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    sniper crossbow



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    sniper crossbow Empty sniper crossbow

    Post by chaosrave Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:13 am

    in honor to the epic crossbow guy in the DLC... im going make a sniper crossbow build... just wondering if there is a way to speed up the recovery time after shooting a bolt... im thinking dex might do it as it speeds up cast timings? just wondering let me know if anyone knows how or if its impossible..

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by DamageCK Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:28 am

    Pretty sure recovery time is set. Bummer, man. And why not Dragon's Dogma? Heard nothing but awesome things about it.

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by chaosrave Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:31 am

    DamageCK wrote:Pretty sure recovery time is set. Bummer, man. And why not Dragon's Dogma? Heard nothing but awesome things about it.

    ah nothing against any games that are not on the list... just put up some that i was gona def get and some random ones i saw trailers for

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by DamageCK Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:37 am

    Yeah, I know. Just making a suggestion. Can't wait till I scoop that up.
    Tyler Durden
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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by RANT Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:12 am

    what damage said. and what is up with the poll? lol none of those games stood up for me, i was like meh, the last of us and watch dogs look awesome though.
    Chosen Undead
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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by User Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:50 pm

    The sniper crossbow has the **** reload speed out of everything, second only to the Dragonslayer Bow... which has better manual aim, range, and power.

    If you use a Sniper Crossbow, don't try the Hawk Ring, unless you are VERY good at actually manually aiming at enemies with it... PvP will probably be not the best thing (unless you have very long, narrow areas... including Anor Londo), so try to go for large crossbow bolts instead of the sniper crossbow bolts.

    Also, don't go elemental, go either crystal or pure physical. Don't even go and try lightning crossbow UNLESS you can afford lighting bolts, but even then it would do similar if not less damage in most cases than a crystal/pure with large crossbows (although there are a few who are very weak against lightning, so it depends...)

    I tried to use all the Crossbows, except the three-shot one (because I knew it was a piece of crap when I killed many who used it, and I knew the Light and Heavy Crossbows were better in many aspects), and the Sniper Crossbow is one of the more... challenging ones. I recommend you to practise it a good amount, before you actually try to use it effectively. Out of all the crossbows, the sniper crossbow is the most challenging... and also Carim. The use of a shotel or a rapier might suit it well lol

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by roanispe Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:45 pm

    Fun Fact! Sniper crossbow can be aimed if you use the Binoculars to line it up to your target. I don't have any good videos of it, so here is a bad one:

    Skip to 5:22 to the theory in practice.

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by chaosrave Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:05 am

    RantFromRant wrote:what damage said. and what is up with the poll? lol none of those games stood up for me, i was like meh, the last of us and watch dogs look awesome though.

    havent seen watch dogs but yea last of us looks good... and what u mean didnt stand out? freakign AC3 and resident evil 6 look awesome big grin
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by RANT Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:07 am

    ac3 and re6 is just more of the same, nothing new, same with gta, i got sick of it after vice city bt that's just me. cannot wait for ni no kuni though, it's been a long time since i played a really good rpg.

    edit; i meant to say this e3 was meh, it was really disappointing imo.

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    sniper crossbow Empty Re: sniper crossbow

    Post by DamageCK Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:12 am

    I'm done with AC. Like Rant was saying, it's all the same gameplay mechanics, and I'm bored with it. I've played it enough them to know what to expect from their releases, and I'm bored of them.

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