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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First


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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:30 am

    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Banner10

    Here is the official home thread for the Gravelord User Covenant, now named by a greater concensus the Gravesworn.

    We exist to propagate the Misery Nito would want us to inflict on the living as well as providing a strong support network for new Gravelords or veteran players who have considered joing but considered the Covenant broken.


    We art-

    "The souls of lost humans who swore thier Oaths to Nito, Lord of the Dead, and were granted new bodies comprised of many corpses of the Undead that roam Lordran. In doing so Nito made his servants immortal and charged them with bringing about the new age he desires. Each Gravesworn is bound to Nito and can channel his malice through the Eyes of Death to spread vast quantities of misery throughout the world. Nito named his most trusted servants Heralds, the harbingers of a form of his ill will toward the living"."

    Like all Covenanters we play to serve the Great Lord of Death by accruing as many Eyes of Death as we possibly can.

    For too long we the servants of Nito, inheritors of his glorious powers, have shunned the light of Lordran. We have wandered alone seeking the deaths of our enemies. Now Nito has called to us to forge him an army equal to those of the other Lords.

    We shall rise from the crypts of our ancestors and march forth!

    We shall target the following areas for now

    SL20- Burg, Parish, Depth

    SL 60- Sens/ Anor Londo/ Painted World

    SL 80- The dens of the other Lords!

    SL 120- Anywhere you so choose

    At present the Adimistrators of the Covenant are-

    ViralEnsign_- PSN

    DxV04- XBL


    Within the Gravesworn we will have a Ranking System that will allow us to determine our own dedication to the Gravelord Nito, as well as identify veteran Gravelorders who have put a lot of time into this Covenant.

    Rank 1- (requires an intiation) 10 Eyes- Ressurected

    Rank 2- Gravelord Servant +1, 20 Eyes- Gravebound

    Rank 3- Gravelord Servant +2, 30 Eyes- Deathstalker

    Rank 4- Gravelord Servant +2, 40 Eyes- Coffinmaster

    Rank 5- Gravelord Servant +3, 50 Eyes- Herald of *

    * ( the suffix of the title is subject to request, and will be first come first served)

    Our base of operations it the Catacombs where we have unrestricted access to our lord as well as the home field advantage (not to mention BP Bonewhell Skeletons). Also whe have a Smith close by to us, as such I would like to see some of you perhaps using Fire weapons or even Chaos.

    Gravelords serve Nito as idividuals and as such we have a variety of skilled individuals and at Nito's command ranging from long dead knights, to socrcerors of unbelivable power, and mighty and faithful clerics.

    Though a member of this covenant must have access to either the Gravelord Sword or Gravelord Great/Sword Dance.


    Priscilla's Lifehunuters


    Priscilla, Daughter of Seath the Scaleless, commands a band of extremely dangerous warriors known only as the Lifehunters. These soldiers have allowed us access to her domain on the condition that we do not attempt to slay her. The deal is struck. She will be a powerful ally against Seath and the other Lords.


    The Noble Knights


    This group of holy warrior have sworn to end the threat of the undead in Lordran and have made several forays into the Catacombs recently. Led by a powerful knight they tread our unholy domains and seek to end the unlife of our Lord Nito in all his many forms. These are our greatest of enemies and must be executed at all costs. Though they are strong they are only undead and will eventuallyy go hollow. We shall endure.

    The Inheritor's of Sunlight


    The successors of Lord Gwyn who seek to establish the rule of the Dark Flame. They have sided with the mad Gwyn and his ilk and pose a great threat to our goals. having inherited several Lord Souls they are extremely powerful and should be treated as if they were the godspawn themselves

    Gravesworn- Servants of the First 47024010

    For more information see the following links

    For general posting and swapping of stories please use -

    For tips on how to spread misery see-

    For a comprehensive catalog of how your curses affect others see-

    Thats it. Get out there and start making your builds for the aforementioned SL ranges.
    While we will be an organised group there is nothing to stop you from invading and taking out fellow members.

    We are Currently at war with the Noble Knights User Covenant and have fought with them in the Tomb of the Giants already. It was a narrow defeat and the turn out was less that we had originally hoped for but it was great fun. Next the Gravesworn go the the aid of our allies the Lifehunters to prevent the same defeat we suffered at the hands of the Noble Knights.

    The Last score was 26-25 to the Noble Knights. Curse your name Oscar II!

