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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Duke's Archivist
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:49 pm

    I feel where Sunlight is coming from, but dan is also right.

    That's good place to leave it at. happy

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:05 am

    dancash1808 wrote:Hey, it was a defensive counterarguement! >.> the first aspersions were cast at the DW's

    oh and sin lets you invade up beyond 10% ? cool. never knew that.

    Either that or I encountered major glitches. I DM'd somebody really high up there before. I was in the forest being a DM and invaded somebody that suicided and gave me a massive amount of souls. Maybe it was a glitch but it happened. And I would just rather not debate this at all Dan. I used to argue it passionately but after a while it becomes tiresome. However even +10% is more credit than most people give us. They all assume we only invade down and that we are cowards and/or bad players. It gets annoying.

    So yes lets just leave it.
    Chosen Undead
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:10 am

    Yes lets xD however yeah the forest is veeeery glitchy! xD I have been every kinda phantom except an orange there lol only through the ring.

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by ROOSTER330 Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:22 pm

    If this cov still lives.....

    I Officially invite this Covenant to the Small Cov Tournament/War! Help promote your Cov and join this event! SL for this Tournament is 99, Starts Nov 9th. Read the Opening Post for more details!

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:21 am

    I shall now invoke the forbidden art of the necrobump. And with it I shall breath life into my covenant once more! Eww I think some bugs moved in while I was gone....

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:19 am

    Anyways we are open for business once again. I shall be spending time doing my usual thing in Anor Londo so if you are on xbox and a DM in full Brass armor with a glowing Ricard's Rapier invades that would probably be me.
    Chosen Undead
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by dancash1808 Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:20 pm

    SunlightCrusader wrote:Anyways we are open for business once again. I shall be spending time doing my usual thing in Anor Londo so if you are on xbox and a DM in full Brass armor with a glowing Ricard's Rapier invades that would probably be me.

    Oh dear. another darkmoon to slaughter twisted

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:52 pm

    Oh dear another ear to add to the tally. Coffee!

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:50 am

    Seriously though any and all Blades of the Darkmoon would be welcome. I'm very interestes in reviving my covenant. Any ideas and/or help doing so are also appreciated.
    Chosen Undead
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by dancash1808 Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:56 am

    You might wana restart with a new thread. fresh start fresh thread and all that silly

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:38 pm

    Hmm alright I will get on that later. I have somewhere to be shortly so I don't have time to do so at the moment.

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:50 am

    You know Crusader if I ever make a new toon Ill dedicate it to aiding your cause.

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:25 am

    Joy Awesome. Still this cov will need more than that to live. Hmmm...

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by vatar5 Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:14 am

    There's me :silent:

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:40 am

    Where did all the good causes in Lordran go?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:47 am

    Read the rest of the forum. No one likes me the good guy anymore (except foe like me, sun and hoshi).

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:38 pm

    The issue is that DMs have such a bad rep (don't get me started on that) and many people don't understand how we function. And as Dough said nobody likes the good guys. Everybody likes the anti heroes, the underdogs, etc. We are the crusaders of the gods actively pursuing good in their name. We are boring to most people.
    Chosen Undead
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by dancash1808 Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:42 pm

    Or you know... evil ^.^

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:50 pm

    Even full on evil is kind of boring to them. I mean look at the currently active covs; they are neither purely good or purely evil. They are either a balance of the two or completely independent of morality.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:57 pm

    SunlightCrusader wrote:The issue is that DMs have such a bad rep (don't get me started on that) and many people don't understand how we function. And as Dough said nobody likes the good guys. Everybody likes the anti heroes, the underdogs, etc. We are the crusaders of the gods actively pursuing good in their name. We are boring to most people.

    You know this is an excellent summation of the psyche of the player-base. I know that I (forgetting that whole invading down business) have always felt a lack of connection to the DM covenant on a personal level. That whole SoV thing just screams "Lordrinian police force" to me and I'm too much of a rebel to get into that. silly

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by wolfboy Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:06 pm

    I have a completely different view of Darkmoons... I've always felt that the Darkmoons weren't really intended to be the police- they are intended to promote PVP in dark anor londo... and PVP in general through indictments... For example- I always indict players who fought me honorably or creatively so that hopefully I can invade them and fight them again- and so that other darkmoons will get the opportunity to fight someone skilled...

    I love playing my darkmoon build... I'll totally get involved- I'm on Xbox360...

    I think we should do a coordinated indictment day... like get a big people to indict everybody in the township... then we'll pick a day and go in and clean up- with the township flooded with sin everybody will get invaded by us...

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:41 pm

    wolfboy wrote:I have a completely different view of Darkmoons... I've always felt that the Darkmoons weren't really intended to be the police- they are intended to promote PVP in dark anor londo... and PVP in general through indictments... For example- I always indict players who fought me honorably or creatively so that hopefully I can invade them and fight them again- and so that other darkmoons will get the opportunity to fight someone skilled...

    I love playing my darkmoon build... I'll totally get involved- I'm on Xbox360...

    I think we should do a coordinated indictment day... like get a big people to indict everybody in the township... then we'll pick a day and go in and clean up- with the township flooded with sin everybody will get invaded by us...

    Well as far as lore is concerned they are more or less the police force. However you are likely right as to there more practical purpose. Okay then I will add you when I am on my laptop (on my kindle now). We had armor restrictions and the like before but I am considering loosening those to make them more flexible. However I would ask that you choose one of the major area groups if you want to join. This would by no means limit you to that area at all times but it could be considered your primary area of operations so to speak.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:29 pm

    You know I been a darkmoon since god knows how long and finding others is not easy. Maybe because of your purpose for this cov or me being a darkmoon, but mind if I join?

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:37 pm

    Of course you can join. Just pick one of the groups in the info. Ignore the armor bit for now I'm going to change that to be more flexible, probably just make a list of permitted armors and allow people to choose from those as they wish. Armor classes is too meh though I may put reccomended armors or something like that. Like I said I'm on my kindle now (not willing to chance messing up the front page with touch screen) but I will add you when I next use my laptop.

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    Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon! - Page 5 Empty Re: Lordran's Deliverance: Join us my fellow Blades of the Darkmoon!

    Post by vatar5 Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:18 am

    May I join the Darkroot's Rebuke force Ô messenger of Our Lord Gwyndolyn? Prayer

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