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    Coincidences Empty Coincidences

    Post by Digitalyzed Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:23 pm

    Okay, here's my story up to here. This is no tall tale, only a past series of events of which I have paid no attention to until they began to "fit together". I will start from a day roughly two weeks before my country's summer holidays, the exact date I cannot recall. Maybe this is but a coincidence, but it's starting to nag me more and more.

    Day "1" (For lack of a proper date)

    Me and my friends were busy shopping for lunch at my local Tescos store, and after purchasing myself a sausage roll (The base food of Scotland), and a drink, we stepped outside into what was a rare, and pleasant warm summers day. Stepping away from the entrance, and heading to the spot across the road where me and my friends normally wait for the others to get out, a small-ish (Maybe 5"8 to 10) Asian woman stepped in front of me and asked "Have you considered a career in modelling". I assumed her to be some woman working for a company and brushed her off immediately to find someone else to attract into her buisness offers, but strangely she just walked way from the store, taking out her phone and placing it to her ear as she quickly paced up the road away from me. The two friends who were with me were a little surprised, but I brushed it off before they could crack jokes about me, and I thought no more about it.

    Day "30" (For further lack of a date, only a rough time jump)

    Now my mind was clear of all thought of this small Eastern woman and her buisness offer from out of the blue. Yet one day when walking up the street, and passing the local bakers, I noticed her inside the store, standing looking at pastries, without buying a single thing. This isn't weird as such, but when I passes by roughly 30 minutes later, she was still there, with her small Nokia phone in hand. It looked rather dated, and as I watched it, she turned to stare me down for a good 10 seconds before I left the area. I thought she must have recognised me after shooing her away, and was either angry or just passive and interested (In my hunk-like figure of course
    lol ). Once again, I thought nothing more of this meeting with her, and other than the fact I had never seen her here before the first meeting, and not since then until this moment, there was nothing odd about it.

    That night I dreamt of Bowling or Snooker balls crashing into each other. When I was a child my brain would form these dreams and they would get so vivid, in ways I couldn't explain, that I'd wake up in a cold sweat. This was the first one of those I had gotten in about 13 years or so, and one of the few dreams I remember perfectly (Along with one or two about flying, and some odd ones to be later mentioned)

    I'll continue this in the next post, as things started getting a little odd for me then, I even have some phone camera video footage I might try to upload.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Coincidences Empty Re: Coincidences

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:36 pm

    Coincidence, or not?

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    Coincidences Empty Re: Coincidences

    Post by Digitalyzed Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:43 pm

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:Coincidence, or not?

    That's what I'm trying to work out, but it gets near scary stalker level later on. Let me finish my pizza and I'll continue in a bit.

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    Coincidences Empty Re: Coincidences

    Post by bunnywink Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:09 pm

    It's a bit hard to determine if it's coincidence or plain stalking. Do you live in a small town? I mean, if you do, it would just be coincidence. Are you sure it wasn't another Asian lady? I'm Asian and I always got mistaken for other Asian people, especially when I was living in a small town.

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    Coincidences Empty Re: Coincidences

    Post by Digitalyzed Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:22 pm

    Now we should leap forwards in great strides to a date near the start of July I believe, in which I was freshly relieved of study. The holidays had started only a short while ago, and yet not a spot of sun was to be seen, only dense fog and quick showers of rain that would never allow the paths to dry up for more than an hour. I bring you, what through lack of proper dating I can only refer to as:

    Day "60" (Or so)

    It was during these first weeks of the holidays, in which nothing was happening, that me and my friends were frantically trying to find a day of the week in which clear skies were to be had, so that we could make the most of the summer with a large party, the third of recent times, and the first of the holidays. On a Thursday we found a spot of decent weather, and set up tents in my garden so I could host a garden party to 10 or so people. The party went perfectly well (Excusing some throwing up and passing out by some), and we slept in the tents that night, though I use the term slept loosely. That night, the wingbeats of small fruit bats, and the metallic clank of the nearby factories kept my friends awake, some irritated, some uncomfortable, but I slept soundly. However, when we woke up the next morning, I was annoyed to find that the wall to my garden had been delivered a massive chip into the stonework, coming from the outside of my house. This was more an annoyance, as it was my friends I blamed for this, but later on I had my suspicions...

    Day "62"

    Two days after my party, I was alone in the house, having nothing to do with my mates away and others at work. I did the usual; Played games, worked on projects, ate stuff etc, and the day went by with little to no occurences. That was until 6 PM anyway. After finishing my tea of Salmon with lemon and the works, I went to get my garage keys, to access some of my brewing equipment. While standing in the porch, I watched as a man in a red and white jogging suit ran past, but instead of continuing past the gate, stopped and gazed at the crack in the wall as if it was something so much more interesting. I blamed him for that crack from then on. I didn't like him, but I though nothing more of it.

    The night after that I dreamt of circles and spherical objects in general again, though the details were far less clear.

    (Just so you know, this may sound like it's building up to be a horror, but I swear each of these events, written and to be written, are very real occurences that may hold no pattern, but puzzle me in some ways at the very least.)


    It was most definitely the same woman, as we have basically only her in my town as far as Asians go. The town's medium sized at most, but there are enough people to not know many of them if you follow me.

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