A poll was made as to how many times a month should gravelords/gravesworn get together to curse the same area at the same sl level. Although Once per week got the most votes. It was decided that for the sake of the covenant and for the sake of fun to do it every 2 weeks. (none of this is mandatory) Once every week = chore. bhaaaa :evil: we all hate chores.
So now we should vote on a day and time.
Time would be local to the player. For example:
Those in New Zealand would spread misery at the chosen time say 8 pm local time.
While those in England would spread misery at 8 pm local time.
If the New Zeland player wants to join the local session of any other gravelord group they are welcomed to and vice versa.
For example: I don't have to work or do anything and I am up late I know that New Zeland 8 Pm is US central time of 3 am. So I load up my gravelord and join them.
Ok so lets pic a day. Thank you.
Last edited by DxV04 on Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total