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    You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:43 am

    A better explanation of the rules of this game.
    • You can carry 5 consumable items on you, not including your Estus Flask.
    • You may carry 4 rings, 2 equiped, 2 in your inventory.
    • You may carry 4 weapons/shields, all must be currently equipped. You will always use an item in the appropriate hand. Unless you indicate interest in doing otherwise.
    • You can only hold clothing you currently are wearing.
    • Being Hollow reduces your defensive attributes by 50%, not including dodge and parry rate.

    All of the stats in Dark Souls return in this rolling game, their functions have been altered to suit this games functions.

    • Vitality will still increase your total HP. unchanged in function.
    • Endurance will increase your stamina, Stamina now effects dodging, parrying, and in conjunction to your shield quality, what types of attacks you can block, or even parry.
    • Attunement still has the same functionality. However additional attunement is attained at 65, 82, and 99.
    • Strength will have minor/major effects on events that I deem to be strength related, and doubles as it's still intact function of what weapons one may or may not use.
    • Dexterity will have minor/major effects on events that I deem to be dexterity related, and doubled as it's still intact function of what weapons one may or may not use.
    • Resistance has an additional effect of increasing your defenses to all effects excluding magic by 2. Resistance dictates what Pyromancies are available to a character.
    • Intelligience dictates what spells are available to the hero, is also has an invisible modifier on how much about the souls world our hero will just naturally understand, although this rarely will actually effect what you are capable of.
    • Faith dictates what spells are available to the hero, as well as increasing Magic Defense by 2.

    Defense increases your chance to completely nullify damage. all or nothing. if You have 612 physical defense, you have a 61.2% chance to nullify all incoming damage. Please note, in this system, the Blue Tearstone Ring is useful. Defense has an 800 point cap, as otherwise this stat could get above 1000, which in this system would result in god mode.

    Stamina effects your capacity to do the following.
    Dodge: 0.1% more of a chance per point.
    25-50% weight rolls get a 0.05% more chance per point.
    Fat Rolls get a 0.03% more chance per point, and a 20% boost from the dodge command.
    Selecting the dodge command usually gives a 40% increase.
    The DWGR multiplies your dodge chance by 2.
    The Grass Crest Shield multiplies your dodge chance by 1.1
    The MoC muliplies your dodge chance by 1.2
    The Cloranthy Ring multiplies your dodge chance by 1.25

    The highest possible dodge chance is 50.1%, unless I missed something. If I missed anything, dodge chance will cap at 50.1%

    Parries are twice as likely to succeed as dodges, but can only be used 3 times per combat engagement, or 3 times per 10 combat actions; whichever event happens -last-.
    Partial Parries block 50% of all incoming damage, and are twice as likely as parries.

    In conclusion, once your dodge rate is above 25%, you will always at least partial parry.

    During Backstabs and Ripostes, you take 90% less damage.
    When blocking, all damage is reduced to whatever the single digit value was; unless you were not capable of blocking the blow.

    When human, I will be rolling an invisible die, if it rolls a 1, you will be invaded by a level appropriate invader, whom will wear level appropriate gear that will be randomly selected by another die-roll. (Dice are re-rolled if he does not have the stats to use it.)

    So, without further waiting...
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:45 am

    Past threads on our hero's journeys.
    You are in a jail cell
    [This post will become more neccesary once I've been doing this longer....]
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:47 am

    The Bird finally releases you from it's talons. You fall unharmed onto the spongy earth below you. Another fire is nearby, but it has already been lit. A man wearing armor far superior to your own laughs, before staring back into the sky, as if people being dragged into lordran by airmail was normal. perhaps it is...

    You are dressed like this.
    You have 564/594 Hp, you can level up 3 times.
    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Wade_Wilson Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:00 am

    Level up vitality, endurance and strength.

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by VinheimProfessor Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:03 am

    I level up intelligence twice and faith once.

    I also look around to see if better clothing lies anywhere, as rags are so not my style.

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:06 am

    First reply wins, my friend from Vinheim!

    I was gonna say level DEX once (for bow) and END twice lol!

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by VinheimProfessor Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:13 am

    Ah, sorry - I didn't know the rules! Maybe next time happy
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:16 am

    Wade_Wilson wrote:Level up vitality, endurance and strength.
    You have increased your stats!
    You stand up from the bonfire feeling stronger then you were before.
    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:24 am

    I cautiously approach the armored man, and attempt to make conversation, hoping he can provide some insight regarding where I am and more importantly, where I should go..
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:27 am

    BackwardsBaboon wrote:I cautiously approach the armored man, and attempt to make conversation, hoping he can provide some insight regarding where I am and more importantly, where I should go..
    The man you approach looks glumly at you. He then begins a riveting tale of how there has been many champions before you, and how each sucked horribly. He tells you of two bells of "awakening" you must ring, one above, and one below. He informed you that these bells were the first of many steps on your journey, but that not a single man has ever rang even one of them, let alone both. You might as well just give up.

