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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Wanderer Reece

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by Wanderer Reece Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:20 am

    My character is in the Darkmoon blade covenent. I had the covenent ring equiped and invaded someone in Dark Anor Londo. It showed my blue phantom in the Gwyndolin boss cut scene (like I was going to fight him). Then it said "Master of world challenged area boss. Returning to your world." It also gave me the Gwyndolin trophy and 20,000 souls, but I didn't fight him and I am still in the covenent.

    Also I am gussing this happened because I invaded at the exact moment when the host went through the fog door and the host took out the boss with a very powerfull weapon, but I don't know for certain because I thought something like this was supposed to be impossible.

    I was wondering if this happened to anyone else, or if they know why it happened.:?:

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by swordiris Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:06 pm

    No but it sort of reminds me of my reaction being summoned to the old monk fight in demon's

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by About8547Souls Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:11 pm

    I don't think this has happened to anyone I know. I'm going to have to ask around... this is pretty epic sounding.
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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:05 pm

    Wanderer Reece wrote:My character is in the Darkmoon blade covenent. I had the covenent ring equiped and invaded someone in Dark Anor Londo. It showed my blue phantom in the Gwyndolin boss cut scene (like I was going to fight him). Then it said "Master of world challenged area boss. Returning to your world." It also gave me the Gwyndolin trophy and 20,000 souls, but I didn't fight him and I am still in the covenent.

    Also I am gussing this happened because I invaded at the exact moment when the host went through the fog door and the host took out the boss with a very powerfull weapon, but I don't know for certain because I thought something like this was supposed to be impossible.

    I was wondering if this happened to anyone else, or if they know why it happened.:?:
    Yep! It happened to me a long while back. It was very confusing. lol!

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by About8547Souls Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:19 pm

    And now someone I know has had it happen to them. One of my many goals in life has been achieved. -Brofist-

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

    Post by AgentOrange Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:11 pm

    I just had this happen. I'm guessing the invaded walked into the boss door just as I invaded his world.

    A little while later, the invaded died (to gwyndolin) and I got my souvenir.

    At least that's the only explanation I can come up with!

    I registered here to post this!

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    Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch. Empty Re: Wiered Darkblade / Gwyndolin invasion glitch.

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