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Buggy Virus
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Dueling/Invading

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:31 pm

    Now some of you may know that dueling and invading are two different things, and we all have different mindsets for both when i invade as a Darkstalker i kill without pity or remorse invade kill invade kill, but during duels i find my self ALWAYS holding back because well if its FC im fighting freinds and nothing is more annoying then getting your bumkicked one side of sens to the other, anyway to my point.

    where is the line between your invading and dueling ive found that if i dont know the person i have no remorse in tearing them apart, but in FC if im stunlocking and the person is just about dead ill stop and give them a breather usually resulting in me getting overkilled cause they are mad you stunlocked them to oblivion which in turn makes me mad for going easy in the first place, i dont know if we can have split personalities in this game Can we go from being ruthless killers, to civilised duelists the next too many times ive wanted to BS punish a parry fisher or when the leave themselves oopen only for me to remember where i am.

    Sorry for the Rant i just thought i needed to get my thoughts out there, the duality between Invader and Dueler is hard to keep balanced. thanks for reading
    Duke's Archivist
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:36 pm

    It's understandable, I try to be respectful regardless of situation, though if I'm fighting a douche/gankers then all gallantry is out the door and I fight ruthlessly.

    If I'm fighting questers I usually feel them out for a bit and switch to a weapon appropriate to their skill level. Sure, it's killed me more than once but it's how I like to lay.
    Buggy Virus
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:53 pm

    Or in duels people could just use the stunlock escape. . .

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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by RANT Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:53 pm

    i have been invading sen's on my warrior, no poise and hr(for parries). i have a bss and mura on my right hand and comp bow and dark hand on the other, usually i do it just to spar and kill the host but once i see that they have a phatom all bets are off since i knwo the phantom is prbably gonna try to chain my ***.

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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by About8547Souls Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:57 pm

    I have no problem transitioning from ruthless to reserved, but I do have a problem in changing my fighting style. I find myself having opportunities to BS an invader and suddenly stopping. Then I realize, "Oh yeah, this is an invader lol." if I can get that down I'd be A-1.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:57 pm

    If its one person I follow my honour code. If its more than one, even if its a quester, I go all out.
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by Carphil Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:04 am

    That why I can't switch toons too often. One minute I'm a DW fighting gankers, doing everything cheap and suffering everything cheap. Then on the second minute I'm a dueler at burg, I try never to BS and if I feel my opponent is too weak for me, I'll try to not attack so much and give them time to think, then sundetly they BS me with hornets. I don't know if I should feel guilty, angry, or worse, pity

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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by mugenis4real Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:33 am

    Literally just depends on my mood.

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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by larri42 Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:41 am

    If I am doing PvE and somebody invades me, I will probably not be too fair to the invader. I will use all sorts of tricks.

    I am usually very aggressive on the forest too, and even double sometimes. I just have the feeling that the forest is a place of lawlessness.

    Other than that I enjoy some nice honorable duels.
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:48 am

    I have a fairly easy time, provided I haven't been invading in the forest. That sort of gets you in the "Kill everything that moves, and everything that doesn't" mind set. But I take a breather in between invading there and dueling. Otherwise I still play personally by FC rules when invading, though I do BS punish. If its a ganker though, or if they taunt, well then the gloves come off and I just kill them. Dueling someone is one thing, but killing almost anyone is pretty easy if you are willing to go that far.
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by cloudyeki Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:50 am

    If I come across a solo host or a quester I'll usually drop a humanity and bow. If they charge I'll burn them to a crisp with zero remorse. If they bow then I'll gladly duel them, using my pyromancy only if they use some magic or bow/crossbow first. After all, it's fun to duel so I try to drag it out a bit.

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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by reim0027 Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:18 pm

    My PvP experience is about 95+% organized PvP (or invading into world where people are waiting to be invaded) and <5% invading questers. Because of this, I have a really hard time being ruthless. General PvP playing rules are so ingrained into me, I have a hard time playing any other way.
    Chosen Undead
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    Dueling/Invading Empty Re: Dueling/Invading

    Post by billy_bayonet Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:10 pm

    yeah, i went from FC into the Darkstalker stuff and i found i really enjoyed it more then dueling, dont get me wrong ill still duel, i just find it so hard adapting my vading from my dueling

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