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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?


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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:45 am

    And by first time, I mean in the catacombs. You're only able to meet him in the catacombs if you go there before Reah and his bodyguards show up in Firelink Shrine. So, if you kill him, in theory, he wouldn't be able to trick Nico and Vincent and then they wouldn't turn hollow? And from there I could just speculate a whole story lol.

    Anybody tried this? Saw the results?

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by bloodpixel Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:50 am

    Hmm, I have to test it out.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:53 am

    bloodpixel wrote:Hmm, I have to test it out.

    Okay thanks, post your findings here when you're done! If there is something interesting I will put it in the wiki.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by JY4answer Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:12 am

    I never really tried going before Reah and her bodyguards and always did so after them, and always find Patches there fine. It also makes little sense how you can go before the party and afterwards find them tricked by him. Unless I'm being an idiot for misunderstanding the whole 'going first' thing.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:51 am

    JY4answer wrote:I never really tried going before Reah and her bodyguards and always did so after them, and always find Patches there fine. It also makes little sense how you can go before the party and afterwards find them tricked by him. Unless I'm being an idiot for misunderstanding the whole 'going first' thing.

    Patches appears in the Catacombs next to the second "switch" of the second rotating bridge, only if you go there before Reah appears in Firelink for the first time, that means before she goes with Petrus and her bodyguards to the catacombs and before Petrus comebacks alone. I think that in the normal order of the game Reah appears for the first time after ringing the first bell and leaves when you reload/go to another area for a while.

    I did this a lot of times but I never tried killing him and THEN wait for Reah to leave and then go to ToG to see her or see if their bodyguards turn hollow anyway. It would make sense because that's the reason Patches doesn't appear in the catacombs after Reah leaves, because he advances and tricks them in Tomb of Giants.

    I think that you're confusing Tomb of Giants with the Catacombs. It's impossible to find Patches in the Catacombs once Petrus returns alone after going with his group.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by JY4answer Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:10 am

    ChizFreak wrote:
    JY4answer wrote:I never really tried going before Reah and her bodyguards and always did so after them, and always find Patches there fine. It also makes little sense how you can go before the party and afterwards find them tricked by him. Unless I'm being an idiot for misunderstanding the whole 'going first' thing.

    Patches appears in the Catacombs next to the second "switch" of the second rotating bridge, only if you go there before Reah appears in Firelink for the first time, that means before she goes with Petrus and her bodyguards to the catacombs and before Petrus comebacks alone. I think that in the normal order of the game Reah appears for the first time after ringing the first bell and leaves when you reload/go to another area for a while.

    I did this a lot of times but I never tried killing him and THEN wait for Reah to leave and then go to ToG to see her or see if their bodyguards turn hollow anyway. It would make sense because that's the reason Patches doesn't appear in the catacombs after Reah leaves, because he advances and tricks them in Tomb of Giants.

    I think that you're confusing Tomb of Giants with the Catacombs. It's impossible to find Patches in the Catacombs once Petrus returns alone after going with his group.

    Ah. I get it now. Derp. Never met him at the Catacombs, and still find him at ToG just fine. I didn't miss anything doing that did I?
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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ublug Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:17 am

    JY4answer wrote:Ah. I get it now. Derp. Never met him at the Catacombs, and still find him at ToG just fine. I didn't miss anything doing that did I?
    You just missed dying by falling off a bridge...

    On my last character I went to the Catacombs and ToG, right after arriving at firelink for the first time. Was planning to let Petrus kill Reah as early as possible, so I took both shortcuts through the catacombs and killed Pinwheel, without meeting Patches on my way. When Patches kicked me down in ToG, the pit was empty, with no Reah in sight. Petrus was still at firelink when I warped back, no Reah there either.
    So there's probably something else you must do before going there, maybe just meet Patches in the Catacombs, to make Reah appear in ToG.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:26 pm

    ublug wrote:
    JY4answer wrote:Ah. I get it now. Derp. Never met him at the Catacombs, and still find him at ToG just fine. I didn't miss anything doing that did I?
    You just missed dying by falling off a bridge...

    On my last character I went to the Catacombs and ToG, right after arriving at firelink for the first time. Was planning to let Petrus kill Reah as early as possible, so I took both shortcuts through the catacombs and killed Pinwheel, without meeting Patches on my way. When Patches kicked me down in ToG, the pit was empty, with no Reah in sight. Petrus was still at firelink when I warped back, no Reah there either.
    So there's probably something else you must do before going there, maybe just meet Patches in the Catacombs, to make Reah appear in ToG.

    No. Reah appears in ToG after she leaves Firelink with Petrus and his bodyguards. Like I said, normally, Reah appears in Firelink Shrine after you ring the First Bell. Then she leaves after you reload/go somewhere else for a while. After this happens, you're no longer able to find Patches in Catacombs.

    If you want to make Reah appear as early as possible you should talk to Petrus all you can. Then reload your game until his group appears. Then reload again so the Group leaves, and then Reload again so Petrus comebacks alone. Then Reah should be in ToG.

    But I don't know if it's possible to make her appear reloading your game without having killed any boss. Try what I said above.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:10 pm

    nope that doesn't work they still fall down the like dumb asses

    i always kill patches because well i hate that little sniveling little bastard

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:17 pm

    Scudman_Slayer wrote:nope that doesn't work they still fall down the like dumb asses

    i always kill patches because well i hate that little sniveling little bastard

    You killed him in the Catacombs next to the second switch of the second rotating bridge, before Reah appears in Firelink Shrine?

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:19 pm

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by RANT Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:20 pm

    you dont need to kill any bosses for them to move on, just go to new areas and they will progress as if you youve cleared the level.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:21 pm

    i killed him before rhea even apeared on firelink before i even went to undead burg actually

    had some trouble with skeletons but managed to get through and kill that little bastard

    later i found rhea on tomb of giants,she still fell like an idiot

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by PPG-3- Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:44 am

    ok. I killed him him at the first encounter. But Rhea was already in Firelink. Once I got to the second enounter area, no patches, no Rhea. Back in Firelink. No one there, not even Petrus (pretty sure). Not in undead parish either. Haven't tried the prison in Duke's yet but I don't expect her there anyways.

    I figure killing Patches at first encounter cancels out the Rhea quest. Anyone else try?

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by deathsdragon Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:01 pm

    Yeah I killed patches in catacombs before Rhea and Guards even showed up at Firelink, then when entering Tomb of Giants she wasn't there so left came back she was there, then later she was in the Prison in Dukes.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by sunbro Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:17 pm

    I killed Pertus before Rhea arives in firelink
    Now she and her body guards are hostile and I went to Oswalsd in the church got absolved and they aare still hostile
    In the mean time I cleared the catacombs and the tomb of giants and they are still at firelink, even Patches is in fire link
    went on with the game killed seath and the bed of chaos and they are still hostile in fire link only the four kings are left

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:42 am

    I remember somebody tested this on the old forums and said Reah just gets stuck anyway.
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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:40 pm

    She just falls down there anyway and the Dialogue about being tricked vanishes, I killed him on accident once while trying to get a few items down there early.

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    What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him? Empty Re: What if you kill Patches the first time you meet him?

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