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    Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:43 pm

    One of my best friends recently got his own copy of Dark Souls (so he could finally stop borrowing mine), and he was really excited to co-op. Specifically he was excited to co-op PvP, which I told him was just ganking.

    Still thinking about it, it would be nice to have a legitimate way to PvP with a friend on your side, which is why I propose we set up a 2v2 PvP league and tournies.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Re: Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:45 pm

    I would love to see Team Deathmatch style PvP. Seems hard to get it organized though, but if you can get it going, I'd love to take part.

    P.S. What happened to the DkS graphic novel?
    Compulsory Poster
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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Re: Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:56 pm

    You'd need someone to invade as a DMB, and then the other 2 use RSS. Extremely hard to set that up. Maybe the DLC will fix that though.

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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Re: Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by DamageCK Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:22 pm

    You can pick up two RSS, but it's rough since they can attack each other. Anyone who toggles lock on and off will have a hard time. Plus AoE spells and CHSM are out of the question.
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Re: Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by Buggy Virus Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:30 pm

    Meh, you would have to alternate between the teams being phantoms and hosting, but it would still be fun and worth it.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Let's set up a 2v2 league Empty Re: Let's set up a 2v2 league

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:31 pm

    You can do 3 way free for alls which are pretty fun. 1 white and 2 reds. You can also do 2 vs 2's with 2 whites vs 2 reds although the reds are disadvataged.

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