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:30 am


    Black Plague

    DxV04- Lord of Schemes (XBL)

    Federally- Gravebound (PSN_)

    Shkar-Deathstalker (XBL)

    The Ebon Hand

    Ziko LogiKa NL- Coffinmaster (XBL) +3 Corruption

    WolfofPhyrexia- Deathstalker (PSN) +4 Corruption


    ViralEnsign_- Coffinmaster, Bonecaller (PSN) +3 Corruption

    The Unaffiliated

    Members and Ranks


    Wyrmhero- Executioner, Hand of Priscilla

    FattyofDoom- Ressurected

    DoctorGraveyard- Gravebound

    Delvannoc- Ressurected

    Jovias-86- Ressurected

    Ashen_Willowalk- Ressurected

    King-of-Twilight- Ressurected


    GodsHorseman- Harbinger

    Quarik- Ressurected

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:25 pm; edited 10 times in total

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:31 am


    Corruption is a measure of how dedicated a Gravesworn is to Lord Nito, by performing acts of great evil or by furthering our cause to bring about the Age of the Dead a Gravesworn gains access to more services this Covenant offers and also leadership responsibilities.
    Gravesworn can earnt +1 Corruption by:

    Slaying the abomination Seathe the Scaleless- By ending the life of this bastard dragon a Gravesworn is eliminating a potential enemy who may attempt to hinder Lord Nito's plans.

    Ending the Reign of the Four Kings- In deposing the Four Kings of New Londo a Gravesworn is striking a blow against the accursed Dark Wraiths that invade our worlds with the intent to end the spreading of the Plague.

    Killing a True Knight (Only one token may be presented)- A Gravesworn must journey out of the Catacombs to slay a knight of great valour before they can truely be accepted amongst the ranks of his fellow undead. Once this task is complete they must return with a token of thier kill. Accepted Enemies are Solaire, must present the Sunlight Talisman, Havel, must present his Great Shield, and Ornstien, must present the Dragon Slayer Spear.

    Killing the Scion of Oscar (Only Applicable once)- A Gravesworn who has gone toe to toe with the Great Oscar II is one who has shown his skill on the battlefield many times before. Those who have bested him and struck a blow against him are considered amongst the greatest Gravesworn to ever have unlived.

    Present 80 Eyes of Death to Nito or 90 to Avrik- A Gravesworn may present thier Eyes of Death directly to Lord Nito himself, requiring 80, or can prove thier dedication by presenting Avrik the Hand of Nito with 90. This allows for those who have already given Eyes to Nito and for those who havent to attain this last point of Corruption.


    Corruption not only serves as a marker of your efforts and dedication but also allows you to earn rewards, favours, and authority from the First of the Dead himself.
    +1 Corruption- A single Pardon in the killing of Lord Nito. He accepts and requires reincarnation if his power is to grow.

    +2 Corruption- A Gravesworn with this much Corruption has access to the Covenant Merchants and EoD Bank.

    +3 Corruption- Under Construction

    +4 Corruption- Officer Status in the Vocation of thier choice..Also they are able to act as bankers of Eyes of Death, Merchants, and Hosts for future events.

    +5 Corruption- The first member to attain 5 Corruption in one of the Vocations is given a unique title and the responsibilty of leading that Vocation of Gravesworn. Ever +5 Corruption Member has the opportunity to be selected as a member of Nito's Inner Circle

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:05 am; edited 6 times in total

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:31 am

    Reseved for Events

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:31 am


    Vocations are the Orders withing the Gravesworn which are composed of the Black Plague, the front line soldiers and token forces operating in the Painted World, the Ebon Hand, our spies and agents, and the Bonecallers, Priests and Devotees.

    Each Vocation will have a leader who will be a part of Nito's Inner Circle.

    The Black Plague- A Vocation primarilty designed for those with a focus on STR builds or Gravelord Sword builds. The Black Plague are warriors without peers with thier legends dating back long before thier service to Nito. As a sign of his unyielding faith in his warriors Nito granted them blades made from shards of his own body, filled with his own combination of lethal toxins these blades need only scratch a foe to inflict mortal wounds.

    The Ebon Hand- A Vocation designed for those who put emphasis on DEX or use Elemental Weapons. The Ebon Hand are a brotherhood of skilled spies and assassins whose exploits are known the world over though whose perpetrators are rarely ever known. They have infiltrated the highest echelons of power in almost every nation and thier information network is second to none. These spooks make use of blades of exotic nature with such skill that few can stand before them.

