So how powerful is this lag might you ask? I've been using it to easily kill gankers. On this toon, I have a +14 DMB+3 Zweihander, can use Hornets with high poise and DWGR. So, I've just been buffing, then running up to the host who is standing still. I hit him twice, then walk around and backstab him. He gets up, I wait a few seconds. Then suddenly we move slightly, the host dies in what seems like one hit to them and I don't take any damage. Because I never actually appeared in the world to them. People have mentioned that I've killed them without so much as a warning message saying I've invaded. This is broken as hell. Sure it's amusing to use on gankers, but it's just way too powerful. It takes any challenge and fun out of it, so I think I'll stop invading until my net is smoother.
Still, it's very weird. And I just thought I would share the ultimate power, of a terrible connection.