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ZikoLogiKa NL
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?


    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_lcap21%Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_rcap [21%] 
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_lcap28%Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_rcap [28%] 
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_lcap51%Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? I_vote_rcap [51%] 

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by JohnIII Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:04 am

    Which one is the coolest and why? I vote sorcery because crystals and turning into trees.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by dianaduh Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:33 am

    im completely devoted to pyromancy, the art of fire simply fascinates me
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by cloudyeki Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:38 am

    See my sig? Sums up my thoughts very well.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:02 am

    Sorcery's have always been my favorite but miracles are starting to fascinate me more and more I delve into them especially the miracle emit force.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by ROOSTER330 Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:27 am

    Pyro, no question. Looks coolest (filling a room with flaming pillars is unbeatable and undebatable) and is the most widely used. Although throwing lightning and dragons breath are cool, theres just too many awesome pyro spells, and they can be just as effective as the other types of spells.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:48 am

    Miracles, being able to heal as well as throw lightning spears and Wrath of the Gods is just too awesome for words.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Extertionist Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:01 am

    Anything but pyromancy, pyromacy is far to simple for my taste, also you must invest to use sorcery and miracles. I voted for miracles though because you get better weapon buffs, AOE spells, lightning bolts, and the greatsword dance.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:10 am

    I gotta cast my vote for miracles. They do everything all the other schools of magic do, and even some things the others don't. Linear Projectile? Crystal Soul Spear, meet Sunlight Spear. AoE projectiles? Great Fireball, meet Emit Force. Incredibly damaging randomized channeled AoE? Fire Tempest, meet Gravelord Greatsword Dance. Damage buffs? Crystal Magic Weapon, meet Sunlight Blade. Defensive buffs? Iron Flesh, meet Great Magic Barrier. Quick, bursty AoE? Great Combustion, meet Wrath of the Gods. Healing? Just miracles. Projectile deflection? Just miracles. Debuffing the enemy? Just miracles. The only thing miracles can't do is inflict fire damage.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by SpankyDmonkey Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:30 am

    Miracles definitely. Gravelord Greatsword just looks so insane. And man those lightning bolts, tough to hit in pvp but it absolutely decimates in pve with 10 casts for lightning and greater lightning. Not to mention the heal miracles which saved me plenty of times during my first playthroughs. Sorcery comes close second though.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:38 am

    Pyromancy. Because its fire.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Federally Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:00 pm

    I like miracles the best, but the question is which is 'coolest' and obviously throwing fireballs is the coolest.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Bamjam Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:05 pm

    I voted pyromancy for the coolest cuz it looks awesome. But for the magic i like the most i must say sorcery cuz its pretty damn effective, got long range that fireballs dont have and you dont need to join any covenant to get your ranged attack spells(lightning spears from sunbro's).
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:26 pm

    Voted for pyromancy ,

    this school of magic has such a large variety & is awesome in general because we worship the flame big grin

    I hope Dark Magic will be a whole new school , and if so , that would probably get my vote

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by DamageCK Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:43 pm

    Pyro, without question. It's completely viable all on it's own. Hell, it even has a buff.

    And despite what some people say, while it doesn't REQUIRE super high dex to use, it's considerably less effective to use if you don't. To the point that it's basically an invitation to get BSed. For that reason, I consider it to have stat requirements.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by VinheimProfessor Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:33 pm

    Sorcery! Pyromancy is too limited (all flash, no substance IMHO) and Miracles are very hard to set up (have fun trying to get Karmic Justice to trigger, for example). Sorcery is the most versatile, which is why I've been pretty much a pure Sorc since the beginning. All I want them to do now is add a manual targeting function to really put skill into the use of them versus relying on the lock on.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by WyrmHero Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:36 pm

    The flames of hell of course.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:39 pm

    Eh, I'm Ok with all of them. They all have spells I like and don't like.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by BishopHavel Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:44 pm

    Miracles all the way. Sunlight spear is the coolest magic there is!

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by swordiris Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:46 pm

    I say miracles.

    People in this game hate miracles. Look at all the miracles considered cheap in pvp.

    1. Tranquil walk.
    2. WotG
    3 all the healing spells (and this is miracles we are talking about.)

    There is a reason people hate miracles, they are amazing.

    Also Darkmoon Blade is my favorite buff.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by DamageCK Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:03 pm

    BishopHavel wrote:Miracles all the way. Sunlight spear is the coolest magic there is!

    We're playing different games I think.

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by JohnIII Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:49 am

    Crystal Soul Spear > Sunlight Spear!!

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Uparkaam Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:54 am

    Pyromancy of course. Everybody likes fiery explosions.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:01 am

    Guys, pyromancy by definition CAN'T be cool. Seriously, at it's lowest for maybe Flash Sweat or something I guess it could be called warm, but cool? No way.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by cloudyeki Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:06 am

    Still doesn't stop it from being the most badass reaper.
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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:52 am

    cloudyeki wrote:Still doesn't stop it from being the most badass reaper.

    But that wasn't the question of the thread, they explicitly asked for which type of magic was coolest winking

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    Which Type of the three magics is the coolest? Empty Re: Which Type of the three magics is the coolest?

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