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ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina


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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:45 pm

    Well folks did a some gravelording and hosting in the forest last night. It was blast - some ganks but also got some good 1v1s. I was even schooled by a hunter in regards to our "No summoning, no bang" policy cheers - I was summoning whites to give them a chance to get some 1v1s against blues/whites. I PM'd the hunter and sent my apologies for breaking the rule lol! . Some of these whites are pitiful though - if they are not banging they are constantly looking to you for help (estus, helping out, etc). I try to PM the white before I summon them to say they must be prepared to fight straight-up and I will only help them if they are getting banged by blue/reds. One white was damn good with the Zwei - he took out like a 6-7 invaders by himself before he was defeated.

    @ Skare - I hosted some in the cat pit behind Alvina's. Excellent recommendation Proper Bow .Hosting in that location does tamp down on the chaos a bit - plus it's a wonderful location for a person like myself who evades alot since I mostly dual wield with my GL. I hate staying near those stairs anyway. It turned out pretty good.I had one red who showed up, hid up top, put on mimic chest, activated his RTSR then ran down and tried to soul spear old Broke to death. He got a SKS to the face for his simplistic tactic twisted .

    I will post some of the footage here and in the gravesworn thread.

    Good times people good times.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:13 pm

    ... Forest can go die, 100 matches of Stone greatsword TWoD and Dragons ruining my day - I am losing the will to play the game, it isn't fun anymore - last night I also had 50 matches in a row of bloody hackers... I may do what max and take a break from DkS, shame aswell considering those 150 matches will have to be included in my Road to FH+3 series sad
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:55 pm

    Who the hell are you being paired with lobby wise Amos? I've seen only a couple hackers and those were ages ago......

    Could there be an advantage in my crappy interwebz?

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:50 pm

    TehInfamousAmos wrote:... Forest can go die, 100 matches of Stone greatsword TWoD and Dragons ruining my day - I am losing the will to play the game, it isn't fun anymore - last night I also had 50 matches in a row of bloody hackers... I may do what max and take a break from DkS, shame aswell considering those 150 matches will have to be included in my Road to FH+3 series sad

    Infamous - sorry to hear you had such a bad experience in forest bro. I have not encountered any of the glitches as of yet but my GL will be walking around with Dragon ore in my pocket so maybe I will get invaded so I can check these glitches out. I know my FH will encounter the glitches before too long .

    Yeah - take a break if you need to then come back when the desire to play returns. I have not been doing too much PvPing lately (other than Friday night) so I'm starting to feel the "PvP itch". We will man the frontlines if you decided to take some R&R - we all get burned out from time to time so its cool.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:01 pm

    aye, took some R&R. I ruined someones playthrough by locking them in the catacombs - that relieved a lot of stress. I am gunna try out perhaps this build in the forest or maybe make it even lower and use - 2h the pike - PW, perhaps invade with RTSr already active - terrorize them and only give them a few 100 souls twisted
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:14 pm

    I hosted some in the cat pit behind Alvina's. Excellent recommendation For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 945058907 .Hosting in that location does tamp down on the chaos a bit

    Yow Broke did you Host GL there or just in , regular , human form ? :suspect:

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:42 pm

    ZikoLogiKa NL wrote:
    I hosted some in the cat pit behind Alvina's. Excellent recommendation For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 945058907 .Hosting in that location does tamp down on the chaos a bit

    Yow Broke did you Host GL there or just in , regular , human form ? :suspect:

    I did have my EoD going but I basically did a tour of the forest (re-familiarized myself with the terrain) while it was active then hung out in the cat pit for a bit.Fought a couple of reds who found me cheers - one red I did not kill because he wanted to duel other phantoms. Then the red and I hung out on the hill fought some more invaders and then I got banged to death by some blues 😢 after the red was eliminated. Then I hooked up with Dx and co-gravelorded the bonfire outside the gate. It was a good old time.


