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    For the Glory of Alvina

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:41 pm

    *pulls out a barbed straight sword and off hands velka's rapier despite being a faith build* come at me 8)
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:42 pm

    How often do you use a Crystal Ring shield to kill gankers Dan?

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by reim0027 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:42 pm

    dancash1808 wrote:
    as for what reim said. I am generally less friendly in the forest but if someone is waiting up on the hill solo and bows I'm gona treat it as a duel.
    That's true. If I run into a host out to duel, I'll change gears and duel. At first meeting, I am skeptical. I've had them bow, pretend to want to duel, only to receive a CSS up the arse during my bow.

    Unfortunately, they are rare, but when I run into them, I stop my rage mode and start duelling.

    @Tolvo - I don't consider it stooping at all. I have no ethical problem with spamming anything, hiding, jumping, etc in the Forest (and in the forest ONLY). In fact, it is fun to be jumped there. Rush of adrenaline - panning the camera, identifying your situation, and how to act if you are about to be attacked (all within the course of a couple seconds). I remember who it is, figure out their strategy, then try to overcome it, they overcome my overcoming, I overcome that, and so on. Heck, I don't even mind the Dragon Bow BSers. I figure there are many OHK BS setups. At least, the Dragon's have low defense and low poise.

    Last edited by reim0027 on Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:44 pm

    Oh yeah I have had that too although my favourite one is host bows phantom goes for the HR backstab. another interesting one was a pair who showed no interest in fighting but had decided to come to the forest for parry practise! of all the places...

    and as for the crystal ring shield I actually used it not that long ago silly ask wolf. although I did get told to stop screwing around by him after a while xD
    nice that it doesnt eat to much durability.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:46 pm

    99 Repair Powder haha. Makes it last a while. I just love doing it as the finisher hit on gankers on my int build.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:47 pm

    Thorn armor is more my style personally.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by reim0027 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:48 pm

    Edited my post above with a response to Tolvo. You guys posted too darn fast.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:50 pm

    Haha I never got bothered by backstabs until I tried a build with more than 10 vit... suddenly I had an opinion silly
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:51 pm

    How can you even deal with that? It gets so boring just rolling into them, even when doing it while fat rolling it just gets way too tedious for my tastes. Worse boredom than farming slabs if you ask me.

    Reim, I care about being kind for those who are new to PvP. That's who I take into consideration, people who are in a warzone without realizing it. I know the veteran PvP'ers won't care, but I do it for the rookies. I'm just too nice to risk ruining their time.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:54 pm

    Haha its not the only tactic you use. you knock them down to very low hp and the usual response to this is to turtle. nobody expects to be rolled for 7-10 damage per until they suddenly drop.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by reim0027 Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:05 pm

    If I see they're questing, I'll back off and let them go.

    I hear you about the rookies. But, how do I tell if they are rookies? If it is one on one and they don't appear experienced, I'll hold back on healing and focus more on dueling (and parrying).
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:08 pm

    Based off their skill and gear. If you see a guy with a drake sword, that's probably the deadest giveaway.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by dancash1808 Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:09 pm

    Rule's of thumb I use
    A rookie will not have a +15 and will therefore do surprisingly small amounts of damage.
    A rookie will not buff.
    A rookie will not have picked up the classic strafe that many adopt.

    Also tolvo. drake sword is going to be tomorrows weapon for me big grin

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by DarkW17 Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:28 pm

    reim0027 wrote:*Sigh. The forest is so misunderstood. People keep attributing dueling honor codes to the fights in the forest. That is so not the case. In fact, if honorable duels were the norm in the Forest, I probably wouldn't go.

    Hunters are considered gankers too. While we do gang up on hosts, it is the host who is the ganker (99.9% of the time). The difference is this. They are waiting with 1 or 2 phantoms when you invade. Ready to gang up on you. When we invade, it is often 2 or 3 vs 1 from the start.

    There is nothing cheap in the Forest. It is war. If someone spams healing items, great. If they WoG spam, that's fine. If they run, turtle, hide behind enemies, jump you at the start, also fine.

    Here's my take on the forest. This is war people. I get jumped, I figure out a way to beat the jumper. They win again, I failed, gotta dig deeper to ID their weakness. It is awesome when I see another hunter invading - "backups have arrived!" When a red invades - who's side will he be on? Will he switch sides? Even more suspense. This isn't a precision-based PvP. It is intuition and improvisation based.

    I love the feeling of overcoming the odds and killing the host (who is in a FAR better PvP position than I am). I love seeing reinforcements coming to help. I love to see my Mura do over 2K on a BS. Hell, I love to see them do a taunting gesture when they win (knowing I will beat them and bow after the fight). It makes me laugh actually. Again, this is WAR (*insert Gerard Butler's roar)!

    tl;dr - adrenaline, chaos, all's fair, WAR ([i]SPARTA[/i}, pwnage, and smile.

    That is all. Proper Bow

    I couldn't agree more time ill keep my forest videos to youtube tho...sometimes what happens in the forest is just to much for some people to understand...they don't get what the forest is about...ill let the drama happen there Look Skyward
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:34 pm

    Here's my question, would you be saying those exact words if the person who disagreed with you was in this thread?

    Just remember what words you use Dark, you never know who will be reading a thread. Or willing to defend those who aren't there to speak for themselves. I suppose we should leave it at this for now but if you do wish for a last word you may have it and I'll be silent.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 40 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by reim0027 Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:00 pm

    @dan - never thought of the strafing. Good idea.

    @Tolvo . . . I could have guessed most of those. I guess I don't run into many of those because I hunt at SL 380. It is a great SL, I have so many options to deal with people. But, if I do run into "rookies", I'll be sure to fight differently - give them a good experience.

    @DW - the forest is a unique place. It took me a while to find my spot in it. I tried before, but became too frustrated because of all the "cheap" tactics there. So, I may have responded like others did. It is so different from the accepted PvP meta.


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