us. i am by no means a pro at this game, but i at least know a few ways to tackle certain situations that have proven successful. this is not just going to be a thread where we discuss counters in the forum using words this will be in game so that people can see that some of the counters are viable/do able. i think we will be ok but obviously we will need to be civilized and not treat others with disrespect. if you want to practice a bit or want to help new players and get some extra practice yourself PLEASE JOIN!

    im thinking that either blighttown or darkroot basin would be a good place for when we get together. obviously everyone cant be in the same world so a host and as many white/red phantoms as possible will practice in one world while others practice with other hosts, but we will be all connected by a psn chat.(i suggest the xbl players take this idea also).i did not choose a time/day to have it, i wanted to wait and see peoples thoughts on it.finally, this is not an ego stroking competition, this i to practice and help each other and learn from each other.

    i hope you all join so we can all improve our skill. big grin

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    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Mon May 21, 2012 3:56 pm

    Very niceone Fruit!
    I think you will get a big group! Especially for the parry practice!

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    Post by DamageCK Mon May 21, 2012 4:27 pm

    I'm definitely down to help out any way that I can. Just send me a chat invite and we'll get this thing going. Always glad to help.

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    Post by Anchises Mon May 21, 2012 4:31 pm

    This is a great idea, talk about jolly coop. I just realized that you can parry a friendly spirit, so now I practice with summoners/summoned spirits if we're waiting for invaders.

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    Post by jjshowal Mon May 21, 2012 4:36 pm

    Love this idea! Count me in. We could also have different training sessions for different soul levels. Let me know if you need help organizing!

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    Practice!Practice!Practice! Club Empty Re: Practice!Practice!Practice! Club

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Mon May 21, 2012 5:15 pm

    cool glad you guys are interested. i just had the basic idea of how it will be done. i will have to set up a chat and think of a good place and time. im thinking on top of sens is a good place. jjshowal thats a good idea, maybe have sl40 and sl120 or something. i dont want to split it up or not let people practice due to sl, but some of the things we would practice require a fairly high sl character to use the spells/weapons.

    it would help if there were people who could wield mlgs,bkga,washing pole, ext. and have an un upgraded version of that weapon. i will work on getting a few characters going.

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    Post by Quarik Mon May 21, 2012 5:18 pm

    Sounds great! I'm not sure I'd wouldn't be able to use too many different weapons on my 30s and I don't have any 120 builds. I can use some greatswords and halberds on the 30's though, so that's something. XBL or PSN?

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Mon May 21, 2012 5:47 pm

    psn. i suggest xbox players do a similar group. best way to learn is to practice in friendly duels where the other person gives advice. this will be like a more in depth and focused way of doing that.

    edit: the more i think about this the more complicated it becomes. maybe the best way to do it would to start a "practice partner" thread where people can find a buddy to help them practice what they are having trouble with. cause i was thinking a lot of people wont have base lvl mlgs,or dragon slayer spears ext or be able to wield them. i was thinking force could make do for practicing roll bsing wrath(or just dodging) you could just wear no armor and have no shield. if it knocks you back that means you would have taken dmg. any ideas to help improve this and make it easier for as many people to get help as possible would be helpful.
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    Post by dancash1808 Tue May 22, 2012 6:19 am

    Sounds great! I could always use some Practise. also will this be PvE aswell or just PvP either is cool with me... happy (may want a list of who is XBL and who is PSN)
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    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 22, 2012 6:22 am

    Mind if I send my knights here for practice before the war?

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue May 22, 2012 7:00 am

    Aye I could really use some practice using a Long Sword type weapon and the normal encumberance roll.

    Also Parrys of course. Will you have specific SL's or not?

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    Post by Jovias-86 Tue May 22, 2012 8:06 am

    Yh im in for this too Fruit!
    Great duels yest btw

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue May 22, 2012 11:34 am

    im glad so many of you are interested, that makes me happy big grin im realizing now that having this many people meeting to try and practice different things all on the same day and time might not work out. the best thing i can think to do is form a chat that people can always log into and see if theres others on willing to practice. Maybe we can have a list of the people who want to be involved along with different builds they have to use(soul level and what weapons they are capable of wielding) and what they would like to focus on the most. however for people to practice with each other they dont both need to want to focus on the same things. too practice i would think basically doing a staged duel with non upgraded weapons and pausing and healing if someone reaches low health would be the best way to go about it.

    do you all think having a list of members and people practicing in pairs sounds like a good idea? im hoping their will be some of you that can show me and others a thing out two, that would be much appreciated. what do you all think, does that sound reasonable? having a list of members and what they would like to practice and what weapons and tactics they are capable of using. i can make a list of the xbox players also but you willl all have to form a chat yourselves cause i dont have a 360. we can use this thread to give others helpful advice,and for people to ask general questions about using the techniques in the original post. if everyone thinks that sounds like a good way to go about it, then lets get started. heres an example of what i mean.

    psn:FruitPunchNinja7( wants too focus on parries,backstabs,and spell counters) i have a few sl120 builds that can wields any dex weapon and most str weapons. i will be trying to create builds that can use a more variety of weapons and spells. times available are 7pm-10pm est most weekdays(sometimes earlier) and 12am-10pm est most weekends. i am able to parry,backstab but need more practice. i can use most weapons efficiently but i am still average overall.

    if anyone has an idea of how to go about this better i am open for suggestions. this will be a group effort.

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    Post by WyrmHero Tue May 22, 2012 11:43 am

    I'm in, I need roll backstab practice.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue May 22, 2012 12:02 pm

    i hope someone gets involved who is really good at preforming the different types of backstabs. everyone talks about roll backstabs like they are some easy feat lol. i can never pull them off in an actual duel, it normally ends in me getting dead angled. also the counter to pivot backstabs where you switch places with the person who was trying to back stab you i dont completely understand.

    this is one of the few times where i want to play someone who can backstab me with ease lol

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    Post by Wisp Tue May 22, 2012 3:05 pm

    Count me in! (from thursday onwards)

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    Post by nsane32 Tue May 22, 2012 3:13 pm

    I can help with XBL anti BSing spell avoiding and other important tips GT:nsane32
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    Post by billy_bayonet Tue May 22, 2012 3:34 pm

    me and roan are allways practicing with each other, wouldnt mind helping out people im on every night just send me a freind request on psn billy-bayonet i only have 120 toons though

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    Post by jjshowal Tue May 22, 2012 3:40 pm

    Let's get a list of usernames together.

    I will start a new thread. Post your psn id, and sl and we will go from there as well as what time of the week they are available.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue May 22, 2012 6:25 pm

    thanks jjshowal that would be helpful. im kinda busy this week. i will make a psn chat and invite everyone on the list. does everyone agree that having this kinda being basically a chat you can go to find people to practice with. its not the most elaborate idea but i think that will work best.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue May 22, 2012 6:28 pm

    billy im glad to hear that. i fought roan in the burg with normal pvp rules(backstabs ext) and hes pretty darn good, he beat me everytime i believe i might have got one win i forget. to make it easier anyone on psn just send me a friend invite PSN: FruitPunchNinja7 not sure if caps matter i think they do.

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    Post by XISTRiFEIX Tue May 22, 2012 6:35 pm

    I'll talk to the organizer of the XBL FC i'm in for XBL practice sessions

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