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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:08 pm

    Ok people I need to delve into y'alls brains about the usage of the Leo ring. I'm strictly (well about 90% of the time) going with dual-wielding on my GL toon - BSS/Claymore (both of these weapons thrust attacks are wicked twisted ) in my RH and SKS in my LH. I have been sparring with the silver knights in the Ano using the Leo Ring to figure out the exact time I need to strike an opponent to get the full AR increase (supposedly you can get up to a 65%-68% AR bump) with some measure of success. It appears you can receive less than the max AR bump but greater than your normal AR depending on which stage (before, during and after) of an opponent's attack you hit them. So far I have been able to do between 300 to 600ish damage using the BSS and SKS configuration which I think is acceptable for a single strike. Per my testing the window of opportunity is small (probability to receive the max AR bump is highly dependent on the swing-time of the weapon your opponent is using) but the rewards can be quite high. Theoretically the Leo ring should allow you to inflict BS/riposte like damage on your opponent - this is the primary reason I want to use it.

    Can anyone provide some additional insight on the usage of the Leo ring? Has anyone been able to consistently use it like a boss. I searched the forum but did not find much. I know one of our esteemed warriors can drop some nuggets of knowledge on old Broke.

    Good hunting and may Nito's misery serve you well!!

    Last edited by Brokewilly on Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
    ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:25 pm

    ha , nuggets of knowledge , I like the sound of that ! 8)

    unfortunately I know nothing about the Leo Ring at all :silent:
    ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:00 am

    @ Broke

    Leo Ring from the Wiki

    • Strengthens counters ONLY with thrust weapons (or weapons that have a thrust attack, like Long Sword's one handed strong attack).
    • Boosts counter damage by 40%. Only boosts phys damage.
    • Counter attacks already do a +20% PHYS damage without Leo Ring (only phys damage is increased), with the Leo Ring's boost it reaches 65-68%, depending on the weapon .
    • Does NOT boosts ripostes or backstabs.
    • Counter damage occur if you hit an enemy mid-swing, or at the same time he hits you

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:00 am

    @Ziko - thanks for the information from wiki.I think I previously read this information before plus now that I have done some battle testing I think this ring will work out just fine for me. I will continue to use it to increase my proficiency. I think the Leo Ring is an overlooked buff and I like using weapons and tactics which are seldom seen in the game.

    Let me know when you want to do some co-gravelording in the forest (or else where) - got my GL at SL128 so I am almost at full strength. Still need to the tour of the Duke's so I can get CMW at that point I will be at 100%.

    Thanks for all of your help.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:40 am

    I didn't know anything about the counter damage the leo ring does , or what it exactly did untill I read that.

    I also thought it added a bonus to riposte & backstabs but yeah , that is not the case big grin

    Ive been working on a funny build yesterday but I will surely load up one of my regular ones anytime soon so we can hang out. Not sure if Im going to play at all today though !

    Im tired man haha

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:59 am

    Finally decided upon it winking, RoF goes off after I am spotted and is swapped for Leo ring - haha the claymore and estoc with that are lethal.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:42 pm

    TehInfamousAmos wrote:Finally decided upon it winking, RoF goes off after I am spotted and is swapped for Leo ring - haha the claymore and estoc with that are lethal.

    Yep - per my testing the claymore thrust attacks are lethal with Leo Ring. You should be able to easily OHK (or hurt badly) an opponent who is at an comparable SL with this FH toon. I haven't played around with the Leo ring with Estoc but you should also get some good results with it. I think the Leo ring is like a secret hiding in plan sight. Let us know how it turns out - a vid would be even better.

    I invaded the old Forest this morning with my FH for the first time in awhile and man the bang was bad as ever - same duo got me twice. Plus I ran into a BS fishing, GSoA carrying fool - he didn't even give old Broke a reach around first just straight to the back:lol!: I really need to work on my anti-BS tactics - most campers I face can't really fight but are masters at BS hunting. I really gotta step my game up.

