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    Wanted: Marvellous Chester Set/ Estoc & Parrying Dagger


    Posts : 1
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2013-06-29

    Wanted: Marvellous Chester Set/ Estoc & Parrying Dagger Empty Wanted: Marvellous Chester Set/ Estoc & Parrying Dagger

    Post by Swordsman_Zac Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:45 am

     Hello all.

    Proper Bow 

    After just recently coming back to Dark Souls from a long hiatus, I found an armor set and fell in love with it after rummaging around the wiki. the sinisterly refined Chester Set. I like the look, and am willing to trade near anything from one of my old save files for a set. I don't mind if it's unenhanced or not, but I'll trade more for higher levels. As an added bonus, I'll also trade for an Estoc and Parrying Dagger. Once again, don't mind if they're unenhanced or not.

    Sounds like a cakewalk, right?



    Look Skyward 

    It's for a completely new character I want to make, meaning SL 1.

    I'm on PS3 under the name Swordsman_Zac.

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