    The Bonecallers- A Vocation for those who put emphasis on INT or FTH and intend to make Caster builds. The Bonecallers are Nito's priests, necromancers, and those who maintain the crypts in his stead. Occultists and Maleificars compose this coven of magic users. As such these masters of magic and faithful abilities make use of a variety of abilities ranging from the calling forth Nito's own essence in the forms of towering bone blade to homing souls shards.

    While to Vocation is exclusive to a specific build they are primarily for each of thier attributed builds.

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:34 am; edited 2 times in total
    Duke's Archivist
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:36 am

    Another thread lol?
    Ive updated you in the active covs thread. You should update the OP with the victory in the PW.

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:36 am

    I shall. Thank you man. I have now implemented the Corruption system and will be re doing the rankings and such.
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:39 am

    Looks good, although why is Havel's thing his shield and not his ring?

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:44 am

    Hmmm I wanted something more personal to him. Ill make it either
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:47 am

    Im just concerned abou tthe fact you dont need to kill him for his shield.

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by Shkar Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:55 am

    I showed DxV my Corruption items last night (Dark Hand, MLGS, Chaos Server, and Havel's Shield). I see that you removed the server one, so I will have to farm a bunch of eyes silly

    I do remember you saying something about killing Sun in the war was worth a corruption though.
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:51 pm

    Viral would you object to Some Darkstalkers Vading in the Catacombs for practice obvs leave if we leave if we run into a Gravesworn

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:50 pm

    I love my title as Executioner. Hail Lord Nito and Queen Priscilla!!!! Gravesworn- Servants of the First 558843162

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:51 pm

    @ Shkar- Worry not Shkar I shall re update it and take out the eyes one. I'd forgotten about the Chaos Fire one.

    Ty for reminding me.

    @ Billy- For now I take no issue with it but please refrain from the Tombs of the Gaints. Nito's hallowed halls are not for mortals. Plus after the Noble Knights nessed up the halls we have to redocorate
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:22 pm

    Viral, what level would you gravelord at in ToG for maximum evilness, was there for an hour on my SL110 with nothing.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:56 pm

    between 60-80 to cath questers looking to catch Leeroy instead of PvPers. Ive had most luck at 65. Though 80 is soon becoming an acceptable PvP range these days.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:32 pm

    between 60 and 80 in The Tomb is perfect for cursing people who are still in their first playthrough., but I've had more succes as a SL120 there on XBL.

    Viral you may sign my main up as a member of ''The Ebon Hand''.,

    I want to present the items needed for corruption

    but I'm currently orbitting space , trapped on the Sprawl.

    :affraid: Reliving this awesome game , Dead Space 2 ! :affraid:
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:41 pm

    Ehh, I tried the 1st dead space and felt the enemies should have been much tougher and much fewer, and some other kind of hazard included.
    and thank you for the replies about gravelording, its tough to get into without a little help xD

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:11 pm

    PLease keep to topic guys.

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by Shkar Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:01 pm

    In related news, you can initiate a backstab while flying through the air due to the Sword Dance! I used that to show DxV Plagius' unusual sense of "fun".
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:04 pm

    Oh my god seriously?! I want video so very much :shock: that sounds like the coolest thing ever silly

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by Shkar Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:06 pm

    dancash1808 wrote:Oh my god seriously?! I want video so very much :shock: that sounds like the coolest thing ever silly

    I suppose it might have been lag, but I got hit into the air while going to backstab, and all of a sudden my character was back in the backstab animation, right behind him, with only the damage of the attack to show for it.

    I was also wailing on him with my knight, and had his sword dance just straight up miss me even though I was right next to him.
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:09 pm

    Pfft I think it should have its own animation, stop yourself in mid air anime style and slam down stabbing into their head silly its such a rare situation that it would be cool ! silly

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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by Shkar Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:11 pm

    dancash1808 wrote:Pfft I think it should have its own animation, stop yourself in mid air anime style and slam down stabbing into their head silly its such a rare situation that it would be cool ! silly

    Haha, sadly it was just along the lines of:

    1. In the air
    2. "Nope!" *Teleport to ground*
    3. Backstab!
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    Gravesworn- Servants of the First Empty Re: Gravesworn- Servants of the First

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:12 pm

    still pretty cool silly and I never knew Dx was Xbl! big grin this is good

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