Parry Practice: weapons like BKGA,MLGS,DSS,Washing Pole(or any weapon you are having trouble with). we will use un upgraded weapons and practice things like preforming parries or avoiding getting parried.
Back Stab Practice: pretty clear. we will practice things like different types of back stabs and how to preform them and how to avoid them. once again un upgraded weapons of course. i'm only mediocre at back stabs so if anyone is particularly good at them it would help people with learning to avoid/preform them.
Foot Work: this is an underrated skill in my opinion. we will practice foot work, knowing when to roll/dodge and when to not can be more complicated then it seems. dancing around too much can end up being your downfall. we will try and practice doing it in the most efficient ways.
Spells/Miracles and more: theres not too many spells or miracles that cause problems for people, but the ones that do we will practice ways to counter them. wrath,great combustion,buff+pw,dragon body roar.css,homing soul mass ext.
you dont need to be a noob in order to join this club, in fact it would be appreciated if some veteran players joined in order to help a lot of us. i am by no means a pro at this game, but i at least know a few ways to tackle certain situations that have proven successful. this is not just going to be a thread where we discuss counters in the forum using words this will be in game so that people can see that some of the counters are viable/do able. i think we will be ok but obviously we will need to be civilized and not treat others with disrespect. if you want to practice a bit or want to help new players and get some extra practice yourself PLEASE JOIN!
im thinking that either blighttown or darkroot basin would be a good place for when we get together. obviously everyone cant be in the same world so a host and as many white/red phantoms as possible will practice in one world while others practice with other hosts, but we will be all connected by a psn chat.(i suggest the xbl players take this idea also).i did not choose a time/day to have it, i wanted to wait and see peoples thoughts on it.finally, this is not an ego stroking competition, this i to practice and help each other and learn from each other.
i hope you all join so we can all improve our skill.