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    Character Pics and Sigs

    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20

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    Character Pics and Sigs Empty Character Pics and Sigs

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:18 pm

    Just wondering if there is a program or website that allows you to make 3-D models of a character in Dark Souls for avatar pics. I mean this as in picking their armor, weapons, and maybe a background of choice. I am also wondering if there is a site or program that allows you to make Dark Souls sigs. Can someone let me know, and possibly provide a link to these sites, and or programs.

    Posts : 666
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    Join date : 2012-05-10
    Location : Lost ruins of Oolacile.

    Character Pics and Sigs Empty Re: Character Pics and Sigs

    Post by RandelOolacile Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:31 pm

    I was just thinking of a visual character creator! I hope that if there isn't one someone will make it! =D

    As for sigs I would assume anything like Photoshop would suffice!
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20

    Posts : 347
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    Join date : 2012-04-11
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Character Pics and Sigs Empty Re: Character Pics and Sigs

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:35 pm

    For the sigs, i was kind of thinking more on the end of preset backgrounds that you could add Dark Souls-based pics and quotes to.

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