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    pharis hat mystery.


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    pharis hat mystery. Empty pharis hat mystery.

    Post by barrywilkins Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:38 am

    there is apparently two models for the pharis hat. i just killed pharis on one of my new characters and noticed it had a different more robin hood style to it. ive got a few other characters with the hat, and it looks alot closer to the fat officials cap on them. so i must ask...whats up with this?

    Posts : 364
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    Location : Canada

    pharis hat mystery. Empty Re: pharis hat mystery.

    Post by BindMind Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:40 am

    barrywilkins wrote:there is apparently two models for the pharis hat. i just killed pharis on one of my new characters and noticed it had a different more robin hood style to it. ive got a few other characters with the hat, and it looks alot closer to the fat officials cap on them. so i must ask...whats up with this?

    There is a difference between the male and female model.

    The male version has points to the end, while the female version is much more reserved, exposing the face.

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    Join date : 2012-03-18

    pharis hat mystery. Empty Re: pharis hat mystery.

    Post by Shkar Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:42 am

    BindMind wrote:
    barrywilkins wrote:there is apparently two models for the pharis hat. i just killed pharis on one of my new characters and noticed it had a different more robin hood style to it. ive got a few other characters with the hat, and it looks alot closer to the fat officials cap on them. so i must ask...whats up with this?

    There is a difference between the male and female model.

    The male version has points to the end, while the female version is much more reserved, exposing the face.

    ^ This, on a female character it's more of a cap, it lacks the points.

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