by Elevander Thu May 24, 2012 8:41 pm
3nvy wrote: Bioraptor wrote:My personal opinion on this is that the Pendant is nothing more then a placebo.
It is From just having a joke at our expense.
My thinking behind this is due to nothing being found.
With the amount off people who have played this game and still do surely would have found the law or the secret by now if there was one?.
Again though I hope I am wrong and there is a secret behind this.......
That's not necessarily true. There are secrets in games that have gone unfound for years. I remember a certain Resident Evil game in which you had to search a desk 101 times, getting nothing but a "There's nothing interesting here.." the first 100 times, but finding a picture as an item the 101st time. That wasn't found for YEARS, and I have no idea who would go around clicking every "Search" in the game 101 times, but whoever it was, we need his dedication to find the Pendant's use! I would do it, but hell, I'm too lazy to even upgrade my Grass Crest to +15
It was 50 times, but yeah, read the ones in this link, some of them seem like useless/small crap, but it's fact that they were there that matters ^^ I loved the Batman one, but the Bond one kinda favors the non-believing side (as in, some "secrets" or "easter eggs" are nothing more than budget/time cuts, sadly enough).
The DK one really shows how far fans are willing to go for games they love, and in the end, if you're the kinda person that wants to put all that time and effort into a game, and you feel fulfilled when you find what you were looking for, it doesn't matter that no one else did or does I suppose =)
Basicly, love it or hate it, it is what it is, and people will do and think what they will =P
(This post basicly endorses both sides I guess, but that doesn't even matter