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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition


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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Frostacar Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:19 pm

    Requires 2-4 people and all your favorite drinks.


    -Start a new game as the Deprived class.

    -Cannot change starting equipment from the Club and Plank Shield.

    -You can upgrade Club, but no Magic.

    -No Armor

    -Make character as hideous as possible(Optional)

    1. Die - Chug for 5 seconds, Pass the controller.

    2. Fail to reclaim previous players soul - Double amount of all your drinks for your next turn.

    3. Lose Humanity - Finish your drink.

    4. Use Estus Flask - Drink

    5. Reach a new bonfire - Everyone else finishes their drinks.

    6. Beat a boss - Everyone takes a shot.

    7. If invaded and Killed - Finish your drink.

    8. If invaded and Win - Everyone else finish their drink.

    9. Die from Falling - Double drink you Fool.

    10. Get Cursed - Add a shot of vodka to your drink, Finish your drink, *** the controller A**hole.

    11. Get attacked by Mimic chest without checking first - Finish your drink you should have known better

    Got this off Video game section of Rage Comics, Looks like fun. Would any of you be brave anough to try? Or would you fear for your live?

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by CaptanSpudsy Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:35 pm


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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Ghadis_God Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:56 pm

    When is it over? If we have to beat the game, then I would fear for my life. That would be at least a dozen hours of hard drinking lol.

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Owl Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:06 pm

    This is just... awesome.

    I am doing this. TONIGHT.

    Edit: In fact, you're getting the first rep I've given out. Well played, sir.

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by RandelOolacile Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:26 pm

    I'd love to do this, but I'm recovering...if relapse than I'm coming here first for the rules! =P

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Frostacar Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:50 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:When is it over? If we have to beat the game, then I would fear for my life. That would be at least a dozen hours of hard drinking lol.

    I'm Pretty sure by the time you complete Sens Fortress you either die of alcohol poisoning or you have transcended your homo sapien being into a godly entity that surpasses any known logic or physics of man, And That's when it is over.

    I'm definitally going to be trying this next weekend when I actually can afford alcohol after... well spending money on alcohol... -_-;;

    Thanks Owl! I will honor your Rep Point Forever!

    Last edited by Frostacar on Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : thanking someone?)

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:44 am

    I hate to break it too you, but someone has already beat you too this....
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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:45 am

    Like dark souls, you should die a lot more from this than you succedd big grin
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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:49 am

    Oh, god, I would die.

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Rifter7 Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:12 am

    alcohol poisoning may vary.
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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by JoeBroski09 Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:29 am

    I'm 18 (tomorrow) Why did I just read this? I haven't had more than 2 beers in a row in my life.

    .. But now I want to try this.

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Frostacar Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:38 am

    Noob-of-Artorias wrote:I hate to break it too you, but someone has already beat you too this....

    Someone had already beat me too it anyway, I was just re-posting it through text on the forum, But I hadn't seen that page yet that is legit! A lot more official way of doing it.

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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Owl Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:55 pm

    Frostacar wrote:
    Noob-of-Artorias wrote:I hate to break it too you, but someone has already beat you too this....

    Someone had already beat me too it anyway, I was just re-posting it through text on the forum, But I hadn't seen that page yet that is legit! A lot more official way of doing it.

    This game was redonk. I know you didn't invent it, but it brought me together for some great times with my brother in-law (who rage quit Dark Souls and traded it in). The game was difficult but the laughs came easy... and then easier. big grin

    Double rep'd. You deserve it.
    Edit: And Rep to Noob-of-Artorias because the URL provided is wonderfully in-depth and I wouldn't have known about it if not for this thread.

    Last edited by Owl on Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification)
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    Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition Empty Re: Dark Souls Drinking Game: Prepare To Die edition

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:03 pm

    I really wanna do this with people.. But only got 2 mates who play Dark souls, would absolutely kill us :drunken:

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