Hey there. I am a big fan of using fists as weapons and I'm going to make a fist/claw only build in a little while. I would just like to take suggestions on what you think would be a good build or what armor you think would look good with these weapons. Any input is nice.
Weapon Choices: Dragon Bone Fist +5, Claw, Cesti, Dark Hand
The only effective way to make Dragon Bone Fist useful would probably be to enchant it with CMW or DMB/SLB
As for stats it would be a SL 120 build and I have a general idea how the stats would go depending on Str/Int Dex/Int Str/Fai or Dex/Fai I'd just like to hear your input on builds/armor ideas.
Weapon Choices: Dragon Bone Fist +5, Claw, Cesti, Dark Hand
The only effective way to make Dragon Bone Fist useful would probably be to enchant it with CMW or DMB/SLB
As for stats it would be a SL 120 build and I have a general idea how the stats would go depending on Str/Int Dex/Int Str/Fai or Dex/Fai I'd just like to hear your input on builds/armor ideas.