    Good hunting folks!!!

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:46 pm

    Hey guys at last after months of playing DkS PvP I have decided to join your cause in killing all the gankers. I need some tips on powerful anti ganker builds and what's the best SL range??? I will be invading as a Darkmoon.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:51 pm

    hello wyrm! big grin Well since your going darkmoon I'd advise leveling high. since many of the gankers will be pretty high level (forest has no hard SL caps.)
    as for weapons its personal preference although nothing that can be easily BS'ed in a 1v1 because in a 2v1 which is the commonest scenario I have. its just suicide. rapiers are good and so is anything that will allow you to stunlock. (most people will be healing if given the chance. DB's abound.)
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:13 pm

    Lemon buff and hack away
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:28 pm

    Look into one large sweeping weapon, a quick stunlocking weapon, and a heavy hitting weapon. Going for backstabs isn't always the best idea since you're going to be dealing with a pair most of the time. Also, AoE spells and fast hitting are the best ones to always have on you.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:09 pm

    Got it I might try a DGM - faith hybrid that I always wanted to make.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:11 pm

    Also learnt some of the nastier tricks. I use pivot BS a lot since its really useful and gankers can never defend against it.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:00 am

    @Wyrm - good to see you trying to clean the forest of the ganking menace. Per my experience decent poise and a stun-locking weapon is highly recommended. Also, strong buffs do come in handy.

    I have been hosting in the forest the last couple of days with my GL and the forest has been a blast.We have hiding hunters, naked hunters, naked white/yellows, whites walking around with skull lanterns - its has been a bucket of laughs at times. Trying to show some of these hunters how to fight honorably but some just don't want to learn 😢 - a lot of these have hunter PTSD so they are looking to bang you if given the chance. I will keep at though because I'm getting some good fight training.

    For any forum members on XBOX that want to get some good 1v1s against invaders - let me know and I will summon you as a white or red. My GL is SL128 so if ur in SL range we can do this. I try to set a strictly 1v1 tone as best I can.

    For the glory of Alvina!!

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:48 am

    Wish I was on the Xbox. I would totally Gravelord with you. Haven't been in the forest for a while. Might have to jump in soon and see what's shaking.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:28 am

    Brokewilly wrote:@Wyrm - good to see you trying to clean the forest of the ganking menace. Per my experience decent poise and a stun-locking weapon is highly recommended. Also, strong buffs do come in handy.

    I have been hosting in the forest the last couple of days with my GL and the forest has been a blast.We have hiding hunters, naked hunters, naked white/yellows, whites walking around with skull lanterns - its has been a bucket of laughs at times. Trying to show some of these hunters how to fight honorably but some just don't want to learn 😢 - a lot of these have hunter PTSD so they are looking to bang you if given the chance. I will keep at though because I'm getting some good fight training.

    For any forum members on XBOX that want to get some good 1v1s against invaders - let me know and I will summon you as a white or red. My GL is SL128 so if ur in SL range we can do this. I try to set a strictly 1v1 tone as best I can.

    For the glory of Alvina!!

    good stuff man , hope to see you tonight broke!

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:14 pm

    @Ziko - right on bro. I will be on tonight gravelording and hosting in the forest and elsewhere - trying to get better at dual-wielding so there is never enough practice for me.

    Also, I'm trying to find other places to host (and gravelord) that are on the beaten path but with some space to dance. I know of the area near the undead merchant, outside of Andrea's, and Hellkite bridge. Are there any other places which quickly come to mind that make decent arena's?

    Good times people good times.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 23 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:35 pm

    The Painted World is usually pretty crowded to host as a GL, there are lot's of cool people there too.

    I usually stand near the bonfire untill an invader enters , I will then head on to the courtyard just pass the first large door because I like a larger arena to fight in.

    Demon Ruins can have a lot of traffic from time to time & Obviously the Burg & Parish are good places to host too !

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