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Doctor Snuggles
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    League of Legends

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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:42 am

    That is kinda neat. I was asking because I'd put Wit's End into my build and I just wanted to make sure I was seeing all its benefits.

    Think I'm going to try dominion. Never tried it.

    Survey says....I liked it. Had a lot of fun in fact. Going to do it again.

    For the most part, if I'm playing a competitive game, I don't really mind kill poaching. When you're playing as a team and a teammate comes to your aid and just happens to kill someone you're pursuing I don't really see it as a big deal. I've certainly done it myself sometimes, both by mistake and on purpose. Getting the kill I mean. Don't really take people's kills on purpose. Some players though are just ridiculous. I can't help but be a little frustrated playing with them. Just finished a game with by far the worst one I've ever seen. His entire strategy playing was based on stealing kills. I was laning with him at the Twisted Treeline as Kayle, and he was engaging enemies with me, then either falling back or hiding in brush while I was fighting them, then he'd wait for either my abilities to be on cool down or for my health to be low after giving it everything I had and then he'd come out and take the kill while our enemies health was low. After 7 of those, I know because I had the assists for all of them, I got frustrated and started purposely screwing him. I'd been supporting him also for the most part. Healing him when his health was low and throwing Intervention on him when he clearly needed it. So I started doing exactly what he had been. We'd engage enemies together and I'd fall back too and just sit and neither of us would attack. At all. At one point we just sat while they attacked our turret. I was just sitting and waiting to see if he'd attack on his own and he didn't. I waited until our turret was around half health and I engaged without abilities and waited for him to decide I'd softened them up enough and come out then I left him there outnumbered. He got mad and went to bottom lane to do it to our other teammate. At the end of the game we each had 4 kills to his 15, I had 7 assists and my other teammate had 8, and at the end game stat screen each of us had done astronomically higher damage/damage to champions than he did. I had nearly twice the numbers in everything except kills. I just don't understand the mentality.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:42 am

    I don't mind if someone finishes a guy for me, better to get the assist than to let him get away, but I hate people who rely entirely on stealing kills.

    You don't get any more IP from it if I'm not mistaken, and you only get more gold, which you don't need if you're just finishing kills.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Spurgun Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:14 am

    Doctor Snuggles wrote:You can't rely on E for your damage. If you max E first you push the lane so much when you go to last hit. Yes - you may turn it off but what if you fight someone who pokes or has DoT's or range or just super mobile?

    Cho needs to be able to damage/farm from a distance. He isn't a tanky beast early game, he usually loses lane if the enemy decides to go all in early on.

    Also, Armor/MR has been nerfed quite badly in Season 3 so building Health early then transitioning to Armor is smarter in most cases. Brutalizer will chunk through your armor while it sure won't do much vs your increase of health.

    It looks like you don't really know how Frozen Mallet works but... It only slows the MS of the person you are attacking. There is no AoE slow, it is only transferred via auto attacks. Also, the current % health damage on Liandry's is reduced by MR so it isn't the best buy on someone like Cho Gath with no Mpen (or your very small amount of it).

    I've played about 3000 games of League so far and I've been around for quite a bit of changes throughout seasons. Maxing W is your best choice in all categories. Mid/Top/Jungle - it's the best skill to max for him. E is a one point wonder because Cho has no gap closers whatsoever. Yes, Q can be an initiation but only if someone is caught out SUPER out of place because of the range and the slow reaction of the spell.

    I always  max E in the jungle with cho though. Because you're not always gonna get the blue buff, and E is manaless. It doesn't matter that it's AA based in the jungle, where all the monster will just stand there and AA you as well.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:29 am

    I've been looking at Shen, and Mordekaiser, are they any good?

    I've looked at Mordekaiser's abilities and it seems like he's easy to run from. Shen looks like a solid champion, not a killer but more of a babysitter since his Ult. allows him to drop in on the middle of a team battle.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:54 am

    Latitoast wrote:I've been looking at Shen, and Mordekaiser, are they any good?

    I've looked at Mordekaiser's abilities and it seems like he's easy to run from. Shen looks like a solid champion, not a killer but more of a babysitter since his Ult. allows him to drop in on the middle of a team battle.

    Mordekaiser is pretty scary as long as you know when to pick fights and when to disengage. It requires a bit of teamwork since you'll be relying on your teammates for CC and you don't have great 1v1 potential without an enemy minion wave to power your shield, but if you have a team who will focus your ult target and can learn to back out of small engagements you can do great things with him.

