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    Reputation : Guide

    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:28 am

    Point Down

    Now then I'd love to go over the reputation of this site, some have asked questions in the past and we have set up some useful threads. I thought I might set up one that touches on the mechanics like regular, but also ideas in using reputation.

    Point Up

    Now for those who are new to the forum, you will need 35 posts before you can alter the reputation of another. When at this number of posts, a + and - will appear next to posts of other forum members. A simple click, and you will up or down their reputation. Making them go further positive, further negative, lower, or raise, or even take out of being in a neutral state. You can only once effect the reputation of a post, personally. If you see that a post cannot be repped despite the fact that you could do so before, it means you have already left your opinion on the matter. However others of course can still change or add onto what you've said about the person with the reputation you have given them. You may only rep another person twice a day. Thanking is however not effected by this. To thank a person you must have created a thread, it's a wonderful tool in regards to having problems solved. If you ask a question, thank the person who answered it best. If you were asking for Co-Op, thank the person who helped you. You get picture I think.


    Now often we let our opinions get in the way of who we rep, and who we do not. An example being for those who admit to ganking. While I personally am against the act, they're a player like you or me. Now, there are instances of course where it is obvious a person is trying to get negative responses. This is a form of trolling as many of you probably know, try to tell the difference. Pay attention for things that are needlessly mentioned, or involve calling out groups. More often than not you should save your reputation for hurtful and helpful posts. The reason being that if a post is repped up, it tells people that more of that kind of post is wanted. The opposite, that it isn't wanted. This helps in building the community a bit better, and can give people a slight reward for contributing and a slight punishment for hurting the forum.

    Praise the Sun

    Another thing is to use reputation in regards to moderation and people breaking rules. It is never a bad idea to rep down a post that blatantly goes against the rules. Not something simple especially if the poster is new such as making a slight remark. More so big red flag things, posting NSFW content without a warning or filter, making incredibly offensive remarks or harassing others. As well it's always nice to rep up the moderators of the forum and those who are helping out. If a dangerous thread gets locked feel free to + whoever did it. If one of the admins is giving an announcement about a change let them know it is appreciated.


    I know the reputation system is just a little number under the name of a person. Some of us use it to make judgements off one another. If a person has high rep sometimes we will be more inclined to listen to them. If they have -25 and have the name "SuperHackerHates(Insert Racial Slur)" you will be more inclined to not listen to them. This is a bit of judging a book by its cover, but understand its more so looking at the past of a person and trying to gauge what they will do in the future. That isn't to say some haven't earned reputations that they do not deserve. A misunderstood remark, or in my case low level easy done comedy.


    Now we have also had abuse of the system, for there is no system that isn't misused. Many have been getting randomly repped down for very civil or bland posts. Do not fret, more than likely no one on the forum has a problem with you if this is the case. It is merely someone trying to ruin our system, as such just ignore it until it goes away. Giving it too much attention will only cause them to do it more.

    Look Skyward

    Another small thing is that reputation does not count in the off-topic section. If you positive or negative there it does not add or subtract from them. They'll see the red or green bar, but the number will not change. In regards to this, it is often where the more hilarious posts are made so often people use there reputation there without causing a real change. Which isn't a bad thing of course, it's a very neutral act.


    This has been Tolvo's small guide to Reputation, made by of course Tolvo! Everything in this is an opinion as you must know, aside from the factual information such as number of reps per day. Have a pleasant day, and please be nice to your fellow members.


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    Post by Rin Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:47 am

    Hahaha, (just 4 u tolvo tongue ) I have my own ways :roll: --->
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:14 pm

    I suppose a reputation guide wasn't a wanted thing.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Post by DoughGuy Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:41 pm

    It migth just be where it is. I dont think many people check this section.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:42 pm

    They totally should. sad
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:45 pm

    Tolvo wrote:I suppose a reputation guide wasn't a wanted thing.

    lol..., no.

    I'm sure it was wanted. I don't care much because I don't care about rep, but this is a comprehensive guide and people are always asking about what to make of this site's rep therefore this will become a go-to thread for many very soon, I'd wager.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:47 pm

    Well thank you for the feedback, and yes I know many don't care too much about the system, but I do feel on this site it has a pretty good use.
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    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:03 am

    the irony of the post is just astounding silly

    how many stickies will this be now? i lost count..
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:09 am

    I don't know if this one should be a sticky actually, because it does contain my opinions on the use of reputation and very subjective matter.

