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    Stealth Tips?


    Posts : 1206
    Reputation : 106
    Join date : 2012-08-07

    Stealth Tips? Empty Stealth Tips?

    Post by Seignar Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:32 pm

    So I've decided to take the role of the Assassin and kill my opponents
    purely by ambush and critical hits. Now the problem here is that I'm
    just a beginner and so know little of the actual tactics of a stealth
    fighter. So I secretly ask of you, my fellow stealthmen, can you provide some tips to get started assassinating? I know Chameleon and RoF, but just how effective are they in reality when being deceptive?
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

    Posts : 4689
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    Join date : 2012-01-26

    Stealth Tips? Empty Re: Stealth Tips?

    Post by Rynn Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:37 pm

    Step Number one of being Stealthy is to not be stealthy.
    Stealth is really about NOT fighting the opponent. You make them fight YOU. Rather it's them vs the environment, your job is to make them forget you exist...
    So ring of fog, Sorcerer, base stats for the bandit dagger, make it lighting.
    Only need Chameleon, Fall Control, and the Slumber Dragoncrest and Fog Ring.

    Slumbering will silence your feet, so you may cast fall control, keep your level BELOW 40. Please do not play in any area's before Sens, but you keep your level so low so that you can NOT directly fight your opponent. Ambush them with monsters instead.

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