    As for Shen, he's a very...I think the work is "polarizing?" He's one of those that there are no middle ground players. You are either very bad with Shen or an expert. It takes alot, and I mean alot, of constant map awareness to use your ult effectively (unless you're on a full premade team of 5 and you're all using voice chat programs), and since he's the only ninja who isn't squishy, you'll actually find yourself running into problems where you run out of energy in the middle of fights, and since his most important ability, his taunt, costs him more than half his total energy it takes some serious ability management to be effective in a teamfight. In all my 2000ish games played, I've seen maybe 4 genuinely good Shen players. That all said, definitely try him. Just know that there's quite a ways to go if you want to keep using him past an experimental stage.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Latitoast Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:04 am

    Well I'm using Riot Points to buy them that I got from a card, and I don't want to buy a Champion, figure out he doesn't fit me well, or he's not very good, and then end up rarely picking them.

    I think I'll save them, and see if there's anything I like out of next week's F2P champs
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:40 pm

    Shen can be great. I've never used him myself, but I've fought some very impressive Shen's. He can work really well against any kind of slow melee range champion. Very effective kiter, and his speed/abilities that allow him to cover distance makes him ideal for holding lanes alone. They're pretty different champs if you ask me. I haven't seen too much Mordekaiser though. If it were me choosing between them at this point I'd probably go with Shen though. Just because I've seen what he can do and it's no joke. Had one just own me the whole match while I was using Nasus a lot. We were both solo top lane, and he was fast enough that he made it nearly impossible for me to farm despite the fact that he was bouncing back and forth between top and mid for ganks.

    Last edited by PlasticandRage on Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:41 pm

    Just joined recently and already giving people tips.
    I'm guessing you're liking it?
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:43 pm

    Well I'm level 16 now. I play enough that I've learned a few things, and I'm always asking for advice which puts me in enough of a place to be able to give some advice myself because I've learned things from people with more experience. But yes. Really enjoying it. I bought Last of Us on release day, a game that everyone, including myself, seems to love, and I haven't gotten very far in it because LoL has been having the Dark Souls effect. Keep playing it all night then remembering I have a new game I want to be playing.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:22 pm

    Trying out Nunu. Another champ I've had forever and haven't tried yet. Any advice?

    I'm looking at his abilities on the wiki. With his passive would AS be viable on him? Not as the primary stat of the build, but maybe after AP and defense?

    I was thinking about equipping him with a few items that attack movement too, in order to make his ult easier to use. Yes? No?
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:33 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:Trying out Nunu. Another champ I've had forever and haven't tried yet. Any advice?

    I'm looking at his abilities on the wiki. With his passive would AS be viable on him? Not as the primary stat of the build, but maybe after AP and defense?

    I was thinking about equipping him with a few items that attack movement too, in order to make his ult easier to use. Yes? No?

    Tust me when I say you'll get all the AS you need from Blood Boil, and you can pretty much completely ignore it when itemizing your build. You'll want to build a bit of AP, but focus mainly on CDR and tanky stats. I personally prefer to build him as a Tanky AP, focusing on things like Spell Vamp (works along with his Q to provide insane healing even if you don't max it) and an early Rylai's with an Abyssal Scepter thrown in later to help with his Ult, though most other Nunus I see tend to just build the Rylai's as a second or third item and focus on things like Frozen Heart or Shurelia's Reverie.

    As for the ult, you will really only use it as either an ambushing tactic or a way to scatter the enemy team. It works as an ambushing move because if you use while you're in a bush, the enemy can't see the spell effects unless they enter the bush so you can safely start channeling as they approach your hiding spot and, unless they notice the slow, won't be able to see it coming. Also, if you aren't ambushing someone, relinquish the idea that you'll be doing a full channel with it and accept that they will likely flash out of it. Since it already slows people inside of it, stacking other slows on top of it via items like Iceborn Gauntlet or Frozen Mallet is kind of wasted effort. All you really need is your E.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:40 pm

    Yeah that all makes sense. So far my build is: Sorcerer's Shoes, Runic Bulwark, Frozen Heart, Liandry's Torment, and Rabadon's Deathcap. I was thinking either Abyssal Scepter or Athene's Unholy Grail for either a substitution for a defensive item, depending on the situation, or for a sixth item depending on how long the game goes. You think I should change something out for the Abyssal Scepter? Or throw Rylai's in there?
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:56 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:Yeah that all makes sense. So far my build is: Sorcerer's Shoes, Runic Bulwark, Frozen Heart, Liandry's Torment, and Rabadon's Deathcap. I was thinking either Abyssal Scepter or Athene's Unholy Grail for either a substitution for a defensive item, depending on the situation, or for a sixth item depending on how long the game goes. You think I should change something out for the Abyssal Scepter? Or throw Rylai's in there?