    He then goes on to tell you about how hollow you are looking. He reminds you that keeping up with your humanity is necessary, motioning towards the well, claiming he'd prefer you just jumped in, so he wouldn't have to listen to any more of your noise.

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:33 am

    I walk over to the well. Considering my depressed state I seriously consider taking armored man's advice to jump in, but am snapped out of it by the poor dead guy slumped over the side of the well. I take a closer look...
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:35 am

    You discover a black bead on the body! You intuitively understand it is the humanity the armored man spoke of, and you wonder if his advice to jump into the well was posed so that you would locate it.

    You place the humanity in your inventory.

    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:53 am

    Not fully trusting a man who LOOKS more human than I, yet seems more depressed (and just told me to jump in a well) I keep the weird little "humanity" thing in my pocket, and figure the first place I should explore is the nearby structure, which appears to be a shrine of sorts.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:55 am

    The shrine has a large, rectangular pool of water inside of it. This appears to be ceremonial. On the left side is another doorway to the unknown.

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:03 am

    After checking the open chest and discovering it to be empty (was really hoping to find some armor besides this waistcloth & helm) I go through the door. I see a cemetary, and from a distance I notice something shiny lying among the tombstones. Figuring nothing dangerous could possibly be in a cemetary, I descend the stairs...
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:07 am

    You acquire a small trinket. To your surprise, it fades before you can make use of it. You feel as if you could become stronger!
    You can gain a level at the bonfire.

    behind you, bones start to rattle, you turn around to discover two skeletons that have re-assembled, and they are looking at you!

    You are in combat.
    Skeleton[1]; ?%
    Skeleton[2]; ?%

    Skeleton One raises it's sword above it's head.
    Skeleton Two is rolling towards you.

    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:38 am

    I throw up my shield and backstep, hoping to dodge skeleton 1 and block skeleton 2.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:41 am

    >You have rolled a 7.
    You dodge the first skeletons attack, then pull up your shield and block the second skeletons blow, taking 9 damage.

    You are in combat.
    Skeleton[1]; ?%
    Skeleton[2]; ?%

    Skeleton[1] is not able to reach you, Skeleton 2 is in it's way.
    Skeleton[2] pulls it's sword back for an attack.

    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by BackwardsBaboon Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:43 am

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:51 am

    I think you are really trying to get yourself killed.
    No matter.

    You roll a 21!
    Your parry fails, but you still block the attack, taking 130 damage.

    You are in combat!
    Skeleton[1]; ?%
    Skeleton[2]; ?%

    Skeleton[1] starts to move into a position it can attack.
    Skeleton[2] raises it's sword above it's shoulder.

    What do you do?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:05 am

    Damn, Rynn still going strong. That dedication, homes. Are you using a computer program or Zocchihedron die for this game?

    P.S. I roll behind Skelly 2 and try for a backstab.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:07 am

    I have a real 100d in front of me to roll.

    You roll a 92.

    The skeleton crashes it's blade into you twice.
    You take 400 damage.
    You take 185 bleeding damage.

    You have died.

    You are at the Fire Link shrine bonfire. You have lost all unspent experience points. You have lost 0 copper coins.

    What do you do?

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Yukon Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:07 am

    (Awh, I was hoping someone would kill the two hollow knights and throw all 5 of the hollow bodies over the cliff face on the right, and see if their collective mass cushioned the precarious jump over the edge to avoid the asylum demon. No matter, that was a tight fight to everybody who participated.

    Rynn, I won't be able to play until later this evening, so when you reach the end of this thread do you plan to post links to the one you create after? I assume you will be on thread 6 in blight town before I get back haha. Also, I was curious about the double action, will we always only roll once when attempting to do two things to two enemies? Like when I got an arrow to the face and just now with these skeletons? Or do you plan to roll twice once in some circumstances? Looking forward to seeing how this went when I get back!)

    Last edited by Yukon on Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by Rynn Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:09 am

    All dodges are seperate die rolls.
    All attacks are seperate die rolls, unless you stunned the opponent, as stunned enemies (and players) have a 0% dodge rate.
    I will link new threads at the end of old ones. New threads are being created at a chapter by chapter basis. Normally this means after slaying a boss.
    Duke's Archivist
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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:11 am

    Cool, I notice an elevator heading down. The armored man mentioned a bell "below," I take it. In New Londo I speak to the blacksmith, loot the Estoc, collect the Transient Curses, and cross that rickety bridge...

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    You are on a Pilgrimage. Empty Re: You are on a Pilgrimage.

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