Here is the official home thread for the Gravelord User Covenant, now named by a greater concensus the Gravesworn.
We exist to propagate the Misery Nito would want us to inflict on the living as well as providing a strong support network for new Gravelords or veteran players who have considered joing but considered the Covenant broken.
We art-
"The souls of lost humans who swore thier Oaths to Nito, Lord of the Dead, and were granted new bodies comprised of many corpses of the Undead that roam Lordran. In doing so Nito made his servants immortal and charged them with bringing about the new age he desires. Each Gravesworn is bound to Nito and can channel his malice through the Eyes of Death to spread vast quantities of misery throughout the world. Nito named his most trusted servants Heralds, the harbingers of a form of his ill will toward the living"."
Like all Covenanters we play to serve the Great Lord of Death by accruing as many Eyes of Death as we possibly can.
For too long we the servants of Nito, inheritors of his glorious powers, have shunned the light of Lordran. We have wandered alone seeking the deaths of our enemies. Now Nito has called to us to forge him an army equal to those of the other Lords.
We shall rise from the crypts of our ancestors and march forth!
We shall target the following areas for now
SL20- Burg, Parish, Depth
SL 60- Sens/ Anor Londo/ Painted World
SL 80- The dens of the other Lords!
SL 120- Anywhere you so choose
At present the Adimistrators of the Covenant are-
ViralEnsign_- PSN
DxV04- XBL
Within the Gravesworn we will have a Ranking System that will allow us to determine our own dedication to the Gravelord Nito, as well as identify veteran Gravelorders who have put a lot of time into this Covenant.
Rank 1- (requires an intiation) 10 Eyes- Ressurected
Rank 2- Gravelord Servant +1, 20 Eyes- Gravebound
Rank 3- Gravelord Servant +2, 30 Eyes- Deathstalker
Rank 4- Gravelord Servant +2, 40 Eyes- Coffinmaster
Rank 5- Gravelord Servant +3, 50 Eyes- Herald of *
* ( the suffix of the title is subject to request, and will be first come first served)
Our base of operations it the Catacombs where we have unrestricted access to our lord as well as the home field advantage (not to mention BP Bonewhell Skeletons). Also whe have a Smith close by to us, as such I would like to see some of you perhaps using Fire weapons or even Chaos.
Gravelords serve Nito as idividuals and as such we have a variety of skilled individuals and at Nito's command ranging from long dead knights, to socrcerors of unbelivable power, and mighty and faithful clerics.
Though a member of this covenant must have access to either the Gravelord Sword or Gravelord Great/Sword Dance.
Priscilla's Lifehunuters
Priscilla, Daughter of Seath the Scaleless, commands a band of extremely dangerous warriors known only as the Lifehunters. These soldiers have allowed us access to her domain on the condition that we do not attempt to slay her. The deal is struck. She will be a powerful ally against Seath and the other Lords.
The Noble Knights
This group of holy warrior have sworn to end the threat of the undead in Lordran and have made several forays into the Catacombs recently. Led by a powerful knight they tread our unholy domains and seek to end the unlife of our Lord Nito in all his many forms. These are our greatest of enemies and must be executed at all costs. Though they are strong they are only undead and will eventuallyy go hollow. We shall endure.
The Inheritor's of Sunlight
The successors of Lord Gwyn who seek to establish the rule of the Dark Flame. They have sided with the mad Gwyn and his ilk and pose a great threat to our goals. having inherited several Lord Souls they are extremely powerful and should be treated as if they were the godspawn themselves
For more information see the following links
For general posting and swapping of stories please use -
For tips on how to spread misery see-
For a comprehensive catalog of how your curses affect others see-
Thats it. Get out there and start making your builds for the aforementioned SL ranges.
While we will be an organised group there is nothing to stop you from invading and taking out fellow members.
We are Currently at war with the Noble Knights User Covenant and have fought with them in the Tomb of the Giants already. It was a narrow defeat and the turn out was less that we had originally hoped for but it was great fun. Next the Gravesworn go the the aid of our allies the Lifehunters to prevent the same defeat we suffered at the hands of the Noble Knights.
The Last score was 26-25 to the Noble Knights. Curse your name Oscar II!