    He's one of those champions that's incredibly flexible with his builds, so I won't tell you to strictly do this or that.  Do what works for you, because all I can say is what works for me.

    Anyway, I personally find Rylai's and Abyssal must-have items on any tanky AP character (Abyssal especially on close-range characters), and for your listed items I would swap out the Bulwark and Deathcap for them.  Nunu isn't really a bursty champion, so the Deathcap would at best be a 6th item luxury, and I would prefer the stronger CC with Rylai's than the extra tankiness offered by Bulwark (also, if someone else is building Bulwark then there's no need for you to do so, so I very rarely treat it as a core build item and only build it when it's up to me to build one for the team).  Also, I wouldn't take Sorcerer Shoes, but most likely either Merc Treads or Lucidity boots, with Sorc Shoes being the case only in games where I get fed and want to keep the early damage advantage.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:48 am

    Just finished my first game. I ended up doing Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadon's Deathcap, and Rylai's. I was doing incredible damage. I got a 4 champ multi-kill. I waited for a team fight and snuck through the jungle around behind them and started casting so they had nowhere to go. Either into my team or into me. Got 4 of them. Only one had lowish health too. Crazy damage with that ult. He does pretty impressive damage with his E too if you're stacking AP. I think I might ditch the Bulwark for Rylai's, and just be done. The damage boost Rabadon's gave my E was very very noticeable, and if there was one thing I was thinking that whole game it was that I didn't have enough options for damage. All he's really got is his E and his R. I felt like stacking a lot of AP damage on those early was totally beneficial.

    I might try to throw some lifesteal in there. He already has pretty great sustain with his Q. Lifesteal on top of that might be amazing. I already have a lifesteal quint, and not really anything else that's spectacular to use for him in that regard. I'm so close to Sejuani right now too that there's no way I'm spending IP on anything else before then. I'll probably have her tomorrow. I'm at 5700ish right now I think.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Doctor Snuggles Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:09 am

    Nunu is an interesting champion because of his very unique kit. Q does huge true damage to minions and heals for a crap ton while W is an insane AS/MS buff to an ADC and yourself. E is so obnoxious because of the speed at which it slows and the duration, also on a pretty short CD. R can either win you teamfights... or be interrupted for extremely low damage.

    The thing is though, it is hard to give advice to you while you are still learning the game. Builds/Playstyles that people may recommend don't all work at that stage of the game - Bronze is different from Silver, Gold is different from Platinum etc. All I suppose we can do is say what works best for us and take what you wish.

    I recommend jungling Nunu. Even at level 16 with no setup mastery pages or rune pages. He is a nightmare in the jungle, the rate at which he clears/counter jungles/ganks is... it's indescribable. You'll be more of an asset if you jungle as him since if you go mid you lose out on having a dedicated APC and top is just a super boring farm fest.

    Also - building him with a bit of AP and a bunch of resists/HP is the way to go. You can't rely on E/R to be doing your damage. Though, I could be wrong saying that since you seem to do perfectly fine going for the straight damage route. Just be sure to position yourself every time you think a team fight may occur. Your ult WILL change games with good positioning. 

    Consider Spirit of the Spectral Wraith even while laning. The spell vamp + AP will wreck any laner you fight against while Q will heal for unfair amounts.
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    League of Legends - Page 40 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:04 am

    Doctor Snuggles wrote:
    Also - building him with a bit of AP and a bunch of resists/HP is the way to go. You can't rely on E/R to be doing your damage. Though, I could be wrong saying that since you seem to do perfectly fine going for the straight damage route. Just be sure to position yourself every time you think a team fight may occur. Your ult WILL change games with good positioning. 

    Consider Spirit of the Spectral Wraith even while laning. The spell vamp + AP will wreck any laner you fight against while Q will heal for unfair amounts.

    Maybe I should just bite the bullet and try to do some real jungling. I'm still yet to do that. I think part of it is that I really haven't seen anyone doing it well yet. So in part I don't feel like I entirely know what I should be doing there. The objective is almost entirely to gank right? From what I've seen it seems like the buffs come in because junglers fall a bit behind in level? Is that right or have I just been watching bad junglers?

    Most PvP games I play where we end up starting to lose I usually end up bouncing around and trying to gank. I rarely, if ever, attack creeps though. It's just been something I end up doing because I generally push my lane early with Malph and because of that end up being the only one able to come when people are asking for help. This last game I just finished I ended up laning a good 20 minutes or so solo in all 3 lanes one after another while my team ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, chasing single champions into groups in brush over and over again and getting killed. So I guess to some degree I'm learning my way around the jungle. I just don't know anything about the creeps. I'm going to look into that and watch some jungling videos I think.


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