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    Post by Tristan Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:41 am

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested, but why not remove the option to negatively impact rep. This would have many implications. Not only do people not get punished for absurdity or discrimination, but it would place a high value on rep which would in fact encourage people to care about how the community views them because it would take more positive feedback to actually make an impact on a person's value.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Post by DoughGuy Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:47 am

    Negative rep is there because it is meant to show when someone is deliberatily unhelpful or offensive. Its meant to show not to be full trusting of that person.
    And Im chuckling a little cause I saw you had negative rep before I wrote this. Sorry lol.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:47 am

    I don't know if it would reflect things well enough then. People who are rude, insulting, or post incorrect information intentionally would just have zero rep, or keep what positive they have. It would mean there is no more punishment, as well many of us don't get that much negative rep anyway.

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    Post by Tristan Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:06 am

    That is okay, but what I am trying to say is that instead of impacting rep negatively you can base your trust in a person based on how high the rep is. I usually trust most people with over 10 points myself... I know... I'll provide an example...

    Joey has 0 rep

    Tristran has 30 rep

    Jillian has 10 rep

    Msrie has 17 rep...

    In this case where rep cannot be impacted negatively 0 rep would stand for an untrustworthy member. Of course this is dependant on how new the member is and how many posts they've participated in as does with the current system. At least for me a newer member is still neutral regardless of rep. I'd say just off of the top of my head 150 posts should be somewhat like the end of your 90 evaluation/training period if your starting a new job persay. I'm getting a little off my point so i will return to it. Since 0 is untrustworthy as opposed to negative reputation, there will be a higher demand for more positive values. 10 would no longer be the base breakpoint to surpass into the trustworthy realm. With this in mind, what is this breakpoint? I would say it's possible to see this breakpoint be anywhere in between tristran and Marie, but I would think it would more accurately rise above 20. Making anything above tristran unquestionable or highly valuable. Or a "Tolvo" since it is no secret that he is well respected and highly respectable.

    The chart might resemble the following...

    0 rep= troll
    10 rep= not quite trustworthy yet. kind of unpredictable.
    15-29 rep= trying.
    30 and above= The men and women that make this community greater by coming here each day.

    This is of course just a breif thought on how to solve rep abuse without scrapping the system.

    EDIt- I just read your post Tolvo. This is why I suggested that my idea would place a higher value on higher reputation points.
    Town Crier
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:12 am

    The problem with that is that it sort of makes it seem demonized to be a new member, which isn't a good thing. When a new member comes in I like to think of them as a blank slate, rather than someone I shouldn't trust yet. Sure if they say something really insane, I'm not going to believe them. But say someone who is new mentioned themself killing a gank squad with a whip. I'm not going to instantly say impossible, I don't know them yet. I'll just ask them about what tactics they used. I prefer the idea of Zero equaling Zero, rather than ten equaling Zero. A troll and any new member would have the exact same reputation, while someone who has negative behavior could instead have a negative rep.

    So instead of looking and seeing,

    Joe has 0, he could be a jerk. It would be, Joe has 0, he could be a nice guy or a jerk, let's find out by talking with him.
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    Post by DoughGuy Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:14 am

    Also what about people who arent necessary helpful, but are part of the forum? I know people who didnt get their first +1 until around 250-300 posts. SHould they be punished for enjoying the forum but not being overly helpful?
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:25 am

    By the way, I'm not saying your system wouldn't work. It might, it's different from what I'd like but if people recieved it well, it could work. I'm just saying I prefer the current system. I like that you are thinking about different ways to look at it though.

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    Post by Tristan Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:39 am

    Tolvo wrote:The problem with that is that it sort of makes it seem demonized to be a new member, which isn't a good thing. When a new member comes in I like to think of them as a blank slate, rather than someone I shouldn't trust yet. Sure if they say something really insane, I'm not going to believe them. But say someone who is new mentioned themself killing a gank squad with a whip. I'm not going to instantly say impossible, I don't know them yet. I'll just ask them about what tactics they used. I prefer the idea of Zero equaling Zero, rather than ten equaling Zero. A troll and any new member would have the exact same reputation, while someone who has negative behavior could instead have a negative rep.

    So instead of looking and seeing,

    Joe has 0, he could be a jerk. It would be, Joe has 0, he could be a nice guy or a jerk, let's find out by talking with him.

    Yes I believe you just pointed out the most important flaw of my suggestion. I did think of the negative affect of starting out at zero when things cannot go below that value. i do agree that the pressure of rising above zero may be far greater than what they are willing to strive for and may be scared off.

    Mind you that I am not trying to troll, but imagine for a moment that in a situation out on the streets and in the real world a new "member" comes into a local bar. Is it automatic to open your arms to a new person that just entered or is there a little bit of tension and that overwhelming feeling of unpredictability? Does this new person feel like he has to do something to earn everyones trust? Most likely...

