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    Bow for Murakumo Build


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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:26 am

    I'm currently working on a Murakumo build, and am considering utilizing a bow in PvE and potentially in PvP, though I've never really attempted using one seriously in PvP.

    Either way, I obviously know that the Black Bow of Pharis will scale S with my planned 40 Dex, which will be sweet and all...but in PvP it seems it has to be either the Shortbow or the Composite Bow due to their quickness. Thus, my quandry:

    In Demon's Souls, I remember Quality weapons, when two handed, could outdamage both Crushing and Sharp weapons if you divided your points between STR and DEX properly. That proper ratio was approximately 2:3 (str:dex).

    In Dark Souls, my character will ultimately have 28 STR and 40 DEX. Two-thirds of 40 is 26.6666, so I will be at about this ratio, which leads me to believe that the Composite Bow (with C/C scaling) might actually outdamage the Shortbow (with A Dex scaling only) given that you automatically two hand a bow. However, I do know that the scaling seems to work differently in Dark Souls, and thus this logic may not even apply.

    Hence why I am askin' you dudes. So, what do you think? Or should I nix the PvP bow idea completely and stick to my Murakumo, using Pharis for strictly PvE?

    Thanks in advance for your time and attention.

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by LordRevan Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:55 am

    I checked on a calc that should be up to date. Says Composite +15 = 405 Shortbow +15 = 343. Thats Standard arrows

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by sen545331 Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:50 am

    Take into account the composite is made for shorter range and i think has an even higher base than longbow (i could be wrong)
    so with the c/c scaling off of a decent str (28) and pre-DR dex (40) it would benefit much more than the solely A scale from the shortbow
    granted, close range, nothing beats the dragonslayer, the knockback alone can save you, check out youtube for bow pvp, couple people make some pretty good usage of the dragonslayer bow (look for the dueling ones, not the ones where they take it out randomly because an invader is hiding far away)

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by strangejoy Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:45 am

    Agree^^^. You've got the stats for the dragonslayer, and it's a solid pvp bow due to the knockback. Its only problem is that it weighs so damn much.

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by djgq42 Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:46 pm


    i am thinking of using the murakumo for the first time, what are your planned specs gonna be?

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by ErrJon6661 Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:36 pm

    According to the Dark Souls stat calculator I used, with your stats your best bet is the composite bow. You'll do 405 damage at +15 with standard arrows. You could do 461 damage if you upgrade it to chaos +5 and use fire arrows.

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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:55 pm

    Hey, thanks so much guys.

    I realized like 10 minutes after posting this that I had the stats for the Dragonslayer Bow, so I threw some Twinking into that (I had nothing else I wanted to upgrade with it, anyway).

    Still, I'm definitely upgrading my Composite Bow now. Probably going to use poison arrows with it in the end, because, well, sometimes functionality beats out raw damage.

    Really though, thanks again. :pirat:
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    Bow for Murakumo Build Empty Re: Bow for Murakumo Build

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:10 pm heres a video of someone using both of those bow's to good effect.

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