    I don't know though, I may be over thinking this a little? I am definitely trying to get a feel on how people think though. What drives a persons thought process into certain conclusions is exciting for me, so I may come off as trollish or nosey sometimes but I just like to feel people... hmrph... out... silly lol

    @Doughguy- Like I previously explained and is the second most important flaw. Most of the population would basically need to understand that in order to properly gauge ones trustworthiness you might want to look at how active they are. Of course, I think we would all benefit from this in the current system as well. Something that can easily be remedied by a post similar to what Tolvo has done here.

    Right off of the top of my nogen it might read something like-

    "Before you start insinuating how positive or negative a person can be i would like to encourage you to research how much the poster that you are about to award with a pos/neg point has actually participated in."

    With some arbitrary value of what is considered a fair standard amount of participation.

    Again I am intrigued and excited to be discussing the rep mechanic of the forums so if I am over thinking this just let me know.
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:45 am

    See on any other forum, I would agree with the system you are proposing. But the thing is this place is overly friendly, in a creepy way some might feel. We do open our arms to new members freely, and trust one another. Even if a new member accidentally breaks the rules we usually just give them a heads up about it and try to explain to them about why what they did broke the rules. In the real world sure, it's seen as being naive to act as such. But we try to keep as friendly and welcoming as possible of an atmosphere here, which is probably the reason why the reputation system is still in effect and hasn't been disabled.

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    Post by Tristan Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:01 am

    Tolvo wrote:See on any other forum, I would agree with the system you are proposing. But the thing is this place is overly friendly, in a creepy way some might feel. We do open our arms to new members freely, and trust one another. Even if a new member accidentally breaks the rules we usually just give them a heads up about it and try to explain to them about why what they did broke the rules. In the real world sure, it's seen as being naive to act as such. But we try to keep as friendly and welcoming as possible of an atmosphere here, which is probably the reason why the reputation system is still in effect and hasn't been disabled.

    Interesting... Thank you for the insight! bounce

    This would be why you have so much rep and is well respected and famous around here...

    Proper Bow

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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:03 am

    I'm having a hard time responding to that without it sounding like I'm tooting my own horn, but thank you very much for the remark. And I was the one who did rep up your post by the way, because while you did disagree in your comments, I love feedback like that. It's always great to hear from other sides in an educated manner, and gives a better understanding of ones own views. Keep it up and stick around, someone has to dethrone me at some point. Now what i just said totally sounded arrogant, but it is supposed to be hopeful. I swear!
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    Post by DoughGuy Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:12 am

    Tolvo wrote:I'm having a hard time responding to that without it sounding like I'm tooting my own horn, but thank you very much for the remark. And I was the one who did rep up your post by the way, because while you did disagree in your comments, I love feedback like that. It's always great to hear from other sides in an educated manner, and gives a better understanding of ones own views. Keep it up and stick around, someone has to dethrone me at some point. Now what i just said totally sounded arrogant, but it is supposed to be hopeful. I swear!

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    Post by Tristan Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:19 am

    Tolvo wrote:I'm having a hard time responding to that without it sounding like I'm tooting my own horn, but thank you very much for the remark. And I was the one who did rep up your post by the way, because while you did disagree in your comments, I love feedback like that. It's always great to hear from other sides in an educated manner, and gives a better understanding of ones own views. Keep it up and stick around, someone has to dethrone me at some point. Now what i just said totally sounded arrogant, but it is supposed to be hopeful. I swear!

    Haha! I don't see it as tooting your horn. It's more like taking a little bit of pride in the fact that you are a good person. It's not arrogance though. At least that's how I think. Double thanks for the rep boost too. I personally pride myself on being understanding and truthful at most times. Sometimes I can over do it, and hurt someone. What bothers me the most though is when I disagree and/or don't like something and I don't confront it. I learned a long time ago that shying away from what is truly on my mind usually leads to more terrible things.
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    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:26 am

    Usually I find we are too worried to ask the intent of others, because we feel that in admitting we don't understand that we are showing a vulnerability or flaw. But just always remember, miss-communicate is a word for a reason. So never feel wrong for asking a question. And disagreeing is never a bad thing either, each side is just a new way to look at something.
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    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:52 am

    yay, i constantly strive to make the community better according to the new guy big grin

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    Post by mrbeckham87 Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:51 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Well thank you for the feedback, and yes I know many don't care too much about the system, but I do feel on this site it has a pretty good use.

    +1 rep for